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EZ-Cloner review

Anyhow, I meant to add, he says just get powerclone, don't use bleach. The only clones you'll lose are the ones that get crowded out by the giant ones. You'll get about 100% rooting. Worth it. If you're broke, get Clonex and expect it to take a week longer to root, still very high success rate 90-95% last time.

He also says there are people who do it without all these cheating ways such as powerclone and ez cloners, but they worry more about where they take their cuts and how woody the stems are. We can take a nice, thick, hard stem that will bush out into a giant clone or future mother plant, or material for a bunch more clones and get it to root with powerclone in the ezcloner.

He also says the pumps are more than you need, but it certainly doesn't hurt. He says that there is so much movement of the water that it really is better for your plant. Of course, plenty of people have great success while letting their pumps take breaks.
All I do to clean my 5 year old EZ-Clone is fill it with water and one bottle of hydrogen peroxide from the drug store. Then I run it for a day or so flipping the foam collars several times.

Then I dump it and clean the red sprayers as my old EZ-Clone does not have a filter on the pump and gunk builds up on the sprayers. Cleaning the red sprayers also quiets the unit down significantly as the water is broken into smaller droplets.

I do not scrub a thing. The only thing I clean myself is the sprayers and that I do under a running faucet. I let the pump and the hydrogen peroxide do everything else.

I have never lost a batch of clones in 5 years with this machine and recently had my best results ever by adding fresh-brewed casting tea every 3 days. I have never used a timer and I run my pump 24/7 with lights at 18/6 or 20/4.


I followed the advice in this thread, and it got my ez-cloner to work, which was nice, but in the end it didn't work any better than a bunch of rapid rooters.


Active member
Quick update. Day 11.

PH 5.78. Water temp 77.8. Water clear and smells fresh and clean.

Leaves look nice and green and are nice and perky.

No roots. No bumps on stems.

did you use any hormones? if not, then it's really not such a long time to wait for roots. Even with powerclone, it takes about 2 weeks. clonex takes about 3. well they start showing bumps at 1-1.5 weeks for pc and about 2 weeks for clonex. if you don't see something in another week or so, really think about investing in power clone. it's pricy but oh so good.


Active member
So interesting thing happened. Last night my timer went haywire. Basically, I believe my clones didn't get water for over 2 hours. When I went to look at my clones they were all laying flat. I knew it couldn't of been too long, so I bypassed the timer and put the pump direct into the plug. Three hours later I checked the clones and every single one of them were super happy looking.

This morning. No roots.

I just checked now and 3 of 40 clones have roots showing. I swear this must have something todo with that huge period of no water. Gets me thinking that a 5 min on / 1 hour off timer setup might accelerate things.

Anyone experiment with longer periods of off?


Active member
Anyone experiment with longer periods of off?

A guy who calls himself Dcyans swears by 30 min on and off as being the quickest to root. This guy has done a lot of experimenting and has been using aero-cloners for 10+ years with probably 10's of thousands of clones. He's tested the shit out of the things.

old toby

having trouble keeping water temps down in my cloner. would the off times help?/ the pump heats the water,, so if its off it seems like it should help?/:comfort:


Active member
Yes leaving your pump on all the time does heat your water and a normal push timer or digital will do. The cheap timers come in 15 min intervals usually and the digital ones can do one minute intervals.
Hey there just want to toss my 2 cents in, I have been using ez cloners since they first came out, through all the bad eggs.

Through all the years the tried and true method I use is this:

--Ezcloner 30 site w/only the water pump for the water ring, no aeration needed.
--Machine needs to be freshly run with bleach 10% water 90% overnight. Then throughly rinsed with cold tap water, no hot involved. Filled with ph 6.0 tap water, around 70F or 65 if you can maintain it.
--No cloning hormones are needed in this process, simply a clean razor and fast hands
--Take fresh clones directly from mother into a running Ezcloner machine with a 45degree angle, w/o allowing a air bubble into the stem(this means be fast, or drop it in a cup of the same cloner water to trasnport to the cloner)
--Run Ezcloner for 15 minutes ON after all cuttings are taken
--Use a timer with 5 minute intervals, 5minutes ON, 5minutes OFF
--Set and forget it, no spraying
--120Watt High Intensity light is useful for this application, 24hours of light a day
--Repeat the cleaning before the next batch of clones is taken

I moved off the rockwool domes about 6 years ago, even aftert master that to a 90% rooting rate. Haven't looked back once. First couple machines were really horrible, now they seem to have it down.

I get 100% rooted clones in 5-7 days, and have to plant within 10 days or the roots sit in water.

I am also now using hard water at a new house, natural ph of 8.1 with ppm around 220's. Used to have better water north CO, natrual ph of 7.1 with 65ppms or less I MISS IT!

GL man keep trying!



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Active member
When it comes down to it I think success is about leanness, good tap and healthy cuts to begin with. Right now I'm cloning in water that is too warm and a pH which is too high and I still get 100% (just takes a few more days).


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
For what it's worth, I fired up a 48 site "turbo clone" about 10 days ago.

Added some store brand beneficials (tricoderma and what have you).

Started showing roots about 2 days ago, and today about half are almost ready to transplant and the rest are rooting quickly.

My ambient air temps have been in the low to mid 80's and the water is warm.

Had a little slime at about day 5, removed a failing clone and clipped off some soft spots on a few others. Added more of the same beneficials "root defender", and (knock on wood) everything has been moving in the right direction.


so i read in this thread that aquashield is like ewc tea.. or is it better to use ewc instead?
anyone use gh bio-root in the cloner also?


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
Round #2 through the "turbo cloner" and I've got roots showing on a handful in five days.

Just ph'd water and some "root defender" in the res.

There was even a bit of foam from a small bit of residual soap I used to clean it up the first time. Did not seem to bother them a bit.

I'm sold......as close to set it and forget it as your gonna get with cloning. :dance013:


Active member
Has anyone done experiments where you added 5 cups instead of 1.5? Or what happens if you let a bucket bubble and just add molasses every other day? As long as they have food the good guys should keep multiplying into a super slime killing army.

turtle farmer

what brand timer are you guys using that are 1min on/4min off?

I'm running the CAP timer part # ART-DNe..on an ez120
...It's the best IMO:tiphat:
I've sampled many different on/off combinations 10 on 20 off works for me...ran it ON for longer,but that made the "stem rot" come on sooner...15 and 15 worked pretty good also...PEACE