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Eye Candy and Bud Porn


Some photos of the garden to share with you as of this morning.

The greenhouse is Sour Diesel

The plants in smart pots outside and in the ground are OG Kush 1 is Diesel with the cage around it.


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And now for the ugly..

terrible problem ........epidemic.... with gophers this year with about half the plants in the ground. Gophers made their way in or over the wire and ate tap roots. giant plants with stems larger than you can get your hand around were chewed up until the plant fell over. I was able to repair some of the wire by digging around and inserting more wire, but the damage was done. I had to pull 4 plants. the plants just stopped growing or half of them stopped growing. all smartpots on pallets for me next year.


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Active member
pallettes for additional gopher countermeasure? or in case you have to load them on a truck and move locations? been wishing I had that latter capability the last few days. 24' wide GH? That plant spacing looks excellent... fully stretched?

Curious if you have seen smartpots fail vs. gophers.


The greenhouse is 30x50. The pallets are gopher countermeasure but more importantly, I was able to move fully loaded pallets with my tractor with forks from mixed dirt pile on other part of property.

In regard to the spacing.... it is alright. A little too cramped length wise. I could get away with 2 less plants in each row for a total of 18 instead of 24. Not much I can do width wise, it will have to work. It will be a total canopy in a week or so. They are currently in stretch. The rows on the outside are touching the 10' height of the radius already with some branches up to 18" higher. It will be cramped.

I am not running any end pieces on the greenhouse and the sides are rolled up for ventilation.


To answer the Smartpot vs. Gopher question..... I have not seen one penetrate. In fact a neighbor moved some smartpots this winter and saw the hollowed out tunnels under the pot where the gopher would probably sit and drink from the fountain so to speak. however, there was no gopher penetration.

Pallets are just that much safer.


Here are some up the skirt shots of the females.... and a seemingly required stalk comparison shot.


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Nommad.... by the way... my drip is a copycat of your setup... been lurking around these pages absorbing info like a sponge. thanks.


I typically top clones at the 4th to 6 node. Veg up a 4-5' lanky looking plant then when I transplant, i pull those shoots literally horizontal in an X formation and tuck it under the hortanova trellis. the laterals then become the new verticals. this creates an even canopy and more "buds per square in"


Active member
That system was designed and installed by ICMagger onetime64. Haven't seen him around in a while...

Knowing what I know now, the system needs some modification. Each doser should have a cutoff/bypass valve- for example. I was going to do it this year but since it will be my last here, I'm just using the system as-is.

with 10 foot spacing you should be able to count on 3 pound plants? obviously just a best guess with limited information... just trying to figure what a GH like that can pull down. I will be changing my whole grow this coming year and something like your operation (on a radiant heated pad of some sort) may be in my future.

I have voles and every year they prune anything that dares to grow under the pots they tunnel under. I worry that year to year deterioration of aeration pots of whatever brand (don;t want to start that controversy in your thread) will eventually make them brittle... this year I am going to use CLR and pressure wash.


beautiful grow, trees, and property bro. were those shop lights all you used for supp. lighting ? i assume not but thats all i see so i must ask!

amazing set up


I didn't purchase the dosers, just using the inline emitter tubing. Dosers look like a great idea, however, I can use a tote to premix the solution perfect and pump to drip.

with regard to the yield... I have found that by pulling the plants horizontal upon planting has increased my bud sites by at least 40-50% by opening up the middle. it is an even canopy instead of large stalk in the center. I have gotten 3# off smaller plants but wouldn't shake a stick at that if thats what the count is at the end of the season. Would love to see 5#.. we'll see.

Currently in a battle with unknown fungus on a branch. if you have a chance take a look at the pics on the thread i got up. stem and fungus disease. perhaps you may have some input.


beautiful grow, trees, and property bro. were those shop lights all you used for supp. lighting ? i assume not but thats all i see so i must ask!

amazing set up

Thanks bro.. Yes those are the only supplemental light I used. I vegged up in 10gallon bags in the greenhouse and supplemented with 2 of those shop lights you see in the pic. total of 240 watts. worked just fine.


Soil comparison in OG Kush Plants

Soil comparison in OG Kush Plants

Couple more OG Kush plants... doing a soil comparison

Local soil mix vs. FFOF

The first plant with pink spray paint on the pallet is the FFOF... Doesn't mean much at this point... we will see in the end.


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nice lookin grow man, lookin very organized and good strain selection my OGs look similar real stretchy....also doing a side by side with roots organic and FFOF..


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I find that FFOF's main benefit over other bagged mediums is that it starts very strong. I tested it against my own mixes by leaching water thru it and testing runoff ppm. FFOF read at up to 2200 ppm on the first leaching... My amended soil from last year came in at 800. But after 5 or 6 leachings (leached 1/2 gallon of water thru 1 gallon pots of soil), the amended soil was maintaining a ppm of around 500 for longer... after 10 leachings they acted the same maintaining about 200 ppm till we stopped.

This shows me that FFOF has more fast release soluable shit in it and my amended mix has better slowly soluable stuff in it.

And we are just talking about the stuff that dissolves in water. I am poorly versed in how plants actually eat what I feed them... I am just measuring the ppm of run-off. A lot more will come into it as the plants metabolize what is there... I have some pots with new Greenfields in em and they are large marge for sure. But they also have 300 gallon pots... so... its not really clean science. Its typical nomaad style science-i-can-live-with. Simple experiments with tools on hand that add something to our understanding of how things work.

Time for some botany and ag textbooks? Maybe.


Greenfields in em and they are large marge for sure. But they also have 300 gallon pots... so... its not really clean science. Its typical nomaad style science-i-can-live-with. Simple experiments with tools on hand that add something to our understanding of how things work.

Time for some botany and ag textbooks? Maybe.

Heard good things about this soil. I can tell you with almost certainty that I will be receiving delivery of soil next year on a flatbed truck instead of a transfer trailer load. I speculate that this fungal problem I have on several plants was something soil borne.

I can tell you with certainty that vegging plants in FFOF and transplant into FFOF was almost seamless. The plant didnt skip a beat. But transplanting into the other blend seemed to take a couple more days to adapt.

something also about the drainage in the ffof.. great drainage. uses a little more water but that is a good thing.


Good Morning

Good Morning

Plants loving their transition feeding yesterday.

Close up of an OG flower

Also a pic of Platinum og clone planted in the ground a month ago... busting out.


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