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Extremely early sexing...


New member
Hey guys, just started my first microcab grow 12 days ago with Lowryder and I was expecting it to determine sex at 20+ day but I see 2 extremely small paired needle looking -green- protrusions above the first 2 leaves (not cotyledons) on every side (4 total sides) of the stalk. Sorry for being such a noob but what does this determine if anything? Thanks -MK


dont feel bad krunk, i did the same thing haha.
i thought they were females at first but then realized its way to early to sex and i'm still on 24 lights


with Lowryder strains,

if you cut back the light even just an hour 23/1 they will show in like 3-6 days, and probly start flowering,
even the non-autoflower phenotypes.
ya i did the same thing... thought i had all females and i was so excited... then 3 of them grew big ass balls... heh guess not all weed plants are female anymore.. :rasta:

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