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Explain what is the best way to control plant height?


Grow like nobody is watching
Haha yeah blue stops stretch.

Keep all tips at the same height. Then they grow evenly. My best result was a once off HST session on day 1 of flower and I got 18 oz from an ~1.5ft tall plant, no further training required. I'll give you a link instead of the whole details of how I did it but I never grow trees now. A tree gets far less buds lit than a flat layer of buds, for an equal aged plant. The flat layer has every bud lit at any one time. There was no popcorn.



Desant - you seriously need to search and stop crapping all over the board. What are you even asking here? Just switch to flower when you feel they are reaching 60%-70% of your desired final height (applies to most, not all indica-dominant varieties). If they get too big, tie them down/bend them over.


Active member
llamaschool but how funny was THIS shit below??

Exact opposite to your exact opposite actually. Blue light is less stretch, red light is more stretch. This is pre pre-school stuff. PLEASE do some basic reading. Both of you.

Sometimes I really miss ol Ty Stik.



Active member
Llama and everyone else that has told you to search,especially since all the questions being asked are as FB said,pre-pre school....so the jokes on you....



No need to be condescending and act like an ass for a simple question.

Your situation in your cab would probably benefit most from LST.

What strain are you growing?

If plant height is a huge concern for you, you should look for a strain that grows more compact.

I agree with shawkmon on the container sizes too.


Overkill is under-rated.
I tend to try and give them a height complex by making fun of them. That tends to make them sad and slow their stretch. Best way to keep a girl how you want them is to give them a complex.



Hahaha! Good one

FOr a small grow yes, LST or SCROG is best (as mentioned above) but for larger grows pruning and/or careful foliar spraying of Bushmaster will stop stretch overnight, just make sure the girls are the height you want them before using BM, it works VERY well applied at 1-2ml/gallon foliar sprayed at the 12/12 flip and once more a week later if needed (it won't be.)


Active member
Bushmaster? :chin:

A plant hormone product manufactured by Humboldt County's Own. It is very powerful stuff. Introduced at the beginning of flowering (switch to 12/12) and sometimes a repeated application is made during weeks 2 or 3 of flowering.

Bushmaster kicks the crap out of internodal spacing on the cannabis plant, esentially halting vertical growth of the plant in its tracks. Growth during flowering stretch is then diverted to horizontal/bushier growth.

Works well on indicas; mixed results on pure sativas and some sativa doms.

Combine all of these methods: supercrop/top/FIM with training via SCroG or LST and then hit the plant over the head with a dose of Bushmaster at the appropriate time(s).

If done near competently, when all of the above are used to manage and shape plant growth, you should end up with a more or less even canopy with multiple bud sites and multiple colas that grow thickly and evenly, while not over-stretching and staying within the vertical grow space allowed by your lights. Doing all of this will allow you to maximize grow space, make the most of your available light and, ultimately, boost your harvest by more than a factor of 2. That's right: the payoff here is a yield which is more than twice what it otherwise would be.

In short, reading up on these techniques is pretty much central to growing MJ indoors for those who are aiming to make the most of limited space. You should be reading up on these key concepts and techniques.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
lst is the way to go many differant ways do some research to find out what works best for you i use led sinkers from my takle box when theyre small you can add weight easily as the plant strenghens up you could see it on jerseydro hawain snow under greenhouse forums we had major height issues with them bitches do to not planning rookie mistake i made once all the probs i had were worth it as it is still one of my fav strains and still grow it now i just give her plenty of room check out that grow im sure it will put you in the right direction dont worry if you break a few the first time theyll be fine they actually slow down more but i wouldnt recomend doin it on purpose plan better next time goodluck with whatever method you try peace