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Experience with psoriasis?

My father in law has psoriasis, anyone that doesn't know it basically involves painful shedding of skin and rashes. He has some experience with cannabis in the past, and enjoyed/enjoys it to a degree, but he Is looking for something that will help with his skin.
I know more info would be helpfull here, I'll try to get it soon, but long story short, he had some sort of cannabis drops he had been given to take orally for fun, and tried running it on the skin that was giving him trouble. He said it helped a lot in reducing itchiness and irritation, and wants to try some other products in the same manner, but He would like to find something that won't get him high.
I assume a cbd oil of some kind is what he wants, just figured I'd check if anyone here has experience at relieving psoriasis with any kind of a cream or salve or tincture or anything? We are in California by the way. Thanks in advance.


ICMag Donor
They are sold OTC at most major retailers. However, you can easily make your own. Capsaicin is an oleoresin, just like cannabinoids. Grow peppers, dehydrate, crush, extract just like BHO, evaporate. The remaining substance is capsaicin and the corresponding flavonoids, etc.

Use it to make a balm or salve, just like you would with cannabis.

Again, there are OTC products as well, sold as pain relief creams, but I don't know if the concentration levels are high enough for this particular issue.

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Active member
hey baked,

i recommend Copaiba Oil, BCP cannabinoid
is very good treatment for skin and many others sickness,
i hope your father in law can better
We have really good luck with cream that we make. We use concentrates infused in coconut oil added to cocoa butter and a drop of tea tree and cinnamon oil. . I’ll try to scale down our recipe for ya.
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 gram concentrate
Melt together
Add to 1 cup cocoa butter “ palmers or queen Helen”
1 drop of tea trea oil and cinnamon oil mix together thoroughly
Thanks for the answers guys. I do believe stress and anxiety are part of the cause, and yes regular old getting High COULD certainly help. He sometimes does. I appreciate that advice, but I'm really asking about treating the symptom here, not the cause. That may sound backwards, but I'm just asking about what he was interested in. If interested were for me I'd definitely try to treat the root problem as well. And he does. Lots of dietary things and excersize, no more drinking, etc...
The symptoms continue tho, and since he had some relief from running whatever drops he had he was curious about what might help without impairing him. He doesn't want to have to Be high all the time. Sometimes Is plenty for him.


I 'm a Psoriasis sufferer. I had an almost fatal outbreak of 'erythrodermic' psoriasis with some psioratic arthritis. The mainstream 'cure' was chemotherapy. I refused this and went home perhaps to die. However a radical chemist here (Oz) made up a high cbd Cannabis medicine and tinctures which almost totally relieved my symptoms within two months. one important ingredient in the medicines was Hemp Oil ... that is, Omega-3 oils.


I make my own cbd salve for my mother who has the worst case of psoriasis known. Over 50 percent of her body when it gets bad.

I have a recipe I use.she used it for a week and it made a huge difference she said. And it was noticably better.then she started taking enbrel and stopped using g it even tho I think the salve worked better. She didn't like the weed smell also since I did use the in the salve also.

It's pretty easy to make .just cost little bit of Money in essential oils and cbd isolate
I make my own cbd salve for my mother who has the worst case of psoriasis known. Over 50 percent of her body when it gets bad.

I have a recipe I use.she used it for a week and it made a huge difference she said. And it was noticably better.then she started taking enbrel and stopped using g it even tho I think the salve worked better. She didn't like the weed smell also since I did use the in the salve also.

It's pretty easy to make .just cost little bit of Money in essential oils and cbd isolate
Mind sharing your recipe?


Mind sharing your recipe?

1/2 cup coconut oil

1/2cup Shea butter

2 tbs of beez wax

1 tbs magnesium oil

1 tbs arnica oil

1 gram CBD isolate

I use weed coconut oil I make myself so it does have thc ....use normal if u don't want the and replace with normal coconut oil and CBD crystals.

Add any essential oils for the smell you desire.... I buy a mix pack at target.it has like lavender,camphor, eucalyptus,tea tree and some other ones....

It is kinda pricey but if u have psoriasis it's well worth the try


Well-known member
Coconut oil in these mixtures is very helpful too. My buddy suffers from it, the cannabis/coconut oil topically helped him but the reishi mushroom REALLY helped. He has largely treated his psoriasis, it occasionally flairs up but he is largely symptom free these days. He suffered from it for most of his life. The lauric acid helps with any microbes that are co-irritating the skin.
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Coconut oil in these mixtures is very helpful too. My buddy suffers from it, the cannabis/coconut oil topically helped him but the reishi mushroom REALLY helped. He has largely treated his psoriasis, it occasionally flairs up but he is largely symptom free these days. He suffered from it for most of his life.

What's he do with the mushrooms? Eat them or a topical of some sort?


Well-known member
Make tea, the mushroom is hard like wood and generally sliced is easier to deal with, 3-5 g daily, squeeze a quarter lemon in a small stainless pot and we have here rooibos tea (red bush) and throw in a teabag and slow simmer for 15 mins and let cool a bit and glug down, put fresh water and cook a second time and drink in the evening.

Or, take a stainless steel pressure cooker, add 1g vit c PER 100G mushrooms and add mushroom slices and add just enough water to cover, cook and drain, add water and repeat and combine then work out how many doses you have based on starting amount (3-5g a day) and pour into ice cube trays and freeze and you know how many cubes (or one if you make it concentrated enough) and defrost one dose a day and glug. I'm not gonna tell you they taste nice, you KNOW its is medicine when you taste it. After a while it begins to taste good and you might enjoy it. Sorta like really bitter old socks.


Well-known member
You know what might help? On a limb here, we have a medicinal plant here from the same plant kingdom as rooibos, called buchu that one also makes a tea from. It has a lemony bitter taste that is quite nice and although an acquired taste, I really dig it. It is an immune booster and health tonic as well as wiping out bad microbes and fungi through its essential oil cocktail. It also treats inflammation. I was thinking as psoriasis is immune and inflammation related, and possibly microbe/fungal related (which is why reishi would help, anti inflammation, immune boosting and anti-bad-bugs with over a hundred selective antibiotics in it).

So last year and earlier this I had a non serious but irritating thrush infection that would not go away with meds, so then I almost got rid of it with coconut oil (contains anti fungal compounds like mealworm poo and I always wondered why my mealworms poo would kill fungus living on old vegetable matter and in researching it, it was the same common stuff I think edit: Lauric acid) and essential oils but this thrush was a bugger. I picked it up after going on a course of antibiotics, within a week I had it flairing, so obviously my symbiotic bugs keeping it in stasis always had been wiped out by antibiotics which is common and it bloomed. A year later it would still return after dying down for a while, stress would make it flair, when my immune system would dive I guess. But symptoms and all a similar dis-ease to a psoriasis driven by fungus but not immune system unlike psoriasis. Now I had a 750ml bottle of "buchu water" in the cupboard sitting for ages, it doesn't go off and is the water from the steam distilling of the buchu when they extract the essential oil and the waste/leftover condensate water is still loaded with oils and sold here as a medicine. It had been sitting there in the dark for ages. I was reading the news one day and there was an article talking about thrush infections and how buchu was a wonder treatment and I remembered the old bottle and though what the heck, worth a shot. I tell you, taking a swig a day of buchu water, within the week that infection was null and void for good. 6 months or more later it has not returned. My reishi tea normally kills most bad bugs but this one was immune to it, but the buchu though was like nuclear death for the fungus.

So was writing this, out on limb, thinking that it might help psoriasis in the same manner with inflammation and immune system and especially if there is some microbial trigger. I googled it and my hunch seems correct and it is described to treat excema and psoriasis.

The plant :


There are quite a few species, even a "garlic buchu" that smells like the meanest skunk plantation is in the area. I have a wild serrated lemon leaf one growing here on the land I stay and I use/d it too although that one lacks one of the component of the proper ones' oil (the round leaf lemony one is the right one), it is still good and has most and all in all tea from that and buchu water from the proper one was 100% effective in sorting a recurring and persistent thrush and quickly. I reckon it might do the trick. Drinking it is like a systemic microbe reboot and immune boost and inflammation relief. I do not think it kills the good bugs so much as my microbes came right immediately after and I have not come down with anything since at all even though there have been colds and flus and stomach bugs and all sorts this winter but that is also due to regular reishi. Try buchu and get back to me? Something is telling me it could be a game changer the way it took out internal and skin thrush systemically in no time.

Another thing I just looked. I have an off and on athletes foot for so many years that I dont even bother with, fishing so much and spending so much time with gumboots on and wet feet there is nothing I can do except wear nice moisture wicking mohair socks. It never flairs really just there like a part of me haha..does not itch or anything and immune systme keeps it in check always but my feet are always wet in gumboots so thats how it goes. Just checked, nothing there, but I never noticed or took notice but I think its been gone since the buchu water drinking too.

Products including a tipple containing it..:

ALSO yeah another local plant that helps with all these skin conditions, bulbine frutescens or bulbinella, had a leaf here with me as the mozzies bite me as I type, I am dabbing some gel on to remove any itch and with tick bites immediately topically it stops infection or eschars forming and tick bite fever etc. Get some growing, it is a hardy and water wise plant and a lovely and beautiful bedding plant. It is a wonder plant for the skin, mild and serious burns, infections, skin inflammation, mild and serious sunburn, insect bites etc. Instant relief and helps the skin repair. Inflammation goes down topically in a minute as the gel contained in the leaf soaks in. I have had serious sunburn and wiped it on one half of my face that night and that side was 100% fine, with no redness or itchyness the next day and no peel, the otherside was painful, red, inflammed and peeled and itched like hell. This was the bushmans number 1 skin plant, aloe was only used as a substitute. Buchu is also an ancient bushman medicine, the bushmen are the ancestors of almost every human alive today as far as I know. The areas where these plants are found have been settled by the nomadic bushman for 200000 years, there are digs that have been done by the universities from around the world that have been dated but not yet published that put settlements at 180000 years ago on my buddies farm and glyphs and cave paintings showing these plants, and trance dances, geometrices and mantises, aliens and beings and elephants, lots of elephants all sort of shit on those paintings. I have seen them. LOL way off topic..but yeah bushman medicine is tried and tested and they and it come from the richest floral and aromatic plant kingdom on the planet (Fynbos). There are a higher density of species there of plant and flower and most are highly aromiatic, than in Malaysian and amazon rainforests. 1 in 5 african species of plants are found in a plant kingdom barely bigger than the Netherlands and most of the plants are medicinal in some way.
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Well-known member
Spoke to my mate recently again and asked him about his psoriasis..He said it is pretty much cured. Has not had a flair up in as long as he can remember now which is from someone who suffered a lifelong illness from it and used to only wear longs when it was bad.. He confirmed the reishi mushroom tea internally and bulbine leaf gel topically was a game changer.. They had the plant (bulbine) growing all along as a bedding plant and he just planted it outside everywhere so there was always some on hand for easy access. He used daily reishi for quite some time and still does.. Took a year or so but now he is symptom free for two years or so..

Also in researching Buchu for other purposes have I read multiple times about it being a traditional treatment for this and other conditions with strange persistant infections and reinfections and inflammation and auto immune response. The oil in another oil base topically or the distillate water drunk daily. I use it for my back and I'd put a swig of the water on par with a diclofonac for its inflammation relief and it clears up MOST persistant undiagnosed internal infections really really effectively. The reishi does too and also leaves you good micro flora and fauna intact. The buchu is like drinking napalm for internal fungi/candidas/bad bacterias like those that cause UTI's.. Your wee smells strongly like the oil the next day as it works through the system and any latent bugs not supposed to be there are pretty much wiped out in very few days..anti biotic resistant bugs or not..in my experience, they dont survive the buchu..

The localized anti inflammation effects of the bulbine gel is un paralleled in my experience, nothing makes a sore or infected cut or wasp sting or bite, tick to dog..goes from bright pink and inflammed to normal looking in minutes..I have never had anything from a shelf of a pharmacy work better nor faster. The stuff is unbelievable with regards to skin health. Unparalled, aloe comes close by not by a decent margin. I have been nailed by wasps a few times in the last week but I just grab a leaf at hand and in a minute literally I have forgotten about the sting..and return to smoke a fat j directed at the wasps nest and tell em to respect my space too mutherfuckers..and only nail unwanted intruders!!LOL My jungle roommates..

I use another bulbine for my inflammation, the root/stem tuber as a tea and that has been a revelation to me and works better than anything to make me feel normal and help my back repair, that I have ever found but has serious use precautions and is not unlike a steroid in the endogenous effects it effects..but wow cortizone does nothing like this..wow..I feel years younger and getting stronger by the day and my back and psiatic spasming up less and less and for shorter periods of time..Anyway natures pharmacy..not sure if the antiinflammation effects in the stem and leave gel are rfom common chemicals and do not think so but two plants in that family have been a game changer for me, one for my skin and one for my body..Reishi over all and buchu water have proven themselves to me after doctors have failed and failed on persistant infections I have had to deal with in my life including TB.

I am so lucky to live where I do, the plants are all wild around me, I was suffering so with my back and called to the universe for a solution to the suffering..and it turns out i was growing it all these years in my succulent garden that have moved around with me. I had quite a few of them that have just popped up over the years, just come from the sand used in potting or from birdshit? Man asks and pleads, and the universe says " But I have already provided you long ago? Where have you been" LOL
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