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Expected yield?

Smokey McPot

New member
hey all, I will have 15 Seroius Seeds AK-47. Some of my favorite on the web that i found, i got them from worldwideseeds.com. I am going to grow in soil and keep in mind their N-P-K levels, it is a trickey question but do you think i could yield 3-4oz per plant dry? I am going to be aggressive on the pruning aswell. The lighting is a 400w MH and a 400w HPS side by side.
Guess The Weight...

Guess The Weight...

Hiya McPOt,
Good luck dude on your 1st indoor grow on 800W HPS & MH. It's a very exciting time for you as this is your 1st in-door garden. I agree with Bazas comments appart from the MH bit? LOL guess he was stoned when he read your thread. You will get the best out of your babys from your MH and HPS both side by side (Seems like you are well prepared) ;-)

A lot depends on your soil mix and nutes etc, there enviromental conditions in the grow room blaaa blaaa. So with 800W and I have never grown AK47 but read many articles and Journals on them I would say your looking at perhaps 3 Oz dry per plant if there are 15 of them wit 800W! If you had some more information about your grow room size, nutes and how much soil your growing in ETC then perhaps I could be a little more accurate. Best of luck man and sticking by your JOurnal when it's up (Wish I had 800 W now) never mind when i 1st started to grow. :wave:


Active member
I had a friend that called himself Slutty McNasty? Is it you?

Anyway I just wanted to tell you, just as I wish someone woulda told me "IF you grow with love, you'll have some yummy buds" "IF you grow to cashcrop it might be weak pot"

In other words just take your time and take it slow and ask us again when your almost done in flower..... OtherWise GrowerinShorts aka shortes is a master of ak cultivation and he does quite well. Perhaps he could inspire you with his masterful work. You got a great strain and you got lights.... now study Grasshopper and hopefully your buds shall be plentiful!

Smokey McPot

New member
BAZ/HASH: Well I would says that dual HPS would be better for flowering but for vegging the MH will help out on that side. Ive read people doing well with a single 400w HPS, doing aggressive pruning and taking good care of the plants, getting a decent yield, something that you would think the 1000w would do. I will upgrade the light system when I get money. I could use MH/veg and HPS/flower but might aswell use them sidebyside huh??

FRIENDLY: haha no im not slutty mcnasty ;), GIS is quite good at his hydro ak-47 how hes done 3 batches.
Different light spectrum...

Different light spectrum...

Well in reply to Mr smart alex question about hilarity he ought to take a good look at the very well documented Journals and Scientific data available to us all here on the Net!
What makes you think that ?

In my own personal experience Hortilux and Growlux are designed and scientificly proven to give more benneficial results than plain HPS Lumens? They are designed in mind to grow straight through from veg to flower. I have read a treamendous amount of data on mixed spectrum available for our genetics in various journals and threads over the years and have supplied data with my growlux tubes that indicate this. All the grows I have seen have also reported healthier plants at a molecular level and larger yields especialy on the light overlap if mixed bulbs are used! IE 2 HPS 400W and 1 MH 400W. That seems to indicate only one thing... You can come to your own conclusions :confused:

Smokey McPot

New member
cmon kids its just a discusson not a debate. you both had real good pointers, but to think that a mixed setup would not be bennificial doesn't make sense to me. 2:1 ratio of HPS:MH would be nice, I'de try for 600-750w a piece, just costly for 3 fixtures. If I bought switchable fixtures i'de probaly run MH|HPS|MH for veg;all the plants should get MH light and benefit from it's vegging quality than hps for vegging. Once they are ready to bud, I would run oppisite, HPS|MH|HPS, maybe even all three HPS|HPS|HPS 600w fixtures. All you gotta do is have 3 HPS bulbs (Hortilux ) and two MH bulbs (Growlux if they make it for MH).

PAR = Photosynthetically Active Radiation, some 1000w bulbs only have a 300-400w PAR rating.


it would be hard on the first run.

it would be hard on the first run.

more than likely around an ounce each plant first run especially with that many plants & only 2 400 watters no matter how you play with the spectrum.

I'm just guessing, but I run around a similar setup & you'd need to do a lot of pruning and topping and veg a long time for those yields. Prolly less likely to do that on first run, I know I am. You need a first run to establish mammas anyway. I don't think 2 x400 watters would cover 15 at 3 ozs each, more like 6 or 8. Maybe more in a perpetual and you could put the young'uns out on the perimeter, stadium style. But you might be able to workup to it like that if you find some great yielders.

good luck & let us know how it turns out.

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