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Exercise and cannabis


Active member
I find the two go together very well. I love riding my mountain bike after a few hits of a nice haze. I often go out riding, overtaking people younger than me, and almost certainly not high. Im fairly sure cannabis has some major performance enhancing effects- certain strains/cultivars anyway.

It's a strange thing that people using cannabis are viewed as lazy. I think half the people i know that i do sports with would have a heart attack if they realised I'm high

Donald Mallard

el duck
i find it gives u more focus ,, well as u say those certain strains/cultivars,
a lot of cannabis users i know are very motivated people , more so than most ,
lazy people are lazy ,nothing to do with cannabis imo ...

St. Phatty

Active member
I find the two go together very well. I love riding my mountain bike after a few hits of a nice haze. I often go out riding, overtaking people younger than me, and almost certainly not high. Im fairly sure cannabis has some major performance enhancing effects- certain strains/cultivars anyway.

It's a strange thing that people using cannabis are viewed as lazy. I think half the people i know that i do sports with would have a heart attack if they realised I'm high

In the mid-80's, my neighbor at an apartment building in Silicon Valley gave me 2 1/2 pounds of canna-butter.

He was a chef with good connects, had made it with 1 1/2 pounds of sinse trim & 10 pounds of butter.

I think it lasted a year. My neighbor on the other side was sharing her bag weed with me. Actually I liked that apartment building.

I remember putting the butter on toast, and learning how to consume it, small quantities obviously.

One day I took some & went to the weight room at the gym. I remember doing Lat Pull-downs ... for about 45 minutes.

Just had a lot of energy & didn't feel like stopping. Kept increasing my weight.

I enjoyed it :woohoo:


i will have too find a strain and try this because i have no energy now i am only 45..the doctor said its down too my diabetes..i live in the highlands of scotland and used too go out all the time on my mountain bike..every year we have the mtb world cup in my town..hey souflondon there is a great cycle route called the great glen way 79miles..wee used too camp and cycle it...happy days..


Active member
biking and cannabis are made for each other.
it goes well with a lot of sports.
when i go climbing i do not smoke, though.


ICMag Donor
Not that coordinated for diamond (black) downhill runs...preferred to wait until end of the day if doing hazardous/highly coordinated moves. But then again, I'm sort of a klutz!

Backpacking or cross country skiing, definitely!!


I'm too unfit for exercise full stop. I had ptsd after being attacked and left with a brain injury. I was in an induced coma for 3 weeks while my brains swelling went down. When I come round I had to learn to walk again and couldn't talk very well. After a while the ptsd started to kick in unknown to me. I acted with aggression to any form of threat I felt and in public this didn't end well. I lost my job as I decided to take issue with my manager, I nearly lost my family. Eventually I was talked into getting help,after brain scans and psychiatric reviews I was diagnosed with ptsd. After this I just didn't want or trust myself outside my home for about 5 years. This lead to me getting extremely unfit. I'm now back on form mentally and hate what a state I've let myself get into. I recently tried taking up running but I swear I felt I could die after just a few minutes but I would plug through for half an hour but then the issue was it took me 3 days for my body to work again without several aches and pains. I went for 3 runs and give up. I get out of breath just walking places now and I find it embarrassing, I'm 33 not too overweight, not a fat 64 year old like I feel. Anyone got any tips for me?
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ICMag Donor
Start slowly,
Don't overdo it...

If your body is unfit for the activities you want to try, get into them with moderation.

Cannabis is good for helping to focus on activities... Sometimes too good.
Moderation is the key to life.

That said...
I need to get back on my bike.
It's been some time and I can most certainly feel it.


hey ganjygav some of the things you have wrote in your post.is 100% like myself
my fitness over 5 years is bad..i havent left the house in 3 years..i myself have anger
issues and have lost my job..doctor told me 2 months ago if i dont get my diabetes in order
i will have heart attack within next 5 years i just cant find motavation to do anything anymore..hope you get things sorted...peace madlab


Start slowly,
Don't overdo it...

If your body is unfit for the activities you want to try, get into them with moderation.

Cannabis is good for helping to focus on activities... Sometimes too good.
Moderation is the key to life.

That said...
I need to get back on my bike.
It's been some time and I can most certainly feel it.

Yeah maybe with the dance music through my earphones mixed with being high when I run I maybe went a little hard for my body to cope with lol. I think maybe speedy long walks maybe best way for me to start. Gotta learn to walk before before I run sort of thing lol


New member
I have pretty intense attention problems, and cannabis can help[ that a lot when it comes to exercise. I powerlift and am working my way into light strongman-style training, so the strong connection to my body some varieties provide can be wonderful. I'm suddenly aware of every muscle in my body, and can use that awareness to relax more, work on form, work harder, and focus more. Plus high-repetition work becomes a breeze (mentally, at least). Stretching out before and after the hard work becomes better for all the same reasons. I'm far too uncoordinated and clumsy for things like mountain biking, but hiking or doing endurance work becomes even more pleasurable with the right variety.

I don't really care to be high when I'm doing explosive lifting, but that's mostly because they're very intricate and require tremendous attention to do well and avoid injury and attention isn't a strength of mine. I know plenty of Oly lifters that smoke so this is definitely just a personal choice (and that clumsiness again).

I'm too unfit for exercise full stop. I had ptsd after being attacked and left with a brain injury. I was in an induced coma for 3 weeks while my brains swelling went down. When I come round I had to learn to walk again and couldn't talk very well. After a while the ptsd started to kick in unknown to me. I acted with aggression to any form of threat I felt and in public this didn't end well. I lost my job as I decided to take issue with my manager, I nearly lost my family. Eventually I was talked into getting help,after brain scans and psychiatric reviews I was diagnosed with ptsd. After this I just didn't want or trust myself outside my home for about 5 years. This lead to me getting extremely unfit. I'm now back on form mentally and hate what a state I've let myself get into. I recently tried taking up running but I swear I felt I could die after just a few minutes but I would plug through for half an hour but then the issue was it took me 3 days for my body to work again without several aches and pains. I went for 3 runs and give up. I get out of breath just walking places now and I find it embarrassing, I'm 33 not too overweight, not a fat 64 year old like I feel. Anyone got any tips for me?

Sorry to hear all that, I hope things are getting better for you. MJPassion gave some great advice, just start out light and work up moderately. Life (and physical fitness) is more like a marathon than a sprint, so go at whatever pace works for you. Maybe you could try going for short walks a couple times a week, then slowly make the walks longer, then more frequent, then even longer, etc. You didn't get out of shape and unhealthy overnight, you have to understand that you can't correct it overnight, either.


hey ganjygav some of the things you have wrote in your post.is 100% like myself
my fitness over 5 years is bad..i havent left the house in 3 years..i myself have anger
issues and have lost my job..doctor told me 2 months ago if i dont get my diabetes in order
i will have heart attack within next 5 years i just cant find motavation to do anything anymore..hope you get things sorted...peace madlab

Hi madlab, I feel for you. I'm pretty much over my problem now, I'm still a bit awkward around strangers and large groups but I'm getting there. I'm not trying to start fights with people I thought maybe looked at me funny anymore anyway. It's a horrible feeling not trusting yourself to leave the house and leaves you in a dark place. I wasn't aware that I was acting out of character, I just thought everyone had it in for me. It didn't help matters that I have no recollection of what happened to me that night so everyone was suspected and everyone was a threat. What gave me the kick up the bum was my Mrs left me for a week, I went and seek help and after a year I got my diagnosis.
I hope you too can get ya health problems under control fella, there is a light the other side.


ICMag Donor
Just walk! Amazing how a toke and a meander helps the day go better.


I have pretty intense attention problems, and cannabis can help[ that a lot when it comes to exercise. I powerlift and am working my way into light strongman-style training, so the strong connection to my body some varieties provide can be wonderful. I'm suddenly aware of every muscle in my body, and can use that awareness to relax more, work on form, work harder, and focus more. Plus high-repetition work becomes a breeze (mentally, at least). Stretching out before and after the hard work becomes better for all the same reasons. I'm far too uncoordinated and clumsy for things like mountain biking, but hiking or doing endurance work becomes even more pleasurable with the right variety.

I don't really care to be high when I'm doing explosive lifting, but that's mostly because they're very intricate and require tremendous attention to do well and avoid injury and attention isn't a strength of mine. I know plenty of Oly lifters that smoke so this is definitely just a personal choice (and that clumsiness again).

Sorry to hear all that, I hope things are getting better for you. MJPassion gave some great advice, just start out light and work up moderately. Life (and physical fitness) is more like a marathon than a sprint, so go at whatever pace works for you. Maybe you could try going for short walks a couple times a week, then slowly make the walks longer, then more frequent, then even longer, etc. You didn't get out of shape and unhealthy overnight, you have to understand that you can't correct it overnight, either.

Cheers dude yeah I think walks are in order. I have 2 dogs so plenty of reason for walking and I'm sure they wouldn't mind it either. I'm lucky enough to live on the outside of my city. I'm surrounded by farms,nature reserves and a river right outside my backyard. Good places to do a bit of walking. I used to lift weights and enjoyed it but I'm the same you I wouldn't enjoy it after a smoke lol