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Ex-DEA heads white house to quickly seek stop to legal recreational marijuana


Active member
I am pretty sure there are going to be some violence, probably from the feds first. People will fight for their rights and the feds are major boners. They get a hard on about every little thing! I wouldn't have any warehouse grows and attract federal attention with a big 'MARIJUANA" sign.
I am pretty sure there are going to be some violence, probably from the feds first. People will fight for their rights and the feds are major boners. They get a hard on about every little thing! I wouldn't have any warehouse grows and attract federal attention with a big 'MARIJUANA" sign.

From what I've understood to be correct, the DEA already has inspections of big warehouses in Co, like on a regular basis. At least CA is not down with dea like Co govt seems to be. Watch out my brothers in WA and CO, SHIT STORM is being forecast, thunder shit storms, ten x's more gnarly than thunder snow storms because when these guys open their mouths during the process, you will be covered with diareha.:tumbleweed:

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