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Evolving Society


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Nice Sunday morning thread

Nice Sunday morning thread

100 years ago the entire world was gearing up for war. 100 years ago a proud Indian nation existed where I live. Yet I have never seen a memeber of that tribe. Where did they all go? I go to the near by casino, and still I see no natives.

Violence has been the norn since day 1. Now since we have 24 hour news coverage, and FBI stats, it makes it feel worst.

Can you imagine what the news coverage would have been like during the Crusades, or the Civil war, or during one of Ghengis Khan's bloody rampages.

The fact that this and other threads like this exist is a great sign.

Did the Rapa Nui people of Easter Island examine their way of life?

Did the Romans?

Trees are being replanted daily on Easter Island. regrowth is occuring.

Rome still exist. It's a tiny city in Italy, be exists non the less.

The future belongs to those that prepare for it today.


...and this as well.

This a good thread that i am sure will not give us any answers but will raise a few more essential questions :dance013:
I won´t try to answer any of the initial OP questions, they are well over my knowledge and i don´t want to give opinions based on emotions :laughing: but i will bring a new one...
In what sense WORK, as in producing in order to validate existence, is one of the roots of some of our major issues and problems?
I leave a little link

And a little video based on a essay by Raoul Vaneigen


Grinding extra.
I consider God to be the life force.
It is in everything.
Every molecule that moves in ways we cannot explain...
It is the driving force of life.
The force that allowed us to evolve and become intelligent.
That is simply the life force or God doing what it is programmed to do.
Thrive and evolve into something WE HAVE YET TO SEE.
We have come a long way, but have only began to become what we have the potential to be.
Life is trying to figure itself out.
The moment you start to believe that you have all the answers is the moment you stop progress.
We are genetically programmed to wonder because the life force knows that is what will keep us progressing.
Death has already occured to those who truly believe they have all the answers.
A spiritual death.
All so they can have piece of mind on this earth.
I doubt that is the way the life force or God wants us to spend our gifted time here.


Active member
i didnt even read the responses to the thread....what does that tell you?

as a society ...hmmm who fukin cares about a society anymore??? :dunno: ...and esp. ppl here shouldnt care.

i waved goodbye to society a long fukin time ago, and even when i tried to come back around i saw that i made the right choice b4

u can have your society and your politics and all the bullshit that goes w/ it.

my son who is just 1 now won't be part of your fkd up world either ...he already knows that ppl are evil....even tho he is sooo innocent he already can tell who is good and bad.

i don't give a fuck what anyone does really as long as they leave me the fuck alone, and ppl get that every day...ITS NOT A HARD CONCEPT.

...and leave dogs alone or love them......(mike vick)...dogs are here to assist ppl in protection, love, and affection....can't tell me otherwise, and if u fuck w/ that nature then your just a sorry ass fuck.
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I consider God to be the life force.
It is in everything.
Every molecule that moves in ways we cannot explain...
It is the driving force of life.
The force that allowed us to evolve and become intelligent.
That is simply the life force or God doing what it is programmed to do.
Thrive and evolve into something WE HAVE YET TO SEE.
We have come a long way, but have only began to become what we have the potential to be.
Life is trying to figure itself out.
The moment you start to believe that you have all the answers is the moment you stop progress.
We are genetically programmed to wonder because the life force knows that is what will keep us progressing.
Death has already occured to those who truly believe they have all the answers.
A spiritual death.

All so they can have piece of mind on this earth.
I doubt that is the way the life force or God wants us to spend our gifted time here.

I have same vision of God

but when you say death has already occured to those who truly believe they have all the answers

well I believe there are always two sides to a coin

and the way I see it is...

I believe that yes some people have died, a part of them has gone, and that yes, they have all the answers they need at their feet

but I believe that some are walking a path in-between

and some who you speak of, act like they know or don't ask too many questions to have peace of mind

Within Indian religions, moksha (Sanskrit: मोक्ष mokṣa) or mukti (Sanskrit: मुक्ति), literally "release" (both from a root muc "to let loose, let go"), is the liberation from samsara and the concomitant suffering involved in being subject to the cycle of repeated death and reincarnation.
Nirvāṇa (Sanskrit: निर्वाण; Pali: निब्बान (nibbāna); Prakrit: णिव्वाण) is a central concept in Indian religions. In Sramanic thought, it is the state of being free from suffering. In Hindu philosophy, it is the union with the Supreme being through moksha. The word literally means "blowing out"—referring in the Buddhist context, to the blowing out of the fires of greed, hatred, and delusion.[1]


Active member
I have same vision of God

but when you say death has already occured to those who truly believe they have all the answers

well I believe there are always two sides to a coin

and the way I see it is... I believe that yes some people have died, a part of them has gone, and that yes, they have all the answers they need at their feet

but I believe these are people who are walking a path in-between

sure there are those who you say are dead too...

boooo...makes no sense...unless we are all dead....there are no fukin ghosts or paranormal bullshit....maybe we are all dead ..who knows...who cares.


Active member
well, if god is everything, then you are god.

(there might exist a more "advanced" version of you, but you are still god (everything is god, puppies are god ("harm the smallest and you harm me as well" comes to mind)

according to that theory anyway ;)


i think these people are simply headless, think with their gut and bowled over by emotions and particularily fear.

humans have considered themselves the pinnacle of evolution for years and they of course think they are very smart and knowledgable and actually are (comparatively), just cant reason with them once they got their little chicken head going :)

hehe saw these people in america panicking over a some storm and i used to think, "wow, what storms these must be" lol (not really "interested" in storms, so didnt read up on them till later) but anyway, there hit this storm and and it was supposed to be such a biggie.

yanks on the base were talking of it being worse than hurricanes back home,

but here is the storm as i remember it,thoughts "hey bit of a storm outside, hey shit somebody forgot to tie down those huge aluminum roofplates" (18+feet and were flying 3 times that higher than the rooftops (with dips down))

"hey where´s my little bro" (run outside to look for him)

one plate slams down into the ground infront of my nose (all i saw for a fraction of a second) and breaks the wall of the house (smashed the outer woodwork but didnt go through) as its flown up again.

see my bro (lot younger kid at the time (i was 16 or so))

drag him inside, grab a book and forget about it.

wouldnt even have remembered the storm if it werent for the near decapitation :) ("haha nearly lost my head that one time" (not a bad drunken tale, well sorta and short :))
and the fact those americans were talking about it (i worked at the base that was there at the time (iceland)

seen more "impressive" and deadly weathers :) (and even they are just something to be handled, only people die in these are tourists and idiots ;)) (the idiots are rather rare (evolution i guess, people like that just didnt get to breed much by natural selection (tended to end up as frozen popsicles)

normally everyone just secures shit that can fly :) this guy with the roofplates was just a bit of an idiot ;)


Active member
heimo korth...ftw

...sorry 4 plugin this vid so much, but dude is my fukin hero:



Active member
To be honest, I like doom and gloom as much as the next guy, but the fact remains that as we get further down the pike, the standard of living for more people has improved as time progresses. It's not a linear process for all people at the same time and there are sporadic regressions in some societies and cultures due to many factors, but on the whole we are getting better as time goes by.

The Enlightenment and technology has leapfrogged the human condition for most from a life of bare subsistence to one of moderate safety and relative leisure in comparison with the past.
In most places of the world you cannot lose your head for failing to tug your forelock as your Lord passes by and, except in some isolated African tribes, can you still be burned as a witch by a pointed finger.

True, we all do not live like the Eloi in scented gardens filled with plenty for all in an idyllic existence in harmony with nature and each other quite yet...

But a lot fewer of us are invited to dinner with the Morlocks as well.


Cheesecake- It's what's for dinner.

Cheer up Bunky...
We're getting there. Slowly for certain...a few bumps on the way, but we're getting there.*

*(Glad that's off my chest and I can go back to my regularly scheduled pissing and moaning.)


boooo...makes no sense...unless we are all dead....there are no fukin ghosts or paranormal bullshit....maybe we are all dead ..who knows...who cares.

I don't know where you got ghosts and paranormal from :)


as someone in their early 20s I can talk about the kids these days without sounding crotchety.

but seriously. its like different is the new normal. maybe its just where I am, but most teens/young adults dont even acknowledge you unless you have weird tats, piercings, dress crazily or reek of some mental disorder. Its like nobody grew out of middle school. hell, makes the job search easier for us 'crazy' normal folks but I'm sick of being poked at because I like having a job and dressing nicely.

I really think its just my city though. but my younger sibling is going through the insanity phase right now, only she's close to 18 (wtf??).

Also, look at Snookie and The Situation....with influences like that, its no wonder kids are so fuvked up.



Active member
Also, look at Snookie and The Situation....with influences like that, its no wonder kids are so fuvked up.

They perform a vital societal function to those that want to toy with a terminally vapid lifestyle...

A sort of 'scared straight' therapy.


stoned agin ...
"I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty".

i think people get caught up in the "me", and don't think enough about others. it's my right, my choice, my life. very little thanks, or appreciation. very little dignity. a lot of profligacy, in the widest sense.

politicians offer us bread and circuses. and it's not their fault ... after all, we elect them. We get what we deserve. "Once the monkeys learn they can vote themselves bananas, they'll never climb another tree."

in our democratic society, it will always end up like it is in greece, at this very moment. rage at the institutions that we created and nurtured. but what's the alternative? having someone *tell* you how it's gonna be, because they "know better"?
OMG some of you just crack me up, some of you are literally scarey and some of you are the exact problem, and it all boils down, oddly enough, to morals - yes, morals. These days, when you talk about respect, most young people think that means to have power over somebody, or to be more violent than the next. Respect used to be earned, by working hard (at whatever, be it a job or just washing the damned dishes) doing a good job and working hard was enough to earn the respect of your fellow man, being a person who says what they mean and does what they say is another. Now for some reason with the younger cultures it's okay to call a woman a bitch, ho, ****, slap her around a little, live off her income, cut in line in front of the old couple because they move too slow, or worse yet honk your horn madly cussing at them as you fly around in a hurry to no where. We see crap on tv and in movies all the time glorifying sports figures who beat their wives or run around with their pants around their ass and gold teeth while the 6 kids they've fathered go hungry cause they're too busy building mansions and buying cars they'll never drive - you have to ask whats wrong with America? People having to work 2 jobs to support their kids because some asshole has to make 100 million a year or a single mom not able to gie their kids enough attention at home because her babys daddy wont pay child support so she's got to work 2 jobs, the list goes on and on and I could go on for days on whats wrong - how to fix it? Start teaching your children right from wrong and start living what we preach - and I mean the old, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" not "do unto others BEFORE they do unto you" which is where we are at now, period. Thats, it, very simple fix, folks - if we all just "Did unto each other as we would have done unto us", pretty damned easy you'd think.

I am poor. I'm an old disabled electrician who's spent all my money on my kids, and yet I still give what I can to those in need, when I can. I've been in prison a few times because of weed and drug related issues, and now my family and I pay for it. I worked for a public defenders office before, though, and you are wrong about them. for the most part, they are just overloaded with cases and try to get you thru as fast as possible - they have to because of budgets. But you don't have to take anything and you can make them do you right, you just have to make them do the work and they have the same budget as the prosecutor, they can do all he does to defend you, believe me I've seen a good one defend a couple of different guys in a drug case and a murder case, as always its all in the attorney and if they believe in you whether or not they'll do the work. Later fellas, keep the faith, keep on growing, and above all share, please with those less fortunate - whether clothing, monetarily, a kind word, whatever - if you want to make a difference thats where we all need to start!

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