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Everybody a breeder ?

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3rd-Eye Jedi
...and Weird, please stop saying "take toms example" then putting your own words to it. Not once has it been correct or even remotely close to what I have said, done, or advised.

when you offer proof that people with small plant numbers are wasting their time based based on the statements you make expect me to put your logic to the test be it form a book your own brain or gods lips to your ears

and if you cant dispute the facts as I present them based on your own statements but attack the delivery, for me its all teh answer i need

come on Tom tell me once more how the book says we shouldn't waste our time

its ok the more people who grow and "chuck pollen" the more people will discover the truth whether they read the book or not

or maybe youll show me in the book were it says they wont


Tom Hill

Active member
Again, I never stated the things you think I have. Stickshift understands that, GMT understands that, many folk who understand wtf I am saying understand it. Why is it do you think YOU don't understand that? I will tell you why, because you do not understand the science behind it, you don't think you need to, but my friend, you do. Until you do you will continue to misunderstand what it is you think I have stated here.


I take back my previous comment on this thread.
I now resort to Boo and Hiss to convey how not interesting this is anymore.
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Tom Hill

Active member
Oh he's just pissed because he can't wrap this all up into something he can currently view/comprehend with his third eye haha, wants to cling dearly to the thought that his comprehension of the subject is entirely adequate to bring true insight to the table, he's not alone.

If folk ask me to elaborate on something I have said or examples I have given I would gladly do that... But defend/reply to their misunderstood takes on what I have said well that I will not do, except to inform them that they've missed the boat entirely.


tom your third eye refers to them having that feeling of "im the shit" after making a batch of seeds,

they think you think "im the shit" because you know so much more about the randomosities and possibilities of breeding and systematical formulations, tom you know you won, just let these kids keep doing what they do, i do admire your spirit though, but they only way anyone can buy seeds anymore is to research their breeders extensively. the bad apples dont have to ruin the bunch if you seperate yourselves from them, which in my opinion you have clearly done so sir.

Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
Matt you have picked up a book or two, learned some vocabulary, but you really don't seem to have understood wtf you were reading. Instead, you went and read thoughts of folk like Nev and are now trying to meld the two together in finding some kind of knowledge you can call your own - but those two things meld together like oil and water lol. If you don't understand how to massive advantage a breeder can use reversal techniques (and you're not even close) then I am not going to walk you through it. Here's a hint, it's in the books you're learning all that vocab from, not in Nev's et al dribble.

Instead of comparing my old pure lines I maintain through open pollination, with 1:1 hybrids, you ought to just be spending your time trying to actually comprehend some of those books. Then you would have the ability to gaze out over the cannabis scene with a new eye, pick up a few publicly traded clones of exceptionally high breeding worth, and get somewhere worthwhile with some dispatch and ease instead of just sitting there spinning around in circles.

Clear up you sentences so I can understand it first Tom. If you want sombody of my calibre to talk to you, address you comments in proper English context so I can understand the shit that comes out your mouth, please.

Your the last breeder I would ever ask breeding advice from dude you don't know anything!! I would ask English Rick advice first.

Stop trying to cover up using a lack of cohesion on your behalf, is not washing with any of the long time growers here, it only gets you wound up in knots!.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
wtf; i havent seen a grammatically correct post from you yet mate

and you didnt even address the issues w/ your post last night

i dont mean to draw any conclusions but you're not giving me the impression you're a person of any particular caliber

rhinoman 1

Active member
fee fiv Foe fum.... i thought you might like this one. hehehe


Active member
Clear up you sentences so I can understand it first Tom. If you want sombody of my calibre to talk to you, address you comments in proper English context so I can understand the shit that comes out your mouth, please.

Your the last breeder I would ever ask breeding advice from dude you don't know anything!! I would ask English Rick advice first.

Stop trying to cover up using a lack of cohesion on your behalf, is not washing with any of the long time growers here, it only gets you wound up in knots!.

Said with so many spelling mistakes!! fucking quality...

Tom Hill

Active member
I would ask English Rick advice first.

Sold and as well you should too.... because his understanding of the subject is an order of magnitude beyond "The bottleneck will select towards the male phyllotaxy which I closely observed making the F1 years ago" lmao.


Well-known member
By now I start wondering if a breeders behavior on the board could be an indication of the quality of his product ???



ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
breeders are people too

like i said earlier; the market will weed out the chuckers

quality of product speaks pretty loud and saying it like it is makes for a more respectable breeder than the guys who have constant falling outs floating from this "company" to that

Tom Hill

Active member
I was under the impression that some of you guys wanted to have some understanding of what you're buying, and what you're doing, is that not the case? You just want us to play nice nice and continue on with this landslide of ignorance that many are all washed up in? We can do that too, but cannabis cries when we do that. How to proceed?

hard rain

Hey man calibre caliber, theater theatre. Lol
The spelling is correct either way. Calibre is the English spelling, caliber US spelling. Lots of differences. Most spell checks on the internet use American spelling which can be pretty frustrating if you live in another part of the world that uses Engish spelling.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
hard rain thats essentially what he is saying and i knew that too

just pointing out the irony in that particular post

it really is the least of the errors presented

i m all out of rep but i would have rep'd rhinoman for the flowers as well as tom{#758} ~and carry on; the only complainers are piling on the ad hom which clarifies their perspective quite handily

i dont give neg rep
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