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Everybody a breeder ?

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Sativa Dragon

Active member
again, just a nobody but somebody grew out some of those Alien4 beans and got a trifoliate that lasted all the way thru flower. The clones didn't carry the trait? What's up with that. Also, Mr Hill I would like to have permission to use your outdoor chem4 post as a quote if I could, its my fave, and I like the way you stated that post. If not, I understand.

Actually I have a clone that carried on the trait.


Tom Hill

Active member
now wrap your head around that, then picture Aa needing to combine with Bb over there, and Cc over there, and Dd over there - in linkage, for what we want to occur, to occur. Then get back to me about the maths and how we all suck for not serving it up to you on a platter,, it is damn near mathematically impossible,, you will suffer recombination each and every generation, and that get in the way, tov say the least, if Bb that needs to be there becomes BB Bb bB and bb then the whole ball of wax goes up in flames. It's why these very complex traits are refered to as every changing and damn near imeasurable across any population.

Tom Hill

Active member
now punch all that in to your calculators, don't forget the 110+ terpenes, and ect,,,, when the maths become insurmountable, when the traits that are so very important yet so difficult to breed for, become damn near unabtainable, we often go to clones in our wisdom. This is drug type cannabis - ignorantly still thought of as some more simple organism like hemp cannabis.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
now wrap your head around that, then picture Aa needing to combine with Bb over there, and Cc over there, and Dd over there - in linkage, for what we want to occur, to occur. Then get back to me about the maths and how we all suck for not serving it up to you on a platter,, it is damn near mathematically impossible,, you will suffer recombination each and every generation, and that get in the way, tov say the least, if Bb that needs to be there becomes BB Bb bB and bb then the whole ball of wax goes up in flames. It's why these very complex traits are refered to as every changing and damn near imeasurable across any population.

Understood, OlproLG explained the math thing in my terms, understand that to, well as much as I have a difficult time wrapping my head around it.

I have several books that I havent looked at much that I will be opening up again.



maybe its a sat or strain thing, the ALien4 was a very special plant and it finished like that, but the clones were normal, maybe your himalayan strain, carries the trait thru, but in this strain I got, it didn't. Boy it makes ya wonder bout them plants, do it, they have a mind of their own and we are just figuring it out. Hell of deal for a weed. lol

Actually I have a clone that carried on the trait.


Tom Hill

Active member
No Dragon, If you cross AA with aa and you observe Aa as AA, then complete dominace ocurred. But so often you'll see what is refered to as incomplete dominance (many variations of that), Mendel convieniantly avoided this topic altogether. The simplest way tyo describe it is this. White flower is AA, red flower is aa. If you cross white flower with red, and get white flowers, you have observed complete dominance. However, if you cross whight with red and get pink? Wll then you have observed incomplete dominance/additivity/codominance or etc.

Sativa Dragon

Active member


maybe its a sat or strain thing, the ALien4 was a very special plant and it finished like that, but the clones were normal, maybe your himalayan strain, carries the trait thru, but in this strain I got, it didn't. Boy it makes ya wonder bout them plants, do it, they have a mind of their own and we are just figuring it out. Hell of deal for a weed. lol

In all fairness it was only the clone I took from the main stem, the ones from the side branches were all normal ;)


Sativa Dragon

Active member
No dragon, If you cross AA with aa and you obsrve Aa as AA, then complete dominace prevailed. But so often you'll see what is refered to as incomplete dominance, mendel convieniantly avoided this topic. The simplest way tyo describe it is this. White flower is AA, red flower is aa. If you cross white flower with red, and get white flowers, you have observed complete dominance. However, if you cross whate flower with red and get pink? well then you have observed incomplete dominance.

Actually hoped it would work this way, all said I do not have the time or the patience to breed fro scratch I will only ever be a humble Dabbler.


Tom Hill

Active member
I hope you guys are starting to understand how fucking complex these maths are, and how stupid you sound when you go on about how fucked we as are breeders for not delivering up to you the fucking damn near mathematically impossible? I know some of you do, and I am honered and fortunate to count you among my peers.

Tom Hill

Active member
foe I will try to decipher that, it will take me a minute, damn bro, I sure wish you'd be willing to meet me half way, what asre you allergic to books or wtf?

Sativa Dragon

Active member
I hope you guys are starting to understand how fucking complex these maths are, and how stupid you sound when you go on about how fucked we as are breeders for not delivering up to you the fucking damn near mathematically impossible? I know some of you do, and I am honered and fortunate to count you among my peers.

Hey Tom, I appreciate your hard work.
I work hard at some things as well. I would like to think that most do.
It is my thought that if you could deliver your message with more tact it would come across as delivered by the intelligent breeder we know as Tom Hill.
Perhaps in other places in the world peoples hard work and achievemnets earns them the liberty to be demeaning others because of lack of education in certain matters.
However I think you are forcing alot of people to bite there tongue. Rather than give you the credit you are due.

just an observation from a few who think alike.


Tom Hill

Active member
Re cube process. If the recurrent parent (the one you're trying to replicate) is AA bb CC etc etc, homozygous across all important traits you will be sucessful, otherwise refer to chimera's previous writings on the subject.

Well yes, impossible to have what some of you seem to have come to expect, but one effort out of 5 is better than one effort, that's breeding.

Pure is subjective, I have pure lines, I have no problem calling them pure because they breed truer than my peers lines do. but yeah and no, no such thing as a pure line in regards to what I think you are referring to.

polar pair I don't speak that language.

P1 and P2, stop calling them all P1, that is not correct. solid stabilize blah blah, what does it all mean?

God I hate that term phenoms, where the fuck did you guys pick that up from? re-infuse? BX? I tried dude, I can't work my way through it all, sorry. Am I an uptight piece of shit because I don't speak that language that you fucking made up?

Cool Moe

Active member
Tom, may I recommend a very heavy indica, in extremely large doses. I heard Deep Chunk is a good choice, but then again some people complain about too much variation. Or is that a fucking fucked fucking stupid sounding thing to say? If what people hope for is damn near mathematically impossible, well then what is it again that makes the top breeders different or better than any selective pollen chucker?


The Tri Guy
I'm gonna jump in here, (whats that saying about fools and angels? lol)
its hard to keep your cool at times when repeating something you've written about time and time again and the message still doesn't get through. Just bear in mind Tom's been writing this stuff for years, over and over again.
If you want to talk tri's get in my thread, I don't want to set tom off again on that one :p
Tom, may I recommend a very heavy indica, in extremely large doses. I heard Deep Chunk is a good choice, but then again some people complain about too much variation. Or is that a fucking fucked fucking stupid sounding thing to say? If what people hope for is damn near mathematically impossible, well then what is it again that makes the top breeders different or better than any selective pollen chucker?

Maybe a little decaf for you, also?

Sheesh, man. Tom Hill, he's worked lines, I'll venture, longer than you've been alive?

Show some respect to the people who made what you do possible, for fucking fucks sake, fuck.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
I'm gonna jump in here, (whats that saying about fools and angels? lol)
its hard to keep your cool at times when repeating something you've written about time and time again and the message still doesn't get through. Just bear in mind Tom's been writing this stuff for years, over and over again.
If you want to talk tri's get in my thread, I don't want to set tom off again on that one :p

Good call disregard the Trifol questions.


Lets all just sing a song and forget about that we fight.

I will start Theres a house... on a hill.... In new Orleans... They

cawwlllit the rising sun....

Ha now it's stuck in your head!!!

Ha ha!


Active member
now wrap your head around that, then picture Aa needing to combine with Bb over there, and Cc over there, and Dd over there - in linkage, for what we want to occur, to occur. Then get back to me about the maths and how we all suck for not serving it up to you on a platter,, it is damn near mathematically impossible,, you will suffer recombination each and every generation, and that get in the way, tov say the least, if Bb that needs to be there becomes BB Bb bB and bb then the whole ball of wax goes up in flames. It's why these very complex traits are refered to as every changing and damn near imeasurable across any population.

ok for the maths and multiple loci you will always get normal distribution, ie a plant with a trait determined by a single locus
with 2 diff alleles A and a gives 3 types AA Aa aa if the number of loci increase to 5 you get 3 to the power of 5 or 243 phenos the more alleles the more phenos (ie 4 to 5 gives 1024)... always in the bell curve.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]So...how does the Maths help me when Im defining a piece of Art?...[/FONT]
and that's enough to send me to bed...
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