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Every dwc run I experience Ca def,please help me understand (pics inside)


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor

Dave Coulier

Active member
Noreason, this is neither a Magnesium or Calcium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency causes interveinal chlorosis, and your pictures do not show that. Calcium is a immobile nutrient and would affect new tissue first instead of old fan leaves.

Alot of your symptoms match a Chloride deficiency. Higher E.C. levels haven't fixed the problem so far as you stated, but things did improve with fresh water(more chloride ions). I also believe you mentioned leaf wilting on a plant before the necrotic spotting occured? Thats another symptom of Chloride deficiency.

Check out this link to learn more.

A note about your soil plants. If you are feeding them also at 1.0 ms/cm, it could result in problems as thats borderline fertility levels. Anything under 1.0 is lower fertility. I have seedlings that thrive in e.c. levels of 1.75 to 4.0 ms/cm. I would bump up your nutes with them, and you should see an improvement.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Noreason, this is neither a Magnesium or Calcium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency causes interveinal chlorosis, and your pictures do not show that. Calcium is a immobile nutrient and would affect new tissue first instead of old fan leaves.

Alot of your symptoms match a Chloride deficiency. Higher E.C. levels haven't fixed the problem so far as you stated, but things did improve with fresh water(more chloride ions).

Check out this link to learn more.

Really thanks for reply DC.I never read anything about chloride and plant.I didn't know plants need Cl- as nutrient.
My tap water has 0,2 ec and I suppose it contains little Cl- in any case,like CaCl2 and MgCl2 right?
Do you have any other link to chloride and plants?

I also believe you mentioned leaf wilting on a plant before the necrotic spotting occured? Thats another symptom of Chloride deficiency.

The plant I was mentioning had wilting just after the sprout from seed.Now it's recovering and producing new normal leaves.So the wilting in this plant should not be taken as a factor linked to the deficiency.
Other plants never shown wilting leaves along other symptoms.

A note about your soil plants. If you are feeding them also at 1.0 ms/cm, it could result in problems as thats borderline fertility levels. Anything under 1.0 is lower fertility. I have seedlings that thrive in e.c. levels of 1.75 to 4.0 ms/cm. I would bump up your nutes with them, and you should see an improvement.

I never go over 1.0 when the plant is still young and soil still has some available nutes in it.I use to increase Ec when the plant really need it,when it's making flowers and flowers ;)

Dave Coulier

Active member
I never realized either Chloride was an essential element until I stumbled upon a few links like the one I posted before.

We've all been beaten over the head that we must remove the chlorine in our tap water before giving to our plants, which isn't true. Some of it is required.

I found another link for you to check out.

I haven't stumbled upon anyone experimenting with higher Chloride levels for MJ, but the above link shows increased yields with grains. I do have some Calcium Chloride in my closet. Maybe Ill give that a go later on.

Im unsure whether or not tap water supplies enough Cloride Ions, but you can use Calcium Chloride or Magnesium Chloride to supply it.

Whether its a Chloride deficiency or something else, I hope you can get it cleared up soon.

Maybe a soil test is worth doing if the problem is really bad.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
I never realized either Chloride was an essential element until I stumbled upon a few links like the one I posted before.

We've all been beaten over the head that we must remove the chlorine in our tap water before giving to our plants, which isn't true. Some of it is required.

I found another link for you to check out.

I haven't stumbled upon anyone experimenting with higher Chloride levels for MJ, but the above link shows increased yields with grains. I do have some Calcium Chloride in my closet. Maybe Ill give that a go later on.

Im unsure whether or not tap water supplies enough Cloride Ions, but you can use Calcium Chloride or Magnesium Chloride to supply it.

Maybe a soil test is worth doing if the problem is really bad.

I think people let seat the water to remove the free Cl2 (chlorine) not attached to any atom.
I mean if the chlorines are attached to calcium forming a chloride CaCl2 molecule,letting the water sit down for a while,it will be helpless.The chloride molecule will remain in the water.
Only thing the water ''rest'' does is to eliminate the chlorine contained in the water that remained free,not forming any chloride molecule (CaCl2 MgCl2 etc... )

I will look deeper on this stuff.Thanks for posting the article :)

However I don't think plants needs chlorides but chlorine,because chlorides are only the type of the molecules that have Cl2 in them.
But I'm sure an high concentration of chlorine will make the plant sick,I experienced one time when I changed the water in my system,taking it directly from the tap,as I did it already a lot of times.
What happened?I discovered that the water company uses to add more chlorine in the water when it's raining a lot,and when I did the change it was raining all the week before...

However tonight I saw some other signs on the leaves,very few spots,not an issue,but a signal that the problem is still there.So the logic is saying me that it's not a Ca or a Mg def,because when the water is fresh,no signs appear,even at pH 5.5.
I added some Ca and Mg but they seems to do nothing...so I will investigate on this chlorine stuff...hope to find some connections.

Tonight I changed the whole water,switching to flowering nutes dosage.I'll keep this thread updated to report any new information.

Whether its a Chloride deficiency or something else, I hope you can get it cleared up soon.

Really thanks buddy,I hope it too :)


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
A quick update....

after 10 days from the complete change of nutrient solution no signs appeared.

I added a day 2 ml of CaO and the other day 2ml of MgO.So,in total I added 20ml calcium and 20ml magnesium and all is going fine and I'm an happy toker :blowbubbles:

I'll write here more info on this stuff :wave:

some pics of the plants:

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