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Ever Have That Friend?


Active member
Hey, be quiet about know-it-alls. I am a know-it-all and I know a lot.

The more I know, the less I realize I know, therefore not a big know-it-all.

I come up with crazy ideas all the time and awesome ideas from the forum I share.

I know a lot .......and well the "100% thc resin glands" gets on my nerves. I know too much about growing and crap. If anything is said about marijuana my friends look at me, like I am judging a breeding dog or something.

They wait for my answers. Of course if I don't know something, I won't even talk about it or even think I know.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I had an acquaintance like that once, I think it was on a Thursday.

I don't put up with that kind of childish BS and never loan out anything, sorry.

I will hurt someones itty bitty feelings in a NY sec. It isn't being mean it is standing up for what I believe. and there are many folks that actually need their little feelings hurt.

exactly. i cut out all the lying do nothing no ambition lend me front me schemers and parasites long ago. life is too short to keep shitty people around you


A foot without a sock...
I was going to suggest that this sounded like a story my wife would tell.She has one these 'friends' that's always trying to one up her with crap.
She's too nice about it...I make comments I get in trouble for from my wife.The woman is literally too stupid to insult.

Yours sounds about the same


SSM :joint:


I was going to suggest that this sounded like a story my wife would tell.She has one these 'friends' that's always trying to one up her with crap.
She's too nice about it...I make comments I get in trouble for from my wife.The woman is literally too stupid to insult.

Yours sounds about the same


SSM :joint:
holy shit ! my wife hangs out with that one too! i feel for ya man, i just grin and let the brain coast when she is in the room.


Active member
". If a traveller does not meet with one who is his better, or his equal, let him firmly keep to his solitary journey; there is no companionship with a fool." - buddha -Dharmmapadda


Active member
sometimes can be difficult, kicking a crappy "friend" to the curb.

especially if you have known them for a long time.

but when you do,its a relief.

life´s too short for shitty people.

anyone thats too much crap/trouble/bother, i completely throw out or keep on the edges till they shape up or i give up.

if people are a dick and do annoying things and wont stop.

fuck em.

if i dont like it, i dont like it, if i dont like it, sooner or later im miserable around them, that wont do, not for any person alive.

one should cultivate friendships, not gradual hate and loathing.


Probably why my "friends" are my wife & dog!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm pretty much tired of trying to play stupid mind games to have "FRIENDS"!!!!!!!
Sometimes we make the wrong judgement about someone but when we find out the truth we should make it right asap.
That does not sounds like the kind of "friend" that suits your personality and you should make that clear to that person at least that way you give her a chance of changing their ways if the friendship means much to her. I would not be expecting this tough.

she knows when she pisses me off and it feels like she does it on purpose sometimes.. but she just told me shes moving back to her home state in a couple weeks its like a sign from god



Yeah, but even then, only if you're tryin' to get some pooty tang, er, I mean, pursue her romantically.



unless its a hot chick^^^^

I put up with her shit for 3 years just because she was the hottest woman on the planet and it almost killed me - the booze and sedatives needed to keep my penis happy and my mind in the clouds