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Ever Have That Friend?

Have you ever had that friend you try to aviod and never believe a thing they say... well i do.. she gets on my nerves so bad, we use to be best friends and then we went on a week vacation to her home town and it changed our whole friendship because i found out what kind of person she really is. for example there was a old man shoveling his car outa like 2 feet of snow, and we had no where to be, so i told her to stop so we could help him she looked at me like i was crazy and i was said well u can sit in the car and i will help him. and she still wouldnt stop (im one of those people that love to help people in need) and come on it was a old man... but then when we got back our friendship was never the same. now shes on this kick of telling me crazy ass lies and stupid shit... i feel like she does shit just to piss me off for example she will call me and tell me she coming to hang out and then never show ( she did it on my birthday to) she just drives me crazy and annoys the shit outa be but i dont wanna be mean to her but i feel the need to put my foot down....

thanks so much for listening to me rant..

but seriously does anyone else have a friend like this?


In this Business/hobby/career trust is everything. With out trust....

Don't be mean. just fade away..


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Well I think everybody has "That" friend.
That one who always drinks your beer and never brings a 6 pack over.
That one who pisses on the toilet seat or forgets to put it back down.
That one who invites themselves to your parties.
That one who is a complete know-it-all.
That one...

I don't know why it is either. Life should be easier and friends shouldn't annoy the shit out of you.


I end relationships like the future president Sheen in The Dead Zone - "sir we'be reached a diplomatic solution" "its too late, the birds are in the air, hallejulah "


I wouldn't even waste my time on someone like that much less call them a friend.
Well I think everybody has "That" friend.
That one who always drinks your beer and never brings a 6 pack over.
That one who pisses on the toilet seat or forgets to put it back down.
That one who invites themselves to your parties.
That one who is a complete know-it-all.
That one...

I don't know why it is either. Life should be easier and friends shouldn't annoy the shit out of you.

i know i hate that shit!


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I suppose it is another one of those things in life that makes a person appreciate those few true friends we encounter in life.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Sometimes we make the wrong judgement about someone but when we find out the truth we should make it right asap.
That does not sounds like the kind of "friend" that suits your personality and you should make that clear to that person at least that way you give her a chance of changing their ways if the friendship means much to her. I would not be expecting this tough.
I had an acquaintance like that once, I think it was on a Thursday.

I don't put up with that kind of childish BS and never loan out anything, sorry.

I will hurt someones itty bitty feelings in a NY sec. It isn't being mean it is standing up for what I believe. and there are many folks that actually need their little feelings hurt.


a friend that lies to you? hmmmmm......... it may be painful but when you smell gangrene it is a good idea to start cutting things off.

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