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Ever Completely Freak Out Over Nothing?


h^2 O

yeah I hate when shit like that happens...a lot of times funeral processions will get me...I'll just be chilling and all of a sudden see cops and SUVs and Cadillacs and shit going by my house like 5mph. Really scared me the first time...thought the cops were like looking for a place to park or something. Fuckers.

One time about 6-8 years ago I was heading down to the coast for this job on an island I had just landed...unfortunately I had like 20 dollars to my name, and a piece of crap car with expired or suspended registration and no insurance....cracked windhield, no inspection sticker, broken muffler, it was bad.
I was living in the city at the time, and decided to make my move in the middle of the night during the week. I ran out and of course first wrapped something around the exhaust as to fix the many holes...and headed out. I got about 30 miles away, half way to my destination, on the freeway, and all of a sudden I look in the rearview and see a cop with his lights on coming up behind me. I start panicking and slow down...he keeps coming...all of a sudden at the last minute he changes into the passing lane and goes around me and onto the next exit. Turns out that was my exit too. As I pull off the ramp and into this town, I'm at this rotary with no business open or cars about, and the cop is idling on the other side of the rotary. I just drove like 10mph and prayed to God he didn't follow me.
I got to the destination at like 4am, and slept until 8. The job was great, until I failed a drug test a week later and drove that very same piece of shit back up to the city with $100 to my name. Then I lived in my car for a few weeks. Sleeping in your car sucks. You feel like the ultimate bum.


Beautiful feeling isn't it. How many years you figure it took off your potential lifespan? In my case. I feel it deducted a good 5-8 years...

I had a weightless and floating feeling... Maybe the adrenaline ?? I don't sweat bitches but I used to fear the old man... He's getting up there so that concern has been cancelled !! Peace homies


weed fiend
Lol, fear of the old man.:) I know a little bit about that one. Mine was bound and determined to get me off pot... through intimidation. Ol' fucker made me so rebellious. Probably why I'm still a weed fiend at 49.:D

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
2 nights ago I was driving home from work in my 4WD...it was about 2.00am....the road was alive...with animals....wombats...owls ..kangaroos...wallabies...and deer.

It was like the zoo had escaped....and they were all in my path.

It was beautiful to see and I slowed to avoid hurting the animals.

I rounded a corner and a kangaroo jumped out...I clobbered it with the bull bar on the 4WD...no chance of stopping...it died immediately.

This is a common occurance in this country....

but it felt like I was being tested.

For some reason the road was alive that night.

And a death resulted.


Re: Ever Completely Freak Out Over Nothing?

I freaked out and deleted my account, turns out everythings fine

bock, bock

Originally Posted by jack Haze
I sat down and decided to spend my last minutes of freedom doing bong hits

Freaking out? Hell, I hope I'm this cool and collected if I ever see tons out police out my front window

This exchange reminded me of a funny situation when i was about 20. There was a small group of us friends driving around the countryside looking for a place to have a 'bong sesh'. We were passing the bong around in the car already while we were looking, and then a police car starts appearing in the distance behind us. We said 'don't panic' etc. 'they will drive right past us' etc.
And then, on come the flashing lights, so we quickly hide the 'mix' and assume whoever was holding the bong had stuffed it somewhere in desperation.
So the police slow down and pull up about 50 metres behind us. We are all red eyed, and the car stinks of bong and buds, so we're trying to calm down etc. and then my friend who's sitting next to me is a bit 'schizo', he's been in and out of the mental ward for quite a while, and next thing i realize is that he didn't stash the bong anywhere, he is in fact holding a packed bong and is getting ready to light it :) ? .... the police are already walking to our car :) ?
he was so far out of it he didn't even know what was going on, he just wanted more bong hits :)
Ignorance is bliss.
Nothing happened, apparently we were speeding a little bit, just a warning.

Green lung

Active member
I was growing in an apartment complex one time and came home to find a ton police cars, detectives, and crime scene unit parked at my building, all the cops milling around and what not.

Turns out one of my neighbors got murdered (not at the apartment).

Freaked me out


Active member
I freak out daily.

A couple interesting times;

I was with this girl once. I didn't know her too well, I just wanted to get into her pants. She always led me to believe she's gotten down, so I break out some errl. We dab it up a few times, and go smoke a cigarette. It was kinda hot and around 3pm, so the sun was beaming down and she couldn't handle it. She shorted out her cigarette and says she has to go inside...she gets up and walks to the door and gets right in front of it. At this point me and my buddy notice she's just standing there, so I start coming up behind her and she just falls on the ground and her eyes roll back. I'm not a fucking doctor, I had no idea what to do. I thought she was gonna die, and seconds turned into hours. Total buzzkill. I told my friend to go get her a glass of water and I just kinda poke her and she finally comes back to, and I take her inside and lay her down. Apparently her blood sugar was out of whack, so it wasn't a "big deal". Waited a minute, kinda laughed with my friend, and then took her home. Never responded to her calls again.

This other time a few weeks before, I was hanging out with my friend who's pretty much my brother. I tell him I got some sick errl and a bunch of tubes/domes/rigs (all heady glass, hit me up if you want exclusive pricey baller stuff) and he comes over. He didn't tell me he was bringing a friend as usual, but I said f it cause it was someone i've met a few times and he's a state champion wrestler so I figured he's got a pair. I give em dabs, and then wrestler bro pussed out on the vape sesh. We go outside and wrestler bro keeps hiccuping. Me and my friends are a few years older, and we didn't realize he was really just puking and swallowing it. We ask if he's ok cause we still can tell he's fucked up, and he tries to put on a coolface and say it's all good. Blah blah 5 minutes later he pukes ALL OVER HIMSELF, and mid-puke he tried to CATCH HIS PUKE! So his arms/hands are cradled holding a bunch of red applebee's as well as all over his shirt and shorts. I thought he was was dying, it was the weirdest thing to ever see. He literally just sat there for about 5 minutes. My friends are laughing but trying to be nice and say "everybody pukes shit happens" and I go grab him some towels. He doesn't even use em and we keep asking him if he's gonna clean himself up, and eventually he does. 5 minutes later, he's about to puke, so we tell him to go to the back yard...he just gets up and walks like 5 feet and pukes on the deck. We go get the hose and a shirt for him and I told my friend we should call it a night.

I'd tell more stories that are more interesting but i'll just have to do it later


Active member

One time a hall was so dark, I thought I had stepped in a hole and was like "ahhhh" for a second. lol.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Alright Jack Haze, I wouldn't call that freaking out over nothing but a close call nonetheless.

The absolute funniest freak out shit ever is on youtube handle wafflepwn. That kid flips out.


Active member
pfff, i used to get a big lightning of fear every time a car passed by lol

course, i needed the weed for my bipolar, was so bad i woulda killed myself if i wouldave went without weed. just wasnt worth it. fucked up life and fucked up society.

one time almost destroyed a crop over nothing.

then i just noticed i was Wasting a shitload of time in paranoia.

going "cops!" in my head everytime i heard something. lol

so i just started ignoring it and focusing more on just enjoying what i was doing. works pretty good, still get the occasional "cops!" in my head, lol, but hey. :) (it used be like 75% of my life lol, now its a small percentage)


Active member
Buddy and I would freak out by the speed of opening and closing of engine valves at say 8,000 Rpm.

Someone says the earth is faster..lol
