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Ever Completely Freak Out Over Nothing?

jack Haze

Actually I have a long history of just that but that's another story...

So, I was sitting home doing what I always do. Basically a bong hit every 5 minutes and blunt every 30. Seemed like a typical day on the homestead until I happened to glance out the window.

Basically, every cop in the city was directly in front of my house. I mean 20-30 cars lining both sides of my street, half-way down the road. I'm not about to say I had illegal plants in my pad...But I may have had a few. The top of my head nearly blew off seeing these cops. Obviously if cops are directly in front of the house. Generally they're there for reasons contrary to your best interest.

Convinced I was going to jail and my front door would fly off it's hinges in a matter of moments...I moved plants to another closet. I didn't even bother trying to take gear down, figured it was far too late for that. I sat down and decided to spend my last minutes of freedom doing bong hits. I glance out the window just as 3 cops trained AR-15's on my neighbor. Turns out there was some kind of disturbance next door involving a gun and that's why they were there.

In all, they ordered about 8 people to walk from the house backwards with AR-15's trained on them. I have no idea what happened but am joyous they didn't come to my house.

So who else has had a situation such as this give them a near stroke?


Active member
2 very similar occurances in the last 6 months.i am pretty mellow and low key and medicinal and highly medicated so it wasnt a big deal. took a beer and stood out front watching LOL

jack Haze

Ironically, the way the last 8 months or so has gone...I was ready to give up everything and happily prance to my jail cell. I could use a nice vacation but they'd likely want to keep me longer than I'd want to stay.

Words can't describe your feelings looking out and seeing both sides of the street, lined with LE cars.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Ever Completely Freak Out Over Nothing?

Dude, in my opinion you had a damn good reason to freak out under those circumstances. I think any one of us would freak out, I know I would.

Now, when you start getting worried when you hear a helicopter flying up above, especially when you live in or around a good size city, if that freaks ya out then I would agree it freaking over nothing.


weed fiend
Yeah. I smoked two bong hits of colombian thunderfuck when I was 12 years old, thought I was a goner, lol.

jack Haze

Ever Completely Freak Out Over Nothing?

Dude, in my opinion you had a damn good reason to freak out under those circumstances. I think any one of us would freak out, I know I would.

Now, when you start getting worried when you hear a helicopter flying up above, especially when you live in or around a good size city, if that freaks ya out then I would agree it freaking over nothing.

Yeah, that's a surefire recipe for frayed nerves and multiple ulcers...

I just meant in hindsight, it was all over nothing. I went from hopeless, broken and terrified to full relief and having the ability to breathe.


I'd be completely suicidal if something happened. My tolerance is off the chart. I know absolutely nowhere to find good smoke (or even commercial for that matter.) When hanging with buds, I'll be on my 3rd blunt and everyone else is blitzed and stopped after the first one.

That's my greatest fear of a bust or anything of that sort...I'd have to move back South to be able to smoke!

bock, bock

Coincidently, or not coincidently, these type of things seemed to always happen on the rare occasion that i would take tabs of acid. I still don't know what the hell is going on?
Like on the movie 'Friday'.....
'What the F###?,...aw man i'm trippin'',......'shhh'.......'am i trippin'?'


The neighbors caught a warrant from swat while my outdoor crop hung just steps away ... Fuckin aggravating !! Peace homies


jack Haze

The neighbors caught a warrant from swat while my outdoor crop hung just steps away ... Fuckin aggravating !! Peace homies


Beautiful feeling isn't it. How many years you figure it took off your potential lifespan? In my case. I feel it deducted a good 5-8 years...


the shit spoon
At my last spot my neighbor's mailbox got whacked with with a baseball bat and they called the cops... lights on multiple cars all lined up in front of my house... I thought I had fucked up somehow and my neighbors narc'd.

Also had kids running from the cops hide in my shed, cops all over property.. but I wasn't there. After that I decided to move on to a more secure spot.


weed fiend
In the late 70s, a friend and I were parked outside a local game room. We'd just smoked a few bong hits and were getting out of the car when two cops rushed us.

One of the cops found the bong sitting on the floorboard and put it on the hood of the car. I had a half ounce of Colombian but it was safely tucked away in my Ford Pinto stash. Safest stash I ever had.

So one of the cops asks me if I have anything to which I answered no, wasn't about to give up $15.00 worth of reefer if I didn't have to. The other cop was messing with my buddy, asking him if he had anything else.

I knew I had the weed that night so I wasn't worried about the cops finding any weed on my friend. About the time my friend swore he had no weed, the cop pulled up the bottom of my friend's t-shirt, exposing a small bowl tucked in the waist band of his pants.

By now, both cops were really pissed and threatening to toss my car. All our friends were standing around watching. But we couldn't laugh along with em cause the cops were too pissed.

My friend continued to swear up and down he had nothing else and I still wasn't about to give up my half ounce. I stood there and took their crap and in the end, the cop handed my friend back his bong and said, "I trust you know what to do with this." Swear to God, no ferkin' lie.

So we decided to leave the scene, lol. Made the short drive over to a field just off the airport runway where folks go to watch the planes land and fuck and all that. We'd just parked, whipped out the weed, bong and had the first toke when another police car appeared. I almost shit a brick as the car passed us and busted a couple having sex about 100 feet away.

That's when I was a teenager. Lots of crazy nights like that. Oh yeah, that stash that went through several searches and was never breached? The dinky plastic housing over the handbrake. Enough room to hide a fat ounce of weed, $30 back then:)

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Ha! That story sounds just like my life, graduated from high school in 1976, those were the days! Thirty bucks for a zip, of some kind of sativa that today would be considered the Holy Grails of strains. We didn't know how good we had it back then, hindsight makes it so clear now.


Active member
i used to freak out.

now i look at it this way.

no smell and no one knows that cant know.

its none of other peoples business what i do.

so what i did was just ignore that paranoia. see it needs to be fed to stay alive.

it died out slowly, but is mostly gone.

now when i get that "police!" in my head, i just go "fuckoff" or ignore it.

see, its such a waste of fucking time, always going "police!" in my fucking head and peering out windows, hiding behind curtains.

if it got bad, i just did something that took alot of my concentration and focus.

just make sure shits tight and then forget about it.

police are not looking for calm people anyway, they looking for jumpy fuckers.

the one´s that get all scrunchy in the shoulders, just seeing the police.

dress better than they and ignore them, or dress the same as they and be really nice to them (hide in plain sight) lol

constant paranoia does not help anything but a heartattack and a early grave (ever see politicians? ever see how the potus gets grey REAL fast?, thats stress and paranoia, period)

just make sure, no assholes know, no vindictive bitches, no loosemouth blabbermouth snitches.

take care of the smell and then just imagine weed is legal, you just got a lot of stupid kids around that cant know. (being against weed is unbelievably immature)

people are morons, they wont find out, unless you tell them or are obvious.

so relax, chill bill, taka pill, have a smoke, enjoy life, you deserve it.


Active member
ICMag Donor
This may be a repost as it happened to me a few years ago:

Sitting two feet in front of my 46" LCD enjoying my day off with some bud and MW2. I really loved playing in the poppy field on the afghan level while baked. Basicaly camping out in the weeds with a shotty waiting for some newbs to roll by - fun stuff.

I was renting and had just started a grow, 5 Grape Krush (4/5 germed) and 5 Mazar I Sharif freebies (4/5 germed). The landlord had kept some personal belongings in the basement and mentioned that he might be by over the winter. I was not very concerned because he lived far out of state.

Midway through a particularly intense round on Afghan I hear the sound of doors slamming. Where I am sitting I can glance back out of my window and see this truck sitting in my driveway. The "I might be by sometime in the winter to move stuff out of the basement," note from my landlord instantly flashed through my mind. Immediate panic MUST DO SOMETHING mode set in.

Ran to the basement grow and started tearing everything down. What took me 3 hours to setup was down in 3 minutes. The entire time I'm hearing what sounds like footsteps making their way to the basement stairs. My heart is absolutely racing and I know that as soon as they see me they'll know something is up.

Long minutes pass, I'm just standing at the door listening to every noise imagining my impending doom approaching. There's no way I can explain the mj plants in the owners storage room without it sounding like...I was growing mj in the owners storage room..lol.

It's winter and it had snowed a lot the previous week. The snow on the flat pitched roof had piled up a couple of feet. The noises I heard were the maintenance crew shoveling the roof clean. After that I changed the locks on the doors and cut down on the weed smoking.

jack Haze

I had a funny incident back in my young days. Disco, your story reminded me of it.

I was 16 and just had got my license and I picked up a girl from school. I had some really good Chronic and we blazed a bowl before going into the mall. We walk around looking at stuff, the usual things punk kids do in malls.

At some point I got a few steps ahead of her. I hear a sound behind me and think to myself; ''That sounded like shopping bags hitting the ground.'' My next realization was that half the mall was staring in our direction. I turn around and see her flopping around on the ground uncontrollably!

Of course I thought it was my ''killer weed'' that sent her into this condition. I didn't know if I should run like Hell or figure out what was going on. I kneel down with no idea at all what to do. Thankfully a Nurse was came up and helped until paramedics arrived.

At the end of it all. She says. ''I'm sorry, I have seizures.''

Thank was one of the scariest times of my life. I had already calculated in my mind that I was going to prison for ''killing'' a young girl.