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Ever blacked out from smoking? Blood sugar


New member
I use to get hash from India. We would smoke out of the chillum and I remember whiting out when looking out the window, the sun just got brighter and brighter. it was really strong it had people whiteout/blackout. Same with some smoke I grew along time ago, couldn't even smoke a blunt kids were passing out...
This thread has turned out to be much more informative than I expected. My grandmother is a REAL diabetic, but very mild I guess. She has had both knees replaced and she needs supplemental oxygen throughout the day from 20+years of bartending and being an ex smoker. Her medical bills are as high as some people's rent, and on her income that's quite a heavy burden. Her knees hurt a lot, and when I asked her why they hurt she said this- "I have pills that help the pain from my knees, but it conflicts with my other medicines and makes me nauseous". That's when I knew she needs MJ in her life!

I love her dearly, so I am planning on saving all of my sweet leaf for her to make her some THC oil. I know she would be receptive to medical MJ if she didn't have to smoke it, and I make some killer peanut butter cookies :) She has other quirks too, she is borderline bipolar and has anxiety.... But damn, the things that come out of her mouth always make me smile!

On a side note, my brother has mild torrette's syndrome... I have heard that CBT helps with the ticks, can anyone with torrette's chime in and let me know if MJ has reduced their tick's? My brother is a strong, intelligent, good looking guy, and his ticks are much better than when he went through puberty, I just hate to see him have a low self esteem due to a few minor ticks.
never blacked out , I try everyday


I used to play a game when none of my buddies were available to hang out. Don't judge me lol! I don't do this anymore!!!! Empty a black and mild, fill it with a blend of 50% chronic, 50% spice. I would sit in my car, turn the stereo on low and recline my seat. You will be smoking and wake up an hour later with a half smoked blunt on your stomach. Don't smoke spice, it's as addictive as nicotine and WILL GIVE YOU HARSH WITHDRAWLS!

Red Fang

Active member
well I have high blood pressure too, so while it may cause unwanted effects to some, it might be good for me. If I can bring myself to try again.

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
give it a try if you want to red fang... I'm 100% sure it lowers blood pressure with me.

And my feeling is that heavy indicas do more so than racy sats (well pretty obviuos I guess).


I've had this issue as well before. It also felt like a circulation problem so i'm not sure if it was low blood pressure or low blood sugar. My limbs, mainly arms, got tingly and shaky. I then felt like a mild anxiety attack and light headed. I have been on a "diet" and i hadn't eaten in 4 hours at the time it happened. It's happened a few times while high but nothing too serious. The effects subsided once i ate something and I never blacked out. It rarely happens to me.
It's called manorexia. When a guy doesn't know he's anorexic lol. I smoke cigarettes and drink black coffee all day. Then when I feel lousy I realize I haven't eaten all day and the sun is down.


Active member
It's called manorexia. When a guy doesn't know he's anorexic lol. I smoke cigarettes and drink black coffee all day. Then when I feel lousy I realize I haven't eaten all day and the sun is down.

Never heard that term, manorexic, googled it, humm. more terms for gender diagnosing. should be malorexia though and the other femaleorexia. maybe not, looking at it in print has a different feel than rolling it off the tongue. :ying: jpt


Active member
This thread has turned out to be much more informative than I expected. My grandmother is a REAL diabetic, but very mild I guess. She has had both knees replaced and she needs supplemental oxygen throughout the day from 20+years of bartending and being an ex smoker. Her medical bills are as high as some people's rent, and on her income that's quite a heavy burden. Her knees hurt a lot, and when I asked her why they hurt she said this- "I have pills that help the pain from my knees, but it conflicts with my other medicines and makes me nauseous". That's when I knew she needs MJ in her life!

I love her dearly, so I am planning on saving all of my sweet leaf for her to make her some THC oil. I know she would be receptive to medical MJ if she didn't have to smoke it, and I make some killer peanut butter cookies :) She has other quirks too, she is borderline bipolar and has anxiety.... But damn, the things that come out of her mouth always make me smile!

On a side note, my brother has mild torrette's syndrome... I have heard that CBT helps with the ticks, can anyone with torrette's chime in and let me know if MJ has reduced their tick's? My brother is a strong, intelligent, good looking guy, and his ticks are much better than when he went through puberty, I just hate to see him have a low self esteem due to a few minor ticks.

I'd be extremely cautious given your grandma anything with mmj, particularly with the borderline bi-polar. I've met people that use mmj for that and it takes a very careful balancing act and they seem to know when to switch up to a sativa or indica. I'd suggest a tincture for her with high CBDs; which will help her knee pain and other aches. The ingested forms seem to last much longer, too.

I personally know people that have lowered their blood sugar with tinctures.

Now, your brother..start cooking and give him all you've got to control those ticks. i know of one person, on the web..that was successful with treating his tickshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0psJhQHk_GI and using Rick Simpson Oil. I bet you can stop those darn ticks and enjoy the brother you knew you had.:dance013: jpt


Active member
By changing the dilation of blood vessels, it increases syncopy.

When you stand and the blood rushes out and you almost pass out.

Now if you were smoking with a little, small, paranoia and you tense your thoracic cavity because of this, it'll lead to a more restrictive and clausterphobic high..where your breathing and this restrictive feeling meet a match with your paranoia and it tells you this all is a panic attack.

Hmm, your brain could be using more energy and oxygen. When it does that and you're adrenalized, but don't start moving your body around to get rid of the oxygen, you will feel dizzy.

You'll feel dizzy because your lungs and heart were ready, but then you remained still.

The only thing that gets energy out of me is listening to music that is physically stimulating. I could also punch my bike seat, or I can consciously think to calm down.

But mostly I seek out higher intensity stimulation. I know anxiety, or even your heart pumping more, denotes that it's doing it not for a person to just sit there.

I frequently have small feelings of this, but I stop it. First I recognize it right away and tell people. If they give me a hard time I don't even give them words, or a glance and maintain respect for myself. I go outside because your body is telling you that you don't have enough air. You do, but it makes it seem like your drowning because in a fight, flight situation, you start sucking extra air before the fight or flight happens.

If you're stimulated like that and just sitting there - blood vessels are going and you are not. Do a small physical activity for only 5 minutes to pump your muslces. Situps and pushups.

Key is to recognize it isn't real. I was blacking out after standing up, intense fear, felt like dying, as I cleared my door to the outside I could see people, and I didn't tell anyone.

A lack of oxygen my body thinks, then my heart pumps, then my vision is going crazy. As I was seeing colors and light mixed and felt my body getting closer to the ground...I accepted I would never see life possibly again..........I started laughing......because it'd been out there maybe a minute and still hadn't passed out and it was getting more intense. At that point I realized it was a panic attack basically and start smiling and thanking the universe for putting such powerful gadgets in there for me.

After I look at it not as panic, not as anxiety, but something God or the universe gave me to defend myself (albeit, in humans we don't feel the normal range animals do, we suppress them) and realize these are old features that still kind of help us of course! But can also inhibit.

It's all about controlling your breathing and creating a positive mindset.

Iour brain will be consuming more glucose as a result of smoking herb, so it may be sappin' itself energy.


Active member
Can someone please explain the difference between a whiteout as opposed to a blackout when talking about passing out after using weed?


New member
IMHO, a whiteout and blackout could theoretically be the same thing (as in the same things going on in the body) lack of blood and oxygen to the brain. I myself would consider a whiteout feeling as to taking a HUGE bong rip and the lightheaded feeling and where everything turns real bright almost instantly causing the user to so say pass out but MUCH less intense and almost instant recovery. To me a blackout has a similar feeling but you actually lose full consciousness where the body does a full shutoff and recovery, which can cause stated person to injure themselves from a sudden fall, nausea afterwards. Anyways the biggest part is the panic/fear involved in a blackout from thinking your having a heart attack, cant breath, thoughts of insanity etc.
I blacked out once from smoking, I was in high school and was doing knife hits at a friends house. After about the 4th hit... all I remember is waking up on the floor, lol.

Btw, I agree with fuckinggroovin on the difference between a blackout and whiteout.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I did a big bong hit yesterday that got me dizzy for about 30 seconds until I could stand up and go puke, just tossed a little bit of watery bile, that happens about once or twice a year.......
I have seen that happen a few times. In middle school we made a 3 person hookah with a 1 cubic inch bowl. We cherried it and somebody's thumb came off while a newbie was hitting it... Poor guy cleared 3/4 gallon of ROUGH smoke and threw up for the next 3 hours.

Red Fang

Active member
almost "blacked out" without smoking, scary as hell! I was driving down the road and then realized I was heading straight towards a telephone poll and swerved to miss it! I and the vehicle were fine, how I don't know. What can be the cause of that? My blood sugar was 250, I have been as high as 430 (long time ago) and very low too (some so low I don't trust the readings). So I don't think it was sugar related. Scary, won't be driving again soon that is for sure!


ive blacked out twice so far, so ill be checking on this thread from time to time, not a diagnosed diabetic but it runs in my family and I have had blood sugar related problems.