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Ever blacked out from smoking? Blood sugar

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
one time in amsterdam i got this isoalter hash, the ladie in the coffieshop said "be careful its very strong thats enough for a 10 hits" i was like ye what ever and i put it all in a joint. after the joint i new i was fucked up so i thought a bottle of coke would sort me out, didnt get the coke all i remembers is seeing white stars then my mate picking me up.

never had a whitey like it, dude you were just drinking and smoking noting to do with flu lol


New member
I'll never stop growing though. The feeling of accomplishment I get every time I harvest, the looks on peoples faces when they open a gifted jar, the endless possibilities of phenotypes and rich terpene profiles, and the sheer beauty and connection I have with the plant will override any fear of imprisonment for what I do...


New member
Yea Chevy...Exactly like that, at least I know I'm not the only one that gets like that anymore. Its a damn shame really, something you KNOW can't harm or kill you and your terrified shitless. haha, I could see if I had been doing something else but damn. almost 15yrs of everyday use and this shit starts to happen!
I will never forget my first indoor grow, it was all L.A. Confidential that turnout out gorgeous! It was grown under weak light, so certain parts were ready for harvest 2 weeks before the rest. My friends and I were all in love with my bud, and at a party we set out 6 strains that were unlabeled, 4 of which were from a dispensary, one from my buddy, and my stuff. Nearly everyone was ranting about my stuff and begging me to get more from my dealer (he he, only a couple of them knew). So the shit was bomb, and infamous in my circles and everyone wanted some. I was on cloud 9.... That's until I decided to watch the scary movie "The Happening" WHILE I was smoking the plant right in front of it, and harvesting the late blooming parts of the plants. I'm not going to ruin the movie, but you can say I had nightmares about all of my girlfriend, and my best friends all dying because of me. And it happened like 3 nights straight. Horrible! But yeah watch the movie :p


New member
He he, I know right...I think sativas are part of the problem...That SSDH and Somali taxi ride have by far given me the most anxious buzz
After smoking a little too much i can get dizzy if i stand up too fast.Im an auto mechanic by trade and toke often without issues.It also only happens if i have not eaten enough.

lost in a sea

I've been there in the distant past but haven't come across anything that strong in at least 13 yrs.

...... but didn't you say you were drinking also?

.... then it's no fair blameing the pot!

i think it's his body it sounds more like he is worried about, not the cannabis.. cannabis is just a tool that if used at the wrong time like any tool exacerbates problems. peoples health waxes and wanes and if you are in a dip then your body is trying to rebalance again and ganja isn't a cure for that,,, yet anyway,, and in some people it can even be the opposite like any stimulant or "drug" we consume from caffeine to tobacco in our diet.. but cannabis isn't at all to blame and no one is.

tokersmoke if you stand up too fast it's a blood rush as the blood has pooled in your lower half.
seeing if sativa vs sativa causes a bigger blood pressure drop would be cool, or just seeing if equal strength indicas and sativas can be smoked till you pass out. This could be really cool if somebody did it scientifically


I looked into this a lot a few years ago. Never happened to me personally, but happened to 2 of my close friends on 3 different occasions (one guy had it happen twice) over a period of a few months. I happened to be around all 3 times and stoned as hell, freaking out when they went crashing to the floor. The one time the guy was sitting in a chair, fell sideways and cracked his head on the wooden chair next to him. I was sure he broke his neck. Once was in line at McDonalds after smoking a blunt which was pretty fucking funny (in retrospect) trying to get his ass out to the car. Anyway, the definite common denominator seemed to be they had not eaten that day or not eaten very much. From then on it made sense as a blood-sugar thing and I did not worry as much... but it's still not fun to deal with your friends when they are passing out during your sesh haha. So eat regularly, eat well and stay hydrated!


Active member
It can be both panic AND blood sugar-related.

It's going to try and get your heart going, so ride the wave, but also focus on your breathing because it's the only way to control your heart and mind, and the only thing you have to control.

Me myself, standing up causes dizziness. I also have panic attacks that are minor, for the most part.

Anytime I get dizzy or anything, panic ALSO arrives. It's because I think it may be a panic attack and I panic.


Active member
It can be both panic AND blood sugar-related

I have often thought while suffering low blood sugars after a smoke why don`t they develop something from MJ for diabetics ? It`s the best plant on the planet for medicinal qualities & I`m sure with the right research they could develop something that could help with blood sugar levels , it already happens to hell of a lot of smokers so part of the answer is already there .
Good thread PizzaMan5000.

Yup. This happened to me. But only 1x. It was some organically grown Grape Freezeland bx3. I didn't think it was particularly strong, but... I was out with the wife & some friends. We were sharing the doob. I had probably 1/2 of it. Went into this shop, was looking through a seed catalog, and I knew something was wrong. Hands got cold, felt like I needed air. Went outside to get some, and was fighting to keep upright. I recall seeing myself begin to collapse - then blackness. I hit my knees on the concrete (took a month for the bruises & swelling to go away). I came to pretty damn quick, but had to stay still. Freaked everyone out. Was fine for the rest of the eve, though.

I've noticed the blood-pressure / circulation thing many times since. The wife gets it too, but neither of us has felt like passing out... Just suddenly cold. Anyone else notice this?

Gonna have to read up more on the blood sugar thing.

I eat well, and exercise plenty. I don't smoke tobacco, and I drink infrequently (I didn't on the occasion I passed out). I have to wonder if what's going on is something akin to a "glycemic reaction" ...kinda like hypo-glycemia?


mojave green

rockin in the free world
I was reading ICmag issue #5 today, and was reading about the reduced blood sugar thing. It was very interesting if you haven't read it. But it does apply to me, I weighed 190 before I began smoking again, but when I began smoking again I went down to 170- Shredded as hell, then equalized at 182 with a pretty decent 6 pack. And my diet is all junk food, and I only have caffeine during the day, and I pretty much binge eat before bed.

But one time at a party I was really getting fucked up because I knew I was taking a cab home, and it was my best friend's birthday, so I was getting white girl fucked up. Anyway, at one point after smoking and drinking a bit, I found it very hard to stand, and my head started to hurt. I decided to go outside and grab a bottle of spring water from a cooler. As soon as I opened the door my sight went black and my knees gave out. I never fully blacked out, but I knew I couldn't hold myself up. After I fell, I started shaking all over and broke out in a profuse cold sweat. I sat for about 10 minutes and had a cigarette, and felt fine. It just scared the shit out of me. I wanted to know if anybody has had this problem, especially diabetics.
i have colored in red the things that are a big no-no for diabetics like u & i. most likely wasn't the weed that caused your issue.

Red Fang

Active member
Never blacked out but if done in moderation and it meant I could take less insulin, it might not be a bad thing.

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
I think it might be a mix of low blood sugar and low blood pressure.
I used to have low blood pressure around the end of my teens, as I was growing quickly around that time.
Had the same blackouts even without smoking.
The smoke came as an addition in the years to follow.
It's the exact same feeling. You feel sth is wrong, it gets worse, you seek to do something against it and all of a sudden- blackout. of course this creates fear in some... if you don't know nothing big's gonna happen you might think you're losing it or you're having a heartattack.... dying... etc...

Weed is said to chill you out.. so just like your body pumps stored blood from your milt ( and liver too) into your bloodstream when you start running or exercising ( that's what causes the stitch, you know that stinging in your side when you start running to fast too quick)), it might take it out of your bloodstream when smoking cannabis. Imagine your body go "ahhh this is relaxed, let's put that extra blood away to storage, doesn't look like we're going to need it anytime soon!"
But no! The stoner wants to get up and bam!- you blackout from low blood pressure because your heart can't pump it back quick enough, and also low blood sugar in this case.

Well it could work this way.. what do you guys think?
mojave I am not a diagnosed diabetic. I had questionable blood tests once but I didn't follow up with them because my doctor and I didn't see eye to eye on a couple things.

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