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Even Hightimes thinks that LED is the future


Was surfing around at Hightimes, and found this article, where they talk about the LED and why it is a GOOD choice..

Even if they talk about HID Hut's lamps, they still think that LED is the way of the future..

Disregard the other company, just read the article ;)


ps. they are doin a test on the HGL panels, but not in the article ds.



High times is a joke mag that wouldnt grace the litter box for my cat!

This is no slight on the LED units this is my view on what once was a mag that had a good ethos.


I cough up honey oil
This reminds me of the time my GF was checking out a HT mag I had and wanted me to go out and buy this bong/vaporizer hybrid thingamajig. I told her she's crazy, that I wouldn't be caught dead smoking out of such a contraption and her reply was..... But it won a High Times award and everything!!! LMAO

No opinions on LED lights.


Do you mean its not flat??? I must warn my parents they are going on a cruise soon....

Then again I would get one & half houses in their will.. hhhmmmmmm
Oh wow, High Times is not a good mag anymore?

When i was a teen High Times was *it*!

I guess times change...What happened??

Guest 16149

Was surfing around at Hightimes, and found this article, where they talk about the LED and why it is a GOOD choice..

Even if they talk about HID Hut's lamps, they still think that LED is the way of the future..

Disregard the other company, just read the article ;)


High Times is a whore to the highest ad they can sell, just look at the ads for legal buds or rip off seedbanks like BC BUDDepot (Scammers) I would not trust them for any info on anything.
I have no opinion on LED lighting and am not hacking it, just hacking that POS rag High Times


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
either way w/ HT - for a time it was what there was and definitely made inroads for the state of MJ today

but LED is a level of efficiency not easily matched as far as lighting

surprising to see it applied to growing - but it does in fact work

quantum dots are next


Salient points..

Salient points..

....however this is an LED forum for Hydrogrow LED, not a HT bashing forum :) Let's wrap it up, folks :)


Active member
Nikko at High Times is currently testing (2) of our 205W lights to see how they compare to the previous LED's they've tried, whether from Maxx, HIDHut, or others. Even if they may not have the best reputation amongst some of the gardening community, they do have a fair bit of testing experience with LED, and that experience will come in handy when evaluating our product. Magazines are always a place looking for the highest bidder to buy an ad, and HT is certainly no different, but they do provide companies like us with a valuable service called getting our product in front of consumers. Even though they are quite expensive, their magazines are read by a LOT of people, and those people buy a lot of product.

HT is only one of several magazines currently testing our lights.

Lt. Herb

Sorry to those fired up about LEDs, but High Times is hardly an endorsement worth get excited about.
Much respect to LEDGirl and her products - I do support the [LED] movement, but surely there are better avenues to pursue.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I could care less what HT thinks, personally. But I definitely am a believer in LED's and though they have some ways to go, they are the future of MY cannabis grows. I plan to test one out in the next 12 months.


Was this thread started to sell LEDs?

No, I started this thread to show that more people think that LED is a great way for the future..

I don't care if you hate the magazine and shit like that, why so hostile?
One love ffs!!!

(yes I have some what of a mixed feeling there.,. tellin you one love in a hostile manor too.. not that nice huh?)

Stop with the freakin hate against HT and me..
yes I take it personally when I get a thread freakin jack mob goin at that liek I was a male in a growroom full of ladies..

Grow up or get out!
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Sorry to those fired up about LEDs, but High Times is hardly an endorsement worth get excited about.
Much respect to LEDGirl and her products - I do support the [LED] movement, but surely there are better avenues to pursue.

yes there is, much better, but, I was just showing that other people think that LED is the future..
It is NOT a thread about HT...

This was a LED panel therad, just to show some intressting reading about LED's..

I dont care if it is the Cannabis Tribune from a village that has 4 people in it..

If you say that HT is not worth listening to, that their "voice" don't count.. well, does mine count? does anyones count then?

Just read the arcticle and keep the hate to www.pissedoffteens.com

ps. I told you in the begining to just read the arctile.. but noooo, you's gotta start hatin. ds.
(people in general, not you Lt. Herb)

// u-nah-bomba


Active member
Alright guys, Let's try and get this back on topic shall we? This thread wasn't started to be a bash fest on High Times, it was simply a reference to an article. Whether you like High Times or not, if you've got the 2 minutes it takes to read this thread and make a post, why not take the two minutes to scan over the article? You just may learn something. ;) I'm not endorsing the article or the lights used in it in any way, but this is a forum where open topics of discussion are welcomed, and this one is about a particular article. Thanks everyone!

:thank you: