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EVE Online: Pew-Pew for Potheads


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Hey all! Just got my comp back after months of being internet deprived, and one of the first things I did... well, the FIRST thing I did after updating everything, was reactivate my EVE accounts. As I was settling in for a wake and bake before I ventured out into the darkness to melt faces, it occurred to me that Eve is a fantastic game for stoners, and I wondered who else on here is cloaked up on a belt, tokin' it up, waiting for a victim to wander too near.

So let's hear it, pothead podders, who's in Eve? Now, of course, you don't want to put your character name out here in public, but if you're in a good corp, put it up here. Especially if you're in a good stoner corp - I need some wingmates :biglaugh:

If ur a solo flier, shout out anyway, maybe we can work something out :D

I'll be waiting in this belt over here to jack the next miner for a few mil...:muahaha:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I typed this whole big wall of text, but I think I'll just throw this video up here

EVE Online: The Butterfly Effect

I'd like to point out, that video was shot ingame, those are the actual game graphics. That's why this is such a great game to play stoned - freakin' gorgeous. Burn a doob, cruise some giant gas clouds, check out some weird space formation, find a miner, beat him to within a hair of his life, and ransom him for $300mil :sasmokin:

Yeah KMK, a lot of people have that reaction, I did when I first heard about MMOs. But then you realize it's a completely different kind of game, and you're not paying $14.95 for the same GTA style. It's comparing apples to oranges.

If nothin' else, it's a free trial, what have you go to lose? And you might even find that you like it :D
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Im not really into video games but I have to admit that looks and sounds cool.


GTA: IV online has been ruined by the hackers that keep spawning loads of boats and things to make the servers crash. I've been looking for a free MMO for a while now. I played Dragnoica, which was extremely repetetive and no depth.

I'm waiting for Allods online, and Huxley (which is an MMOFPS). They both sound and look interesting.

One thing I've always wanted to do was create an MMORPG version of either the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion or Fallout 3. It would be insane, even if it was just a private server with a couple of friends.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
The gameplay is great, and the graphics are tremendous, even has a wide variety of graphic packages so it'll run great on a four year old comp, or run like a freaking movie on my new gaming laptop :D

But the best part is the entire attitude of the devs. Their rule is, it's a dangerous universe, act accordingly :) Scamming is a sport into itself in EVE, because the devs say 'Caveat Emptor' - if you let yourself get scammed out of millions of isk (ingame currency), then you probably weren't smart enough to have it anyway LOL Only thing off limits on scamming are the facets that involve real world cash.

Piracy is one of my favorite aspects. I cruise low sec space, looking for miners mainly, but anything else is pretty much fair game too :D I like the miners, because their pretty mining barges cost near to a billion isk, and have no weapons. If one is silly enough to be caught alone, I'll swoop in, beat him within an inch of his life, and tell him he can cough up 300mil to my bank account, or I'm going to leave him floating in a billion isk cloud. He coughs up the cash, I leave. If he doesn't, or if his backup arrives, it gets even more fun :D If I'm feeling particularly piratey, I may toast him even if he does pay :sasmokin:

Another thing is the way the subscription is handled. If you play well, and start rakin' in the isk, you can actually pay your subscription with ingame money. That's right, you play well, you play for free :joint:

Unlike other MMOs, the devs have actually put in a character bazaar, so you can buy and sell characters for ingame cash. Made some money mining, and you don't feel like waiting to get some high level combat skills? No biggie, take some of your ore money, head to the character bazaar, buy a combat guy, and go melt faces.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Kizz, you posted while I was typing, but you can actually play this game for free if you do it well. One well ransomed ice miner will pay for 2 months of game time :rasta:

Oh, and MMO Elder Scrolls? Total win :yes:
so like you can rob other players or just miners. are miners npcs? i dont know why but always thought eve was like a mmofps.i do like the concept of the single universe. have you been an any epic battles? how many people can be in a conflict at a time. might have to check this out.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
You can do whatever, whenever :) Some people have made their fame by infilitrating companies, waiting until they're given high enough access, and then emptying the companies bank account and taking all their stuff. And no, the miners aren't NPCs, they're other players who like to mine asteroids. I prefer to mine ships :D

And yes, I've been in a coupla of in tense battles, but nothing on the scale that I've heard of (there's a player driven news agency that gives reports on major engagements in the universe) between giant alliances. The ones I've been in were >1000 ships, bbut it was still an awesome thing when you show up with 299 of your friends, and he shows up with 453 of his friends. I looked at the battle scene in the beginning of Revenge of the Sith, and thought, yeah, been there, done that :biglaugh:

There's no limit, theoretically, but once you get 3000 ships on your screen with lasers pewpewing missles flyin' shit blowin' up... It's been known to be rough :D
wow that sounds pretty badass actually.ill definately be getting this once im in a better financial position. im broke right now lol.


Active member
I used to play EVE with my wife and if I had the money.... I would probably still be playing it. Horrible time sink though LOL

Recently started playing DDO because it's going Free to Play on the 9th of this month. I don't get to play often and don't have any money, so paying every month isn't worth it for me. (Dungeons and Dragons Online)

If you've ever played D&D on pen and paper (PnP), you'll LOVE D&D Online ;D

They've really done a class act with coding this game and I've played quite a few MMO's.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
C'mon guys, it's a free trial :D At least give it a spin

You mean no one else here is already playing EVE? I must admit, I'm a bit shocked, because the way some of these folks fly, I figured they were some core members here :biglaugh:


The economy aspect of this game intrigues me. They can regulate an entire economy in game? The goal is to get rich and famous? Sounds a lot like free-market capitalism. If that is the case, count me in!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Heh, if you like economics, then you'd definitely be at home, it's the driving force of the game. The most famous person in Eve started when the game was released, and started a mining corporation. He took the cheapest and most plentiful resource in the universe, and used it to build a multi-billion dollar corporation.

He's so well known that the devs have used his facilities for special events, he has certain exclusions that apply to him, and is virtually required by the game at this point :biglaugh: I think if he quit, the servers would probably crash. His reputation is so well known, that he provides a service unlike any other - brokering the sale and delivery of the most expensive ships in the game - because his reputation is just that strong.

You can become a manufacturer, and sell direct, you can be a retailer and make your cash by buying stuff and marking it up. There's even a stock exchange, where you can buy and sell the player corporations stock :)

And yeah, the goal is money, whether you make it with a mining laser or a giant laser of doom :D


I'm going to start downloading this a bit later. I've got Left 4 Dead downloading at the moment and anything else will cripple my browser loading times. With a 14 day free trial you can't go wrong!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yeah, Johnny, just a download. And it's not like some trials, where you have to give your CC info and all that crap. Just DL and play.

Since nobody here is actively playing, it seems, maybe I should go start us a corp on Eve :D


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
All right, which one of you guys was in the local chat on Eve talking about the Purp Kush you got from the dispensary that was giving away free edibles? :D


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
Hey man

ok so after reading about it and watching some youtube videos, i started downloading the trial. Are there certain things i should start doing right off the bat? Is there a way to make enough "isk" in the trial to pay for a subscription?

start a corp and give me a job, lol ... i've got 21 days

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