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Europe makes a stink about American cheese names


ICMag Donor
Sail On Matey's!


Andinismo Hierbatero
Get some Italian parmigiano reggiano, and get as many kinds of other non-Italian parmesan style cheeses as you can, eat, compare, and then you will understand.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Get some Italian parmigiano reggiano, and get as many kinds of other non-Italian parmesan style cheeses as you can, eat, compare, and then you will understand.

any of the Kraft type grated Parmesan or Romano I consider to be no better than sawdust, that's what that shit tastes like, sawdust.

there are some passable local cheese companies that put out a decent product but for my best dishes I buy imported wedges & grate 'em myself, so little trouble but a world of difference.


Andinismo Hierbatero
I hear that S4L, the other day I bought a local mozarella to make pizza, excellent cheese no doubt, but a few days later wanted to make pizza again and at the shop they were out of the local mozarella, so they offered me an italian one, a bit more expensive though, so I said yeah, ok, give me some, and bam! it was noticeably better than the local one.

my pizza making skills are still pretty amateurish though :D


Active member
Trade wars always precede shooting wars.
Protectionism trying to masquerade as free trade is a bad idea.

Is there really anyone above a room temperature IQ who thinks a plastic tube of Kraft Parm is a cottage made product from the hills of Italy?

The French want a carve out for restricting foreign (non French) language films because of 'cultural preservation' bullshit.

Like everyone in France is going to start sounding like Forrest Gump or those annoying Japanese cartoons unless they have a proportionate healthy dose of fat Gerard Depardieu chewing up the scenery.

Lol. Besides that, he's Russian now because the tax hikes drove him out of France.

Proof that America doesn't have a lock on the stupidest politicians on the planet.

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