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Ethos Genetics Thoughts


Well-known member
So Bodhi and reserva privada, who has way more strains, are crap too. You truely are a halfassedfarmer........


Well-known member
My god......
Where did I say Ethos was crap. Please show me the exact point where I said he was crap.

I wait for your reply with baited breath.

I'll save you the time and brain power, I didn't.

I said he's asking too much money for what are quick chucks with what he & his crew think will work. These words come from his own lips.

Bohdi is without a doubt one the BEST there is, the man cares and takes the time to make his lines.

Colin has other people picking clones while selecting himself and then sprays them up.

Bohdi has been around for double figures not five seconds.

You rock on though and keep on jumping down people necks who have a different opinion to your self..


Well-known member
I've heard the guy speak about breeding & shoot the shit.

I checked out his seeds and decided not to bother based on the fact he has more strains then days I've been on this planet.
You're taking too big a gamble for the price point unless you're looking for one stellar girl to run with.

Well.........I wouldn't say that's a raving review, especially considering you haven't grown out his stuff. To not grow his stuff because "he has more strains than days" is amateurish to say the least. I have at least 5 grows of his stuff on RIU, all different strains, and none were below average and some were great. One was A+. Why not try commenting on something you know directly about, instead of giving an opinion on something you are just guessing at?

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
That's the difference, Bodhi is a breeder, ethos chucks elite to elite. Hence the herms.

Ethos feminized chucks untested for 150-200 a pack. Sure you might find some gold. On the other hand on RIU the Ethos thread is clogged with pics of herms.

Bodhi makes seeds and sells for 80 a pack and I really haven't seen any reports on herms.

I think it's bullshit to charge that kind of money for untested seeds period.


New member
That's the difference, Bodhi is a breeder, ethos chucks elite to elite. Hence the herms.

Ethos feminized chucks untested for 150-200 a pack. Sure you might find some gold. On the other hand on RIU the Ethos thread is clogged with pics of herms.

Bodhi makes seeds and sells for 80 a pack and I really haven't seen any reports on herms.

I think it's bullshit to charge that kind of money for untested seeds period.

I really wonder about this. ICmag has an officially endorsed seed vendor who sells $9 seeds that are all F1's. And the people interviewed on the australian PotCast seem to generally see it as unethical to sell F1's at all/for that high a price.

I'm hoping that a person (with more informatiom than me) can break us off some perspective.


Well-known member
Well it's not a review at all is it to review his gear I would have to have grown it, but clearly in my post you’ll see the part where I say I didn’t buy his seeds, and nor is it calling it crap.

You may have missed this part trying too hard to look for the part I’d written he seeds were crap.

I've been growing for over 25 and breeding for over 15, I've seen em come and I've seen em go.

Calling someone amateur because they don’t want to spend their money on seeds they deem too expensive, behave and have some respect for fellow posters.

If you could please point me to the point in this conversation where I insulted you so you feel that you can insult me?

He prices his seeds at $100 for 6 so I’d have to drop $200 & for this kind of money I’d want a worked line that shows very little variation and again from his own words he isn’t spending the time to do this. He admits sometimes they get lucky & I know from experience this can happen but the other side of the coin is you don’t and for the money it’s risk I’m not willing to take.

You enjoy your Ethos Gear & I wish you all the best for the future but if I were you I’d take note of some of my points in this post and reply to fellow posters who have shown you respect with respect.
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Well-known member
OK......let's review.

I'll first add I've been growing for a lot longer than you and have seen a lot more come and go than you. I'm a full time grower, and have been making my living doing it successfully for many years. I was growing Nevil's gear (The Seed Bank) when you were in elementary school (most likely).

Here's my issue........you come into an Ethos thread stating "I checked out his seeds and decided not to bother based on the fact he has more strains then days I've been on this planet. You're taking too big a gamble for the price point unless you're looking for one stellar girl to run with."

Point 1- How many strains he produces, or has produced on his behalf- has nothing to do with the quality. Some are hit or miss, just like every other breeder on the planet.
Point 2- $100 a pack is not unreasonable today for a 6 pack of fem's. Not great, but not terrible. If you check around, and shop smartly, you can get the price lowered to around $70 a pack (with discount codes and such). A couple of hundred is not an gamble, it's an investment the way I look at it.

I apologize for being a smart ass, I did insult you. But it bothers me when people comment on things they know nothing about. I've grown 6 of his strains now, 24 plants a grow.....all posted on RIU and some of them on ********* and other places. My ONLY complaint is some tendencies towards hermies on some of them, but not all. Colin is honest enough to say certain strains will throw off some male flowers at certain points- 3-4 week in flowering along the main stem where hormones are peaking down low on the plant.

Lastly, comment on what you know- not conjecture (an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information).


Active member
bought a pack of member berry r1 after seeing colin say it was the best plant he ever worked with. decided that should make it a decent first strain to grow from ethos.

i initially popped 3, but gave 2 away when timing got fucked up due to cloning issues. this is the one i kept. really strong plant and a vigorous grower. flowering soon.



Well-known member
Premium user
oh lord looks like someone lit a stink bomb in here!

I have been looking at a few of Ethos' offerings. Specifically the Cali Dragon which I sampled a few weeks ago it was great. Alas the last pack sold before I grabbed it. I also tried some Colorado Chem but not certain it was his gear but the place also had some mycoteck gear so I am pretty sure it was his as they also had the pillow factory. My buddy grabbed the pillow factory and I didn't like it straight indica but then again I don't like pure indica's. The other 2 were great. Still interested in the Chem if I can't locate the Skunk VA....

As for 150-200 a pack that's BS they are $98-100 across the board.

Newbs chill out, this is not the place to make war on one another.


Well-known member
Thank you for actually being adult enough to say sorry for the insults.

I used to run a a few large grows too, to the point the law paid me a visit. So I'm not exactly a babe in arms either.

I would say how many strains he has in such a short time is a sign of quality, You have to take the time to find a female that isn't going to chuck male parts under stress to make strong female seeds, Sam S has said as much many times. I mean if you're chucking new lines all the time it would tell me they're not working them too hard. This comes from Colin him self so not conjecture, fact.

I have no issue with Colin either, I actually admire the fact he doesn't hold onto things like others do, laying claim to things which they got from other growers work. I admire the way he tells people to go down the S1 route when searching, I now do this myself.

If he ever brings out the all male lines he was talking about I might try Ethos but at the moment I can get 100 fem for $250 if I want and there is a 100% chance they're made the same way in Spain, spray and smash.


Well-known member
My largest grows were over 800 plants.......and was looking at 20+ years in prison. So we've all been there if you're in the game long enough.

If I was to recommend 1 thing from Ethos, it's his Zsweet Inzanity. Great yield, top shelf smoke. Do a google search with "sshz and zsweet inzanity" and my grow will come out on top. Give it a read.......


Namekian resident/farmer
My largest grows were over 800 plants.......and was looking at 20+ years in prison. So we've all been there if you're in the game long enough.

If I was to recommend 1 thing from Ethos, it's his Zsweet Inzanity. Great yield, top shelf smoke. Do a google search with "sshz and zsweet inzanity" and my grow will come out on top. Give it a read.......

How was the flavor and effects of smoke I'm curious


Well-known member
Premium user
How was the flavor and effects of smoke I'm curious

Thank both of you for acting like men and helping keep our shared love and enjoyment of this sacred plant moving forward.

I am also interested in the Inzanity what was the taste like? High or stoney?

Make Love not War!


Well-known member

Here's 770 plants in a greenhouse. I had 12 of them.

who cares about numbers.

You guys are really cracking me up. a little humility goes a long way.


Well-known member
The Zsweet Inzanity has been my favorite smoke for a while, and I always have 5 or 6 things to choose from. If you read the RIU thread on my grow, you would have seen me described the taste and smell like a straight up G.G. #4. My only complaint I had on the strain was it didn't taste like a sativa, more like a indica with a mild smell. The high is something special though......about 70% sativa with a 2 hour buzz ride, then the 30% indica mellows you out, very relaxing and calming. It's not racey at all, and the early buzz is strongly felt in the eyes, forehead and temples. It's a bit of a creeper early on, then in about 10 minutes- it instantly hits you with a 2 X 4 to the head. One of the very few strains I would ever consider growing again......