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Ethiopian - Smoke Report Thread


Well-known member
Smoke Reports for ACE Ethiopian which i got from the Ethopian Thread here in the ACE Forum.

Both the Ethiopian and Congo were great; the Ethiopian particularly unique (not strong but motivational, happy, uplifting), but still not what this laughing high was. I don't think I could recreate this high with either of those strains, although both would possibly shine in crosses, I suspect. African genetics might be a possibility though.

One African sativa that is happy and upbeat is ACE Ethiopian. It is a mild but extremely good feeling high. Not laughter material but I loved it. Was my go to afternoon walk strain while I had it. Come to think of it, I should grow it again. Many would find it too weak but I loved it. Varied a little in phenos but if you get the right one, fantastic! There's also a colder spookier pheno that was less enjoyable so you need to search.

I decided to try the Ethiopian I grew last night. The grow conditions were poor and my dry\cure technique severely lacks.
However, this is some enjoyable herb.
Smell wise the lime is still there but there's a definite pine coming through and when I stick my nose in the jar while taking a slow deep breath my nose gets a cooling sensation that has a tingly aspect to it. Mint or eucalyptus come to mind here.
Taste, it's hard to tell as I mostly vape and smoking is quite different but woody and pine, pine without question as that's what lingered.
Effect, coffee like everyone has said fits exactly but for me it's cleaner\clearer and without the jitters that can sometimes come with coffee. Coffee can also make me irritable which this did not and my thoughts get erratic\unorganised (probs what makes me irritable as it's to much stimulation).
This was very up. I could concentrate a lot better. The body felt active and without or much less inflamed. Mood elevation. Centered.
There was a spiritual aspect that came later that I wish I could have paid better attention to but I had already started playing video games. What I remember of it is that I saw and felt a flash of bright white light that started right below my sternum and went through out my body but mostly focused in the midline up and down.
It had a slight mushroom feel to it in the sense of the glow that can come with them and while weed can make you laugh and this did I have a strong memory of taking mushies and my mom asking what was going on when I had been staring in the fridge for 10 mins just laughing. This had that type of laugh, feel going on while at the same time there were bouts of what was clearly the weed laugh.

I think the THCV in Ethiopian and also found in other African sativas is a factor in making this strain so uplifting and calming at the same time. It sets a good mood for the day when smoked in the morning.

I agree. I liked the Ethiopian much more fresh than cured, which normally isn't the case with sativa's. It was really feel good weed fresh dried off the plant. If I grow it again (which is likely) I'll probably freeze it as soon as it's dried for long term use.
The starting point is very light happy euphoric motivational feeling. Not that potent but really pleasant feeling.
After a cure it seemed to become more introspective, still a nice high but the other feelings toned down. Weirdly after a really long cure (a year or so) the initial feelings ramped up again, but still not as good as fresh imo.
Whatever the case I personally liked the fresh high more, but others may differ. People should try both and see how they feel.

The Ethiopian is a very special smoke. It's one of my favorites.

just under 3 months... the potency just took me by surprise, I've had "landrace" africans in a commercial offering here called Congo and that was just a happy head high without the physical energy. This ethiopian was more physically stimulating. It creeped on me and then I realized I was pacing around the room feeling a little scatterbrained, which is kind of my normal mental state, this just amped it up. Mixing it with my mainstay which is kind of a balanced and happy high the Ethiopian still came through with a bit more introspection. I wouldn't call it jittery or racey but it's very active. Hopefully I can get a good Ethiopian influence in the cross for this summer.

...at the end of the day, it still smokes pretty nice. there's a shimmering quality to it.. it creeps and gets a little speedy in the head but it smooths out to a bright active head high.. there's a little relaxation in the shoulders but basically no body to speak of. The potency could be higher but you can keep smoking it. It's still very clear and sharp
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Well-known member
I am growing Ethiopian right now. In about a week I will put my four best females to flower.
I also took cuttings and I look forward to create some seed stash. I took the best male and a second cutting of the best female. And I will get the Amnesia Core Cut, I will also put this one into the cross tent.
It sounds like what I was expecting, uplifting cannabis that does not make you tired and helps against my mental issues.
Cool smoke report, thank you.