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Eric Holder's New Civil Rights Chief Is More Evolved On Marijuana Than He Is


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Eric Holder's New Civil Rights Chief Is More Evolved On Marijuana Than He Is

<!-- Article Byline Information -->Posted: <TIME datetime="2014-10-15T16:37:24-04:00">10/15/2014 4:37 pm EDT </TIME>Updated: <TIME datetime="2014-10-15T17:59:01-04:00">5 hours ago </TIME>

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Attorney General Eric Holder's new civil rights chief has called for the legalization of marijuana. | Earl Gibson III via
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<!-- Entry Text -->WASHINGTON -- The newly named acting head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division has called for the legalization and regulation of marijuana, putting her ahead of Attorney General Eric Holder on that issue.
Vanita Gupta, the senior American Civil Liberties Union attorney who will take over the Civil Rights Division next week, wrote a CNN column last month praising the legalization and taxation of marijuana in Washington and Colorado. Her column focused on the story of Jeff Mizanskey, a Missouri man sentenced to life in prison for buying a few pounds of marijuana. Gupta argued there was a much better option than incarceration.
"The solution is clear. Instead of taxpayers spending millions of dollars on this unnecessary enforcement and keeping folks like Mizanskey in prison for the rest of their lives, states could follow Colorado and Washington by taxing and regulating marijuana and investing saved enforcement dollars in education, substance abuse treatment, and prevention and other health care," Gupta wrote.

Although Holder allowed the Washington and Colorado reforms to go into effect and seems to be evolving slowly on the issue, he hasn't outright endorsed either legalization or decriminalization of marijuana. This past spring, the attorney general told The Huffington Post that it's "hard to tell" if pot will be legal around the country in a decade. He also avoided directly endorsing decriminalization in the District of Columbia, his hometown. But he signaled last month that he doesn't believe marijuana belongs in the same law enforcement category as heroin.
Gupta, on the other hand, wrote that those "who seek a fairer criminal justice system, unclouded by racial bias," must "at minimum" demand that the government decriminalize possession of marijuana.
She also called the laws legalizing marijuana in Washington and Colorado "racial justice victories" and said the war on drugs has been "a war on communities of color."
Tom Angell of the advocacy group Marijuana Majority said that having "someone who believes that marijuana legalization is a social justice issue serving as the chief civil rights official in the Justice Department will be simply game changing."
That said, the Civil Rights Division doesn't oversee federal drug enforcement, as a Justice Department official pointed out to Roll Call on Wednesday afternoon.

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
Eric Holder's New Civil Rights Chief Is More Evolved On Marijuana Than He Is

So was Gil Kerlikowske..until he got into office.

Politics....It makes you stupid...and spineless.

I do realize that the attitude has changed somewhat in the last couple of years...but that is likely due to increasing pressure from Big Bizz,not because it is the right thing to do.


Active member
I'm confused. Although her being put in this job might be a good thing, I thought Holder resigned last month. So how can he be even be mentioned in connection with this at all? She might be better than him in that, but so what?

Fucking reporting a totally misleading non-news item? Who would have ever heard of such a thing ;-P


New member
I'm confused. Although her being put in this job might be a good thing, I thought Holder resigned last month. So how can he be even be mentioned in connection with this at all? She might be better than him in that, but so what?

Fucking reporting a totally misleading non-news item? Who would have ever heard of such a thing ;-P

Pretty sure he only announced plans to resign and still has to help pick a successor.


Active member
I'm confused. Although her being put in this job might be a good thing, I thought Holder resigned last month. So how can he be even be mentioned in connection with this at all? She might be better than him in that, but so what?

Fucking reporting a totally misleading non-news item? Who would have ever heard of such a thing ;-P

It's just an odd spin on the fact that Obama made the appointment. That's good news, I think.


Active member
President Obama said Holder intends to leave the Justice Department as soon as his successor is confirmed, a process that could run through 2014 and even into next year.

CRAP!!! The sooner the better that asshole in completely gone.


Active member
didn't obama appoint holder? so does it really matter who comes next?

the players change, the game remains the same.

fuck politricks.


Active member
President Obama said Holder intends to leave the Justice Department as soon as his successor is confirmed, a process that could run through 2014 and even into next year.

CRAP!!! The sooner the better that asshole in completely gone.

Meh. "Asshole" as compared to... his predecessors?

This is the guy who's initiated sentencing reform, framed the drug war as racist in implementation (which it is) & enabled legalization of marijuana in CO & WA.

He's a politician, no doubt, but we've had worse AG's quite recently. His recent remarks are encouraging-


He knows full well that no great disaster will befall us in CO- he just can't say so. Rather shortly, over the next couple of years, the facts will speak for themselves.


Active member
For some reason that just completely baffles me it seems some people want to argue whether Holder is an asshole or not. Because he isn't as big an asshole as his predecessors? Because he may have done some things right while getting a shitload VERY wrong? Because he's not racist? IMO, he most certainly is. Blatantly

Please read and heed my signature. "I will not engage. I will not engage." Out.


Active member
For some reason that just completely baffles me it seems some people want to argue whether Holder is an asshole or not. Because he isn't as big an asshole as his predecessors? Because he may have done some things right while getting a shitload VERY wrong? Because he's not racist? IMO, he most certainly is. Blatantly

Please read and heed my signature. "I will not engage. I will not engage." Out.

I'm sure you didn't reason you way into that opinion, so it's unreasonable of me to imagine that you might be able to reason your way out of it.