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Epsoma Rock Phosphate



This is only stuff I can get locally and the next best thing would be ordering it online. Its not soft rock phosphate but has a more sandy grainy consistency versus a fine powder.

My question is can I run this thru a coffee grinder and use the powder the same as soft rock phosphate?

If so, can this be done for greensand as well as k-mag (what I get it as is sul-po-mag) which is a sandy grainy consistency as well?


You try and putting that into a coffee grinder......you won´t have one very long......lol or the blades anyway.

Just add it to you soil mix and let nature do the rest.



it has a good mix of particle sizes. give the bag a shake, the finer powder collects at the bottom.
The whole Epsoma line is quite good organics .. Probably some of the best offered commercially.

Greensand and Rock Phosphate break down over a long period of time so unless your adding it to an outdoor garden or your recycling your used soil neither will give you the benefits your looking for because they will begin breaking down around 4-6months in your medium

I re-use SS#4 and the second run is lots better than the first run because as time does on more and more is available to the plants. I also compost some of it after a few runs so the veggie garden gets super lush as well!


The whole Epsoma line is quite good organics .. Probably some of the best offered commercially.

Greensand and Rock Phosphate break down over a long period of time so unless your adding it to an outdoor garden or your recycling your used soil neither will give you the benefits your looking for because they will begin breaking down around 4-6months in your medium

I re-use SS#4 and the second run is lots better than the first run because as time does on more and more is available to the plants. I also compost some of it after a few runs so the veggie garden gets super lush as well!

Yes from what I read that is the case, I am in the mode of making a new batch of soil that I intend to use over and over again.