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Entire genetic library stolen.

Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor

Years ago, I had a large collection of seeds that I had found in super-cheap Mexican weed that I had purchased.; keep in mind that I paid like $400 for 2 ounces. I found tons of seeds!

I kept them in an authentic German Steiner from like a 2001 Octoberfest in Munich... placed on the top of one of my bookshelves in my library.; well that heathan Mexican bitch found them and threw all of them out! I was heartbroken to say the least!

But let me tell you that the weed that was found in those seeds was better that most of the stuff that I have smoked lately! I used to enjoy the racy paranoid high, followed by euphoria, that ended up with me in the guest bedroom reading my favorite magazine (the economist), don't laugh! I just love it!

I can't complain too much as she breast fed my children! After the final child, I then miked her in order to relieve her pain, but that is another story!



Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
That sucks donkey honkers.

If it makes feel ya any better a few years ago a mouse ate all my Aurora Indica seeds I left in mason jars with the lids off. Probably about 3 small jars full. I had a ton of those seeds. I found half popped shells everywhere left in a trail and it did this in one night. It ate them all, not one seed was spared. Placed some traps later on and that got the sucker. I moved onto to do some better genetics though.

Jesus Christ (no pun intended), I would have crucified the little fucker on a tiny cross as an example to the others.


ICMag Donor
Sometimes major intrusions you experienced, Scottish, propels us... a catalyst to do/try something different. Better days ahead.

And trying a different strain, work on it....it can happen.

Had a similar experience years ago with photoperiod seeds...dynamite genetics. Tsk! Luckily, hid in different spots...only half was taken.

Saddened by your loss.

El Gato

Damm that sucks...sorry you had this happen to you, nobody should loose anything dear to them from thieving scumm!

The Revolution

Active member
Fuck man! I know your pain I had the same thing happen to me. Lost 15+ years of collecting, breeding and preservation projects. Fucking hurts man. Its truly gutting!

Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Although we're unacquainted, I offer the Missus' and my sincerest condolences.

Yes, but who else could help relieve her pain! I hate milk, so it was more of a a sacrifice for me? Why, because she promptly started to with hold sex from me! If you are a woman, you should know that withholding sex from your spouse is a big No No for the health of a relationship.

If your wife withholds sex you need to leave, because it will never get any better! Oh, you masturbate too much! Oh yeah? Why not fulfill your marital obligation? For the love of God! Whatever God you believe in! Straight Fire!


Daub Marley



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I'm so sorry to hear this happened, I'm so very tired of liars and thiefs, they are bottom of the barrel. Anyone who steals anothers hard life work and time, or does home invasions on familys is an utter piece of shit, and you are seeing it happen more and more these days. Go rob fucking walmart. There are plenty of crimes these lowlifes can commit without endangering others and causing mayham in good people lifes.

Karma wins. Always.




If your in a country were growing is illegal.
Your wide open for theft ,and blackmail.
Trust nobody.
If you catch a thief you need kill him and dispose of the body efficiently.A

Killing someone for seeds, what a stupid unconstructive and non cannabis related thing do do or think about.

Scottish; I share the sadness and would be happy to help you with some seeds from my vault.
PM me if you feel like it.


Active member
All my seeds were stolen. 1000's of seeds! I'm most sad by the ones that I will never be able to replace such as Lemon Thai, and Original Haze, + many more!

It was all my fault. I'm not sure that I'll ever get them back.

Please cherish, and hide your stash from everyone, because this world is filled with liars.


Had exactly the same thing happen to me

G'haze f2,lemon thai f2, blowfish s1, ok s1,molokai frost ect!

I have some f2 Ohaze x auto ak47 that I hope to find some ohaze leaning plants from to make seed...a long shot really!

If I get round to it....



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