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enough probable cause?

Buddy Holly

cravenmore thats actually funny you say that. i was driving on a main strip of the city that is also a track for the ladies of the night. one of many. i wasnt inquiring for services though.


Active member
i never admit to smoking weed . i also have cologne and mouthwash in my car along with several air fresheners.


Active member
Hello, my name is Alvin and I seriously need a clue...


Bent Member
I'd bet your license and license plate, now have an asterisk in their computer system.

Now Cali CHP greet me with hello I understand your a medicinal patient? my response is always no just a brutal Irag war veteran - they don't like that.
You admitted to dwi almost right away.

You were fucking toast right then. They could have arrested you, which means they get to inventory your car, aka tear it apart.

If you would have resisted the frisk or anything else they would have probably done just that. You let them have their way with you and luckily things turned out for you.

Yep - standard answer to any cop, "I don't smoke marijuana."
Same with drinking. Was pulled over once after drinking 1/2 of the big bottle of Jack Daniels over the course of the day. Something I now do not recommend. Knew as soon as I saw the lights I was going to jail.

Cop said he smelled liquor, and asked if I'd been drinking. My answer "I don't drink". He tells me to get out of the car, so I do. And starts giving me instructions for a roadside sobriety test. I cut him off and said I don't wish to do a test. He arrests me. As he's putting me in the car he asks if I have any weapons or drugs on me, I answer that I'm not answering any questions. Takes me to the station, says he wants a breathalyzer, my answer was no. He takes me to jail. Next day I post bail and get out. No arguments, no begging, no nothing, just nice and polite with all the answers cause I knew the camera was on.

Month later I'm sitting in the courthouse while my lawyer is talking to the prosecutor, she wants me to plead guilty to DUI, my lawyer, knowing they have no scientific evidence that I was drunk, but wanting to avoid an expensive trial works out a reckless op plea. I plea a month later and walk with a modest fine and one day jail (time served).

Again, I highly recomend no one try this as its still a huge hassle, but a lot better than having a DUI on your record (and still a huge hassle). Its best to shut up, answer nothing but your name, and do the arguing in court.

As they were booking me into jail they asked all kinds of questions, where I work, live, what drugs I've done, SSI number, etc... ad nauseum. I refused all the questions, deferring them to my lawyer. To this day they don't know my real address, or where I work. Drivers license was from another state they kept that, I had a duplicate mailed to me before my first appearance in court. Still have it, and its from a state that doesn't cooperate or share info with my current state, except for DUI's.


I would never put my real address on my license....Use a family members house who is clean. Putting up a house you get dirty in your "official" residence is probably the worst idea I have ever heard. Why make it easy for them to find you, if shit hits the fan not a good idea.

The gang unit is not going to waste their time over a FEW smart pots. They would only be interested if you had a lot of em. I'm assuming you live in a well populated area and they have bigger concerns than you growing a few plants in your apartment.