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enough probable cause?

Buddy Holly

sometimes you dont have to cop an attitude and resist. it depends but know the situation and adjust accordingly. but cops dont need probably cause, theyll do whatever they want. its on you to be clean and not give them an inch.


i wouldnt worry much, seeing as you have a clean record, and walked away without any tickets or anything.

however, being in a non-med state, it probably wouldnt be a bad idea to move things out for a month or so, if only to ease your nerves.


i wouldnt worry much, seeing as you have a clean record, and walked away without any tickets or anything.

however, being in a non-med state, it probably wouldnt be a bad idea to move things out for a month or so, if only to ease your nerves.


But smell is probable cause to search the vehicle. And your house if they do a knock and talk. Just don't answer the door if they show up, and keep all smells inside the house, even smoking smells. Amazes me how many growers will go to the end of the earth to control their grow smell when you can smell them smoking from their mailbox. Which of course means don't be sittin' on the porch toking when they walk up either...


The cat that loves cannabis
You're fine.
They hassle about 50 people like that everyday, they have already forgotten all about you.


The Mad Monk
For future reference, "NO officer, I do NOT consent to a search."

^^ this.

Only way to deal with cops: assert yourself & know your rights. First question - why am I being pulled over? Anything after that usually revolves around what CannaBunkerMan said. When you get out the car shut it off, close the door and lock it. If they have grounds to get into the car after that, they will but at least you don't make it easy for them. Cops don't care about your rights and won't inform you of them.

In some states burnt weed smell is not enough for probable cause. Check your local laws. And if you can move them safely, why not shut down for a few weeks? Better safe than sorry.
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But smell is probable cause to search the vehicle. And your house if they do a knock and talk. Just don't answer the door if they show up, and keep all smells inside the house, even smoking smells....
I completely understand that concept. But how can it be proven? If caught for speeding they have the radar, speed photo, or paced you to prove it. If suspected of shoplifting they have the security tapes or you were caught with the unpaid goods...
How can an officer prove he smelled pot? How can you prove he didn't? Isn't that ones word against another?
I can say I smell shit or what smells like a decomposing body when in fact I smell some ethnic cooking I am not failure with.
How can you prove what someone smells or does not smell? Hell, the officer may not of smelled anything and said he did.

I understand pot has a certain smell, but how can it be proved what an officer "thinks" he smells is what he was smelling??
It is pretty damn hard for an officer to say it seemed like someone was speeding over X amount to him without some proven method to prove it.

Any and all officers only need to say they smelled pot and hope they get lucky finding something. If they don't, it is nothing held against them.


You admitted to dwi almost right away.

You were fucking toast right then. They could have arrested you, which means they get to inventory your car, aka tear it apart.

If you would have resisted the frisk or anything else they would have probably done just that. You let them have their way with you and luckily things turned out for you.
yea, never tell them yo smoked that day. they could have gotten you on a dwi.
you should be fine, depending where you are located, most police stations are broke as hell. for them to follow you around or tap your phone or whatever, it would be very rare.

if you have a place to move them to, or can get replacement cuts of your clones, breaking down may help you sleep at night better.


They would need to surveil, build a case, and get enough incriminating information to attain a search warrant. If you don't have a large electric bill, are not selling, and nothing smells there is not really much they can do. They won't have shit on you. If they really wanted to persue it further they could attempt a knock and talk, but if they do just don't answer the door. I never answer the door.


You admitted to dwi almost right away.

You were fucking toast right then. They could have arrested you, which means they get to inventory your car, aka tear it apart.

If you would have resisted the frisk or anything else they would have probably done just that. You let them have their way with you and luckily things turned out for you.


And no, you don't have anything to worry about. They're going to devote man power and resources to investigate you soley based on this? No.

However, if they were building a case (which they aren't)... fert schedules, supplies, empty containers, etc... would only add to it.

Next time give them nothing. Clean out your car more often.


Any and all officers only need to say they smelled pot and hope they get lucky finding something. If they don't, it is nothing held against them.
Yup. At least where I'm at. I thought it was this way all over, but someone above said burnt weed doesn't count in their state. Of course you shouldn't COUNT on any of us knowing what we're talking about, find out for your own situation. Actually I think there can be consequences. If they base their probable cause or reasonable articulable suspicion on weed smell and find something other than pot, like a rocket launcher, then that might be inadmissible. But if they find nothing, then it's irrelevant, no consequence to them.

And I will second the thought of cleaning up the car, lazy sloppy stoner move to have grow shit in the car unnecessarily. Yes this pot is calling your kettle black, I just found contraband in a car I haven't even driven in 2 years, lazy sloppy stoner move here too...

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
You can look into it, but my understanding is that they are not trained(i.e like a dog) to detect drugs by smell. So it's irrelevant what he thinks he smells. However they are taking advantage and attempting to establish position. Which they did by getting you to admit that you had smoked which opened you up to a DWI.

It's tough to deal with cops for most people, since they don't do it on a regular basis. I suppose a class on this would be helpful for most people, if it was tailored to their area.

Basically all they're looking for is an in, to find some way to get what they want.

I would probably move the stuff anyway, if you have somewhere to put them. No need to risk it. Either way, it's always good to be careful. The bigger the city you live in, the less chance of them remembering you.


Enormous Member
Another thing, if the cop says that he's trying to "help you out", what he really means is that he's trying to get you to "help him out" with the process of arresting you.

Cops NEVER have your best interests at mind. "To protect and serve", became, "to harrass and hinder" a LOOOOONG time ago.


Well-known member
regret is something that few of us can afford if you are feeling a lot of negative vibes shit can the whole deal for a while


Active member
But smell is probable cause to search the vehicle. And your house if they do a knock and talk. Just don't answer the door if they show up, and keep all smells inside the house, even smoking smells. Amazes me how many growers will go to the end of the earth to control their grow smell when you can smell them smoking from their mailbox. Which of course means don't be sittin' on the porch toking when they walk up either...

Smell is NOT probable cause anymore.

Several higher courts have upheld this. Pot can smell like anything and anything can smell like pot. It is NOT probable cause.

"hello officer, how may I help you"
"are you stoned"
hand over license and registration/insurance and say no more.


Enormous Member
Smell is NOT probable cause anymore.

Several higher courts have upheld this. Pot can smell like anything and anything can smell like pot. It is NOT probable cause.

"hello officer, how may I help you"
"are you stoned"
hand over license and registration/insurance and say no more.

True, however if they say that they heard you disposing of evidence, they can bust your door in.


Active member
"On approaching the suspects vehicle, I knocked on the window. When the suspect opened the window to present the requested license and registration, I then noticed the distinct smell of a terrorist."


enough probable cause?

Buddy Holly,

Were you traveling slowly through an area infested with prostitutes? you may have been observed trolling, or seeking the illicit behavior of your choice


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