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Enlightened Veterinary Therapeutics


Guest 26753

Check this amazing Veterinarian. It is the first Vet practice in the world to openly offer medical marijuana palliative and hospice care for pets. This is EXTRAORDINARY!!!!!!
Pls stop by the link and leave messages of support for my friend, Dr Doug Kramer, the most enlightened Veterinarian in the world.

This truly is extraordinary!!!!!

Here is a link http://enlightenedveterinarytherapeutics.com/

Enlightened Veterinary Therapeutics

Professional Veterinary Services Provided

Comprehensive Palliative Care Treatment Plans
Prescription of Pain and Anti-anxiety Medications (if medically appropriate)
Medical Marijuana Consultations and Recommendations
Physical Examinations and Thorough Review of Medical History
Supportive & Terminal Medical Care – Control of symptoms
Education & Support in Bereavement
Supportive Nutrition and Diet formulation
Quality of Life Evaluations

This personal journal began with Dr Kramer’s own personal pet; a husky named “Nikita” who was suffering from cancer. As the disease progressed, Nikita rapidly lost weight and eventually spent the majority of the time lying inactive on the floor intermittently moaning or vocalizing . She apparently lost interest in the daily activities that once brought her so much joy and happiness. After exhausting every conventional pain control medication and therapy available, Dr. Kramer began administering medical marijuana tincture to Nikita in a last ditch effort to improve her quality of life. The results were nothing short of amazing. Within hours of the first treatment Nikita had regained her strong appetite and was actively searching the entire home for any morsel of food that may have fallen onto the ground. She appeared to be much more comfortable overall and the moaning ceased entirely. It’s was as if she had been reborn and given a second lease on life.

While the cannabis did not cure the cancer, it did afford Nikita and her family several more months of quality time together. Following her death, Dr. Kramer dedicated himself to researching and documenting the therapeutic benefits of medical marijuana for pets for the benefit of his other patients.

Dr Kramer has authored a scientific research paper, several articles and is considered the foremost authority on this topic by the veterinary community. Based on his work, surveys and personal experiences Dr. Kramer is currently authoring a book detailing the therapeutic role of medical marijuana in veterinary medicine. He remains fully committed to honoring the principles outlined in the veterinarian’s oath he took when he was first admitted into the profession.

The Veterinarian’s Oath:
“Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.”

At Home Euthanasia and 3rd Party Cremation Service

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