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Emergency Vert!


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Hey whats up vert guys I've posted a couple threads in here and got some great advice, had been planning to go full vert on my next indoor run. Without getting into full detail, I got some news today that made it necessary to bring all 14 of my outdoor ladies inside to finish off their last 4 weeks of flower. They are all between 4.5-7ft tall so I set up 2 1k bare bulbs with 7 plants around each one. My problem is that these are some bushy ass plants and its too late to defoliate the backs because they're flowering on all sides. I tried throwing up a make shift vert scrog but I'm getting the feeling its too late to train these monsters. I have a couple 600 ballasts sitting on the shelf and will be buying bulbs manana, how should I arrange the plants? 14 plants, 2 1k's and 2 6er's... Thanks for the help guys


Active member
Well this is what I would do:

Yellow is light black is a baby girl

I would run the 1K hps as the inside bulbs and 2x600 hps as the two out side lights.

I would rotate the 5 out side plants every X amount of days. The 9 inside plants should get good light coverage with the bulbs on both sides. I would squeeze the 14th plant where ever the canopy has the most space to allow.

Thats what I would do but you will need a good chunk of space. I dont know what you have to work with....good luck.


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Hell, I'm looking at how much work I've put into these plants and I think I'll spring for a 3rd 600 just to make sure I get the yield. So lets say what's the best arrangement if 2 1k's and 3 6er's is an option on the table?


Active member
Thanks for the quick response Benny, I love that design its pretty close to what I had imagined. I have plenty of space in my indoor area so thats def not the concern. I was even thinking of building vert scrogs on the ends and just using some of the more stretchy lanky plants to fill up the screens, putting the bigger bushier plants in the middle with more wattage.


Active member
Thanks for the quick response Benny, I love that design its pretty close to what I had imagined. I have plenty of space in my indoor area so thats def not the concern. I was even thinking of building vert scrogs on the ends and just using some of the more stretchy lanky plants to fill up the screens, putting the bigger bushier plants in the middle with more wattage.

Ya man we are on the same page. I'd use the two 1k lights to station your largest, thickest girls around so you get maximum light penetration. And then setup the last plants accordingly by the plant size and canopy thickness but I'd maintain an overall rectangle layout for sure.

Im sure some other cats will come up with a steller ass plan though so hang in there!


why not spring for another thousand? they are not much more... you could get magnetic ballast on e Ebay for less than 100$. light them bitches up... it'll pay off in a couple months. bennyweed's layout is solid, it would be nice to know the dimensions of the space


Active member
Otis - Don't know the exact dimensions off the top of my head, Id guess 9.5x20 or so, plenty of space for the plants I have. Going with 6er's purely to keep the watts down, I'd like to run 4x600 for my normal grow so it'd be nice to buy equipment that I need in the future.


Active member
You already have three 600w ballast right? Why dont you just sell your two 1K hps rigs, and buy a new 600watter and some kickass brand new bulbs or whatever you need (after this run obviously).

I would prefer 600watters over 1000watters in the space you have.


Active member
I have 2 Galaxy 600 ballasts and a Lumatek 2 x 600 ballast, so 4 lights possibly. My final grow plan is 6 trees with 4 600 watt lights which will match my soon to be medical status, but what we're talking about now is something that sprung up that I hadn't planned on. So I'm hoping to handle the situation by just buying another 600 bulb or 2. I do agree that 1k's really eat up the power bill fast where a couple 600 watters used cleverly could match the yield


Active member
I have 2 Galaxy 600 ballasts and a Lumatek 2 x 600 ballast, so 4 lights possibly. My final grow plan is 6 trees with 4 600 watt lights which will match my soon to be medical status, but what we're talking about now is something that sprung up that I hadn't planned on. So I'm hoping to handle the situation by just buying another 600 bulb or 2. I do agree that 1k's really eat up the power bill fast where a couple 600 watters used cleverly could match the yield

Okay well I am confused I suppose. You originally said you had two 1Ks and two 600watters. So I suggested what I would do with that arrangement. Now your saying you have 4 600watters, and that two 1Ks and 3 600watters where also on the table. Which is it, screw the future ideas. Work on those when the time comes, right now you gotta definitively tell us what you currently have on hand to work with. There is only so much time you can spend dicking around before overall yield will be heavily effected. Sorry if I came across like a prick, I know I have been in circumstances like so and it is easy to panic. All I am saying right now your focus should be using what you have right now and getting the most yield you can. After all, thats the whole damn point eh?


just line em up like Benny suggested and blast em with as much light as you can.


Active member
Benny sorry for the confusion I realize what I said came out a little confusing... so what I have set up right now is the 2 1k's running in the room.... what I have on the shelf is 4 x 600 watt ballasts with no bulbs and so I will need to run out and buy those. I was simply asking for advice on how to arrange the plants around said lighting. Thanks for all the patience and help though, I def was freaking out yesterday haha after 5 months of hard work on these ladies I get news that changes everything with only 3-4 weeks left in flower ahhhh


my plants were not that big but i did move them from one room to another midswing thru flowering. ive also taken plants from inside with a lights on during the night, to the outside lights on during the day to finish flowering. very stressful on the grower, but the plants seemed to handle it with no problems. (from my experience) like otis says plug them lights in, arrange your girls around them, and adjust. you are in a one of a kind learning situation so pay attention and you will prosper with knowledge and hopefully a good yeild. use what you learn in future grows. btw both times i moved my plants from one set up to another all i lost was yeild. goodluck, digdug!!


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Well everything is set up finally after a very long couple of nights and 2 trips to the dro store. I used Benny's design with 2 1k's in the middle and 2 6'ers on the outside rows, the room is freakin glowing lol. I did end up losing an ounce or 2 to bud rot, it was such a fire drill moving everything inside and its just a back room in my house so it didn't have proper ventilation or anything, I come home one night and its gotta be 100 degrees in there with water dripping off the walls. Lesson learned, switched the lights on to during the night so it was cooler and I could also leave the doors open since I know I'm home and there's no snoopers. Thanks for the help guys!


Active member
Throw some fans in there amigo. Doesn't matter which kind, you need circulation other wise the bud root will come back, guaranteed.

Been there done that........nothing worse then having 50%+ humidity with high temps when the lights go out without any circulation.

Throw some pics up man, I wanna see what you tossed together. Good luck and stay safe....


Speaking of staying safe. You are running 3200 watts. How are you powering this? You need nearly 40 dedicated amps and I assume your running 120vac. Fill me in bro.


Active member
I have each bulb on a different circuit, the room itself has 2 and then I have cords running from the next 2 rooms over to complete the power supply. I know I know extension cords are ghetto but its working so thats what its gonna be for the next 3 weeks. I have 4 fans in there moving the air around, for lights out I move in a 10,000 btu stand alone AC and I knocked a hole in a wall to exhaust. As for pics I don't have a camera at the moment but stay posted. When my medical paperwork comes through I will do a full grow journal.