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Emergency help for clones


New member
I made these clones from a large mother plant, 20 in all, but they look very sick right now. The mother plant was ripped out of the ground and wasn't looking too great so I had to make these clones or it would be a complete waste. I have never cloned before but used a craft razor (extremely sharp) cleaned with alcohol and cut them at a 45 degree angle, rubber gloves, cloning gel and into soil. I used pure water and no nutrients but they seem to be dying.
What can I do to save them?


turtle farmer

I've never seen clones that far gone ever come back,,
someone should have clued you in to root riots or rapid rooter cubes.


It looks like your lights are right on these clones... Do they have any roots?
Seeing how you had problems with your other plants that might not be the only problem going on, just something to consider. Clones should do a lot better with a lot less light until they have some root. Those are gone though


New member
The mother plant, about 3 ft tall, was ripped out of the ground at my friends house (land lord problems) and given to me and he he said do what I can. I couldn't do anything with the mother for about 8 hours and had limited resources as most stores were closed by the time I got home.

So there is nothing I can do now to save them? I just moved the light up and away from them and unscrewed half the bulbs. I'm not sure if they have roots yet.

Thank you for all the suggestions (I have done everything you suggested for the other plants and they look much healthier but still a little sick. Roots are looking great though!) and welcome any more advice you have.


Active member
i'd cut the tops of the largest ones and put em in a cup of water now. they may perk up but they also might be too far gone. it may give ya 2-3 weeks to get yourself set up properly.

Buddy Holly

dont bother cutting em down and stickin in water imo. if ya got nothing else to do might be worth trying just for the sake of trying but by the looks of it they are too far gone.


wait maybe kiss of life will work,lol, have a go at cutting them fresh cuts into water, put them in dark spot 10 or overnight, done it many times,lol but not that sick looking. ps. wait i just had another look and decided they are fuked. if someone out there is running a book we could have bets,lol sorry mate feel for ya.
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Active member
you be surprised at how strong a plant really is ???trying to re gen it self.
IMO i would cut all leafs in half mist plants place them under fourescents and as well under a dome some will die but i bet some will come back but you need to act quick and get them under a dome or plastic with high humidity

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah they are gone. For one thing you have made your clones too long shorten that cut up to 3/2 nodes.
Then get a heating tray and use gel or rooting powder. I start in 2 inch pots.
Use a CF lighting cool white.Lower the light amount .Light produces leaf you want to promote roots.
You need to keep your soil warm for cloning, keep your humidity high so dome it till it roots. Don't take off a weak mom and don't cut any plant at 4 weeks. stay safe headband 707


The mother plant, about 3 ft tall, was ripped out of the ground at my friends house (land lord problems) and given to me and he he said do what I can. I couldn't do anything with the mother for about 8 hours and had limited resources as most stores were closed by the time I got home.

So there is nothing I can do now to save them? I just moved the light up and away from them and unscrewed half the bulbs. I'm not sure if they have roots yet.

Thank you for all the suggestions (I have done everything you suggested for the other plants and they look much healthier but still a little sick. Roots are looking great though!) and welcome any more advice you have.

You might try recutting a few of them and sticking them in a cup of water. If they perk back up, you have a good chance of bringing them back. I've stuck cuts into a cup of water and forgotten about them, to only come back and find root nubbins.

As TS mentioned, that's a LOT of light for trying to get clones to root. The lighting essentially 'competes' for dominance--do we grow leaves or do we grow roots?

Also, to cut down on transpiration losses, cut away a lot more leaf material, and I like to trim back the tips of the leaves as well.


Active member
Many ways to clone, but my method for what it's worth (this is condensed and I didn't explain everything I do), is to have the cutting about 2-3" above the cube and about 1.5" in the media. I like the dipped end to have at least 2 nodes that are cut flush with stem. I then gently scrape the soon to be dipped part of stem with my blade, just enough to scratch the surface. I put these into a humidity dome and keep temps around 75. I usually have to moisten cubes 2-3 times in 10-14 days it takes to get nice roots.


Active member
And why aren't these in a humidity dome? If I take my lid off too soon that's how the look within a few hours...