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Email Obama to legalize Marijuana


thanks jackthegrower, just sent my email.

Also everyone check out mpp's take action section of their website here for help with pre written letters to the obama administration and other people in Washington about a wide variety of marijuana related issues.



Re-post it, That way people can see the thread. <----------- :D I don't mind, but I don't now about the Moderators.


Active member
People need to stop being criminalized for drugs period. He is being cautious and smart about it. He should leave it up to the states who in turn should just decriminalize it, no need to waste all of this money and create more crime. It's a plant, people do not need to be persecuted for putting these substances into their bodies. How many non-violent drug offenders in jail? How much profit do the private prison systems make of housing these people? This is tax payer dollars/debt.

STATES RIGHTS! :joint: that's all you ask for...legalizing it right away is just not realistic until more states(majority) follow California...this is all we need to do. California is the testing ground and they are pissed because it's working. That's why a lot of clubs still get raided.



I posted this link and an email from NORML yesterday and it was deleted by mods...

Looks like they deleted from the Dr Jays forum as well.

MODERATORS I understand the position on politics and I agree mostly

Can ICmag take the lead and help get the word out on this please?

I doubt any of us have one iota of evil in mind this time.


FRONT PAGE STICKY would be nice



People need to stop being criminalized for drugs period. He is being cautious and smart about it. He should leave it up to the states who in turn should just decriminalize it, no need to waste all of this money and create more crime. It's a plant, people do not need to be persecuted for putting these substances into their bodies. How many non-violent drug offenders in jail? How much profit do the private prison systems make of housing these people? This is tax payer dollars/debt.

STATES RIGHTS! :joint: that's all you ask for...legalizing it right away is just not realistic until more states(majority) follow California...this is all we need to do. California is the testing ground and they are pissed because it's working. That's why a lot of clubs still get raided.


Well maybe but it's a heaver load to pull all drug along.. I say lets focus on marijuana.

Just my opinion



ICMag Donor
The only reason I can see for it being deleted is if it were a duplicate thread..... I don't know anything about the threads being deleted....


The only reason I can see for it being deleted is if it were a duplicate thread..... I don't know anything about the threads being deleted....

Arn't you just free labor with a sense of loyalty?

Perhaps the construct that is a marijuana website is out of touch with todays needs.

Perhaps profit makes the controlling elite numb to the needs of the marijuana people.

Just posing the question please don't ban me like some other site has.



PS email Obama please!


Just sent

Just sent

How can you be so cruel Barrack

I'm just 4 month older than you.

We need reform for society.

Mr. president please address Marijuana reform.

I can't be more humbler.

Jack Loyal to your administration.



Active member
Well maybe but it's a heaver load to pull all drug along.. I say lets focus on marijuana.

Just my opinion


I agree with you. Marijuana 1st indeed. This one should be a given. If you think about it though, if the US were to decriminalize drugs, it could still say it does not condone them but acknowledges our freedom of thought and free choice. Maybe even make it more practical to youth why they really should not abuse drugs and maybe here is something they can do that is constructive to maybe make this place a better place. You take out the legs of a chair and it won't stand any more...you take the huge profits that prohibition creates and you lose the criminal mindset...America needs to set ambitious goals like that of going to the moon, things that inspire humans.


I agree with you. Marijuana 1st indeed. This one should be a given. If you think about it though, if the US were to decriminalize drugs, it could still say it does not condone them but acknowledges our freedom of thought and free choice. Maybe even make it more practical to youth why they really should not abuse drugs and maybe here is something they can do that is constructive to maybe make this place a better place. You take out the legs of a chair and it won't stand any more...you take the huge profits that prohibition creates and you lose the criminal mindset...America needs to set ambitious goals like that of going to the moon, things that inspire humans.

Profits are the number one reason it is not legal IMO.

It's a plant and packs a huge intoxication and can avert taxes because it's a plant.

that's why it's illegal.

It's against the God of Capitalism and all the cronies that serve government.

the truth.


P.S. Maybe Obama will remember his roots enough for us to reelect Obama.
If not let us elect some one else.


Jah Bless. Jah is often used as a shortened form of the Tetragrammaton[1]. Thus, the term Hallelujah would mean "Praise Jah",

I'm Buddhist tho....

Jack (3)


An After thought:

You are an outstanding person.

Your post is intelligent and thoughtful.

I do not mean to tower over you only add to your momentum.

much respect.



At least they should decriminalize small possession and growing for personal use. Nobody should have to go to jail for small personal herb use. It's nonviolent crime so nonviolent offenders should not go to jail to be together with rapist and murderers.

The Bling

I dont want to see cannabis legalized for the reason that when people smoke pot it reminds them of the lies that the government tells you it awakens you to the realities of the world if herb became legal in america it would become just like alcohol taken over by giant companies.

