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Eliminating Hermies


Genes responsible for balancing gibberellic acid and auxins are responsible for sex determination. Alleles with positive effects of these quantitave trait loci produce monecious phenotypes. The single nucleotide polymorphism markers composing these QTLs can be used to breed cultivars with early or late flowering time and to select for or against monecious plants. SNP markers associated with sex determination will increase the stability of monoecy determination in Cannabis cultivars.

Hermie plants carry the homogametic sex chromosomes XX, and QTLs associated with sex expression are located on the sex chromosomes. However, the lack of a genome sequence do not allow mapping of the sex determination QTLs in any specific chromosome. Sex determination QTLs can be either located on the X chromosome, as some sex QTLs, or in any of the autosomes. Molecular markers composing these QTLs can be used as markers to directly select for or against monecious plants, differently than the male - specific sequence characterized amplified region marker already available. This is because the male specific marker only allows to discriminate between male and female plants.



Autistic Diplomat in Training
The Lebanese genetics I'm working with show balls on the first two nodes of the hermie females. Sure would be nice to have the same feature on other strains. Cool beans on the testing.