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Elevator in the Forest


Is there any chance the 11weeker is suffering from a Mag def? Do you have a good source of Cal/Mag? Give it a dose of Cal/Mag and see how she responds? Perhaps Liquid Karma? It has a bit of 'available' Cal and Mag...

I have Flo phenos well over 6'. I've been using fish 5-1-1 and frankly, some did not respond well- mostly the very sativa leaning and/or early flowerers. Of course, this is/was pre flower. I continue to believe outdoor plants must be fed heavier than indoors...

The plants MAY respond by trying to keep up with the bracken for competition for the sunshine... Fingers crossed.

Here's to hoping you'll be wading through a field of Flo instead of bracken and weeds!!!

Elevator Man

Active member
It could be that - I'm not sure what's available as Cal-Mag supplements in the UK, though I'm sure there will be something. I did see this once before a couple of years ago, when I grew some plants near the site of an old lead mine - most of the plants developed a similar 'brassy' look to them - almost metallic - and wrinkly appearance like old skin, rather than smooth and healthy.

Looking through the sick plant guide hasn't helped much though, as it doesn't look much like Ca or Mg deficiency as described there. But I'm pulling out a a few books too, so we'll get to the bottom of it. It's almost certainly the plant, as it's in the same environment as all the others, and they're not complaining! :)

Elevator Man

Active member
I paid a quick visit in mid-afternoon yesterday as we had full sun, and I wanted to check the extent of the shade from any remaining new bracken - there was none. So effectively I've pulled enough up for the plants to be in full sunshine for most of the day now, and can desist.

And every plant was in full sunshine, and looked pretty good - even the funny-looking MoFlo looked better - I'm thinking it could actually be a pH issue, and although the soil is high nitrate, it's too acid (for that pheno at least) to extract the full range of nutrients. I gave all the plants a top-dressing of organic veg granules and bat guano last visit, so maybe it's supplied enough of the good stuff to restore some balance - we shall see.

The most disappointing is the sativa blueberry, which is just not growing fast at all -a little over 16" tall after two months...:(

Most of the Flos and MoFlos look very happy though, and convincing me more that this is where I should be concentrating the bulk of the outdoor work from now on. The 'fastest' MoFlo seemed to be just getting the first hints of pistils clumping, which at 9th August means it has a trigger-date (roughly) of around the 1st - if it's beginning to flower next visit, in a couple of weeks, I think I can safely say I have an early one...:)


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Hey...bout time for a visit from me..looks good EMan..your breast stroke through the bushes must be video material. Not a bad thing that rain your getting...no need to water, but I bet you still want to visit the girls. I can't wait for your finish images "beautiful purple highlights" love um..DD

Elevator Man

Active member
Some (slightly) bad news...

Some (slightly) bad news...

And that is - I've had my first animal damage. Which I assume is deer, but could be rabbits. Some smaller branches have been broken or bitten off, though it's difficult to tell which, as they were all on the more brittle, purple plants. There were crushed bracken plants around, and no rabbit droppings anywhere (I've never even seen a rabbit here), so I'm assuming it's deer.

Luckily the branches were small, and flowering not yet fully begun, but it was mostly on three of the earlier strains, (MoFlo 1A_RH, MoFlo 1B_2 and Flo#4) so I'm pissed-off all the same. But small flower clusters can be seen on both the 1A_RH and Flo #4, which is amazing, as the Flo #4 has never done this until the end of August usually. Also, the fastest (1A_RH), is developing the rapidly-spotting and dying shade leaves that I've seen before on my old purple Flo#3 - which occurs at rapid growth and flower-induction.

The one good bit of news was that one of the stems on the green Flo was still attached and 'warm', so it was definitely the night before - so I rescued that in the large baggie I'd brought bat guano out with me, and a little water, and that's now recovering in a glass of water on my windowsill - after a thorough rinsing under the tap and spraying with neem. That will make a nice big mother plant when rooted, so it's not all bad.

MoFlo 1B_2 then MoFlo 1A_RH, then Flo #4:

Apart from that, most plants are very healthy (though smaller than I'd like in some cases), with only the 11-week MoFlo still showing any signs of nute problems, although it seems to be growing fine all the same - still has the brassy patches and cream spots developing on older leaves though. The two Blueberry f3s are also still struggling to put on weight or height, which is surprising, as I thought they'd love it. The Oaxacan Gold is finally beginning to grow properly, and given its extended flower-time will probably stretch quite a bit yet, so that's probably better smaller!

Highland Oaxacan Gold, then MoFlo 1B_1:

Blue Satellite #3, and then Blueberry #2:

All plants were treated with a top-dressing of organic veg granules, and followed with some more bat guano. Rain's forecast tonight, so that should get washed in, but if nothing significant's dropped by midweek, I think it'll be time for a watering, as I really want to get these nutrients taken up before the stretch begins. Also I'm a little more nervous about damage now, so I may have to go up and spray piss everywhere again, as the dear are clearly getting a little uppity! I thought we had a deal...? :)


Lookin good Elevator Man!

What are you using to keep the deer and other critters away besides human urine? I used that also, and seemed to work well..Now I'm using Liquid Fence and I haven't had any problems...yet...

Looks great though...my flowers are only a little bit behind yours!


Elevator Man

Active member
I only have urine, sadly. Where I live (in the city), deer aren't a problem at all, and so no garden centres sell more than rabbit/squirrel repellent. They might sell it in some of the more country-located places, but Britain is very compact with little wilderness (as you'll know if you're here too!), and deer just aren't a problem to 99% of the population.

I'm just 'lucky' that I have access to a spot that's both close to home and contains deer, though they roam a long, long way, which is why I've probably only just encountered them again. Spraying the whole site with piss seems to work well, but I just forgot to take some up with me yesterday...:(

Elevator Man

Active member
I decided to go out again today as the rain still hadn't materialised, though we've had blissful, scorching sun the last few days - however, the nutes I put down the other day hadn't had chance to wash in, and I was getting a little panicky about the deer, so I decided to go again. They'd definitely been back, as more bracken was crushed down, and one branch of the 11-week MoFlo had been bitten off, but otherwise everything was intact.

So I gave each plant 1.5 litres of water, very slowly poured in, to make sure every drop went to the plant, and nothing else. The polymer crystals will hold it around the plant, and the nutes all got thoroughly soaked and absorbed. Even more importantly, I sprayed the whole site with a litre of fresh piss from yesterday morning and today - I've made sure to eat plenty of meat the last few days, so they should get the message!

It should rain in the next couple of days, so I can wait a little while before visiting again, but hopefully I should have proper flowers appearing on at least three plants next time...:)


Elevator Man said:
Even more importantly, I sprayed the whole site with a litre of fresh piss from yesterday morning and today - I've made sure to eat plenty of meat the last few days, so they should get the message!
Thats the way to do it bro...

P :smoke:

Elevator Man

Active member
Hi Paddi - it's worked before, so I don't see why it shouldn't work again! Ironically it's raining quite heavily now, which may mean its only a temporary fix, but at least those nutes will be thoroughly embedded!
Another page turner Elevator. After reading another thread beautifully authored by you, I am glad I have gotten up to real time to your postings. My comments should not appear so out of date.

I am certainly sending good vibes to your current grows.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Geezz Eman..isn't growing a big enough of a challange let alone get into feeding the critters...animal trainer! Good luck to you...DD


Active member
how tall are they elevatorman ?
why are you not using liquid feed in your water ? it is far faster acting! try babybio 99p (brown bottle) from almost anywhere, its 10-2-2 and very good for keeping plants green. it looks like your plants need it, they are quite light in colour! i swear by it. if its not an N problem, then try liquid tomato food.
you will likely need 2litres of amended water (1 capful of babybio per 2L) per plant, repeat feedings weekly to get the improvement you need and after that feed as you see fit. was about every 2 or 3 weeks for me last year just staving off the yellowing.

Those leb27 seeds appear problematic, i tried 20 after what you said and 1 came up.. then died. they look fine :S plants that grew them were fine :S some seeds germed while on the plant last year!!

OH WELL lol. anywy my outdoor are doing great, superskunk clones, about 2ft tall at the moment, fan leaves are getting nearly as big as my hands!! theye are going to get massive due to the big root space i gave them in completely replaced soil, i expect 5-6ft when finished. growing about 1ft every 3weeks lool

about 2-3 weeks untill budding starts!!! i cannot wait :D

Elevator Man

Active member
They vary at the moment from about 2 to 3.5 feet, but they haven't really begun stretching yet. Some of the 'green' might just be the white balance of my camera, as they're not as bright as they might appear here - the Blue Satellites certainly are much brighter green than the rest though.

I haven't had much chance to water them myself, as it's a little risky, as I have to fill up from a fairly exposed stream. I did give the soil a hefty dose of organic nutes two weeks before planting, and again at planting, but didn't really think it necessary to give them too much, as the soil is quite nitrate-rich - although probably more acid than it could be, but most of it was amended, rather than natural. I'll see how they look in a week or so, as we've had some blazing sunshine and strong rain the last few days, so there should be some improvement.

Shame about the L27s - I'm wondering whether even the seeds should be germed outside, just to see if that makes a difference. Indoors and well-protected doesn't seem to agree with them...:)


shits going off in here elevator! bad luck about the animal feeding, but hey you cant control nature can you. youve got some nice strains there and i cant wait to see how that flo comes out outside.

keep it up

peace keke :joint:

Elevator Man

Active member
Another visit and more bad news...

Another visit and more bad news...

That is - more deer damage. Sad to say, a couple of plants are pretty much goners, although one in particular is showing disturbing signs of toxity, but I don't know what from. Most annoying, it was the one I was most hopeful for - the purple MoFlo 1B_2. I mentioned last time that it was turning purple already, which puzzled me, as it hadn't started flowering.

Yesterday, it was turning fully purple, and all the growing tips have died - what from, I haven't a clue, but bizarrely, it's in the same spot as the Cocoa Kush, which last year did a similar thing, though in mid-November! Even worse, (presumably) a deer has chomped through one of the largest stems, rendering the plant pretty much screwed - but if anyone has any idea what might have caused the tip-death, please chime in:

Literally six feet away, the MoFlo 1A_RH (pruned last time by deer) is doing fine, and beginning to flower, so if there is toxicity, it's extremely local!

The Highland Oaxacan Gold is thankfully untouched, and looking good, if a little short, but it does appear to be moving into flower-mode, so it will be interesting to see how long it lasts in the UK:

The green Flo #4 is also untouched, and the pruning it received last time will hopefully benefit the top buds, which are just beginning to form:

Next up, the purple Thai-leaning Flo #3 is also sadly beyond repair - still alive, but now a floor-dweller, and I don't hold out much hope for this consequently...:(

The green MoFlo next door that was showing the strange leaf-discoloration previously has had that problem removed - permanently - mostly all eaten. I hope they choked...:(

The good news is the rest are fine - the Blueberrys look healthy, if still small, and the Kentish Creme also is very vibrant, although also smaller than I'd like - no pics of those sadly. And the two Blue Satellites are also good - #2, the sour apple pheno, is a bit too pole-like for my liking, and will probably struggle to flower without mould, but at least it's untouched so far:

As is her sister, #3, the sweet pink grapefruit pheno, which looks just great, in every respect except height, but she's nearly three feet, so may well put on another before she finishes - I hope these finish outdoors, as the buds are very dense, and I've no idea of trigger-times for these either:

So a bit of a bummer, but at least the others are all healthy. I gave each plant a good dose of Canna Terra nutes, Cannazym and Rhizotonic in a couple of litres of water, so they're all well-prepared for flowering now - I just hope they survive the next few weeks. I sprayed piss everywhere again, but it was rainiing, so I've no idea how well that will work. Fingers crossed.
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3rd I

With the UK weather and the damn deer...your rockin' them EM...do you guys have predator urines available in the UK?

good luck on bringing em' home bud

Elevator Man

Active member
Nah - deer aren't a problem to many people in the UK, so none of the stores sell anything that exotic, sadly. The only predator urine available is my own...:)

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