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Electricians/landlord coming over - temporary hiding place for plants?


moose eater

Man, you guys are awesome. Thanks everyone, I'll tell you how everything went through. I think I might put them on them in the attic, since no-one ever visits there, and it's well ventilated. Or the balcony. Or something. Still considering to move them over my friends, too.


Yeah, you'd almost get the feeling that some of us have had to deal with similar situations before or something....:biggrin:

Seriously though, and I know first-hand that money dictates much of life's dreams and what can realistically be achieved, but any time you're doing something risky in a rental house/apartment, you're laying your neck at least a little bit bare.

Even if you OWN your place, pipes can break, circuits short out, and any number of 50 or 100 unforeseen 'emergencies' can arise. but at least in most of those, YOU'RE the home-owner, so YOU get to decide when stuff gets taken care of, and allow time to be a member of the middle class.

As a renter, there's far less control and that incorporates additional risks that would have many persons snacking on a regular diet of sedatives. Just sayin'... But a person does what they can do..
ye you never mentioned the attic, that's where i always put mine unless there to big then its out in the shed

Must have forgotten about it. Anyway that might be the solution, combined safety and minimal hassle.

And yeah, renting is not an ideal solution, but way better than living with parents. Hopefully I'll manage to buy a house in a few years, as I progress in my studies...The law is pretty lax here on students working in the field.

Thanks again everybody!


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