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Electric gets attention of popo.


Luckily it was not me. My bro rents an apartment, and does not grow, or even smoke weed.

We were sitting around at my place shooting the shit out front, and he brought up a visit he got last winter. He says he heard a knock, and upon answering the door he was greeted by 2 sheriffs and the apartment manager to allow entry.

He asked them what the problem was, and they told him his electric bill brought him under suspicion of growing marijuana. They searched, found nothing, etc, hes clean.

He doesn't know I grow, I didn't ask any questions I was just like holy shit that's crazy ! lol.

His bill was around 400$ for a few months straight he said.

Mine is around 100 now that it is summer and I was worried, guess I should not be. I'm glad he told me his story, is eases my worries a little.


I've had high electric bills ($400/mo) in houses for extended periods of time and never had any problems. Just always paid the bill on time. I wouldn't have tried it in an apartment though.


Registered User
It wouldn't surprise me if the 'real' reason they went there was one of his neighbors complaining... and rather than put that person in a tough spot, they said it was the power use, though I'm sure they did check it after the complaint.

Pretty much every apt grow I've seen stuck the fuck out... like even if you put the promix in a garbage bag... it looks odd. Let alone all the other issues with odor and/or a fan constantly going and/or an a/c always cycling. Or the garbage bags going out... and the stoner looking dude carrying it. Oh, the bong on the coffee table that can be seen from outside the front door & window, yeah that's a giveaway.

Shit the apt mngr might be the snitch... maybe there is a payoff deal w the local police, they missed quota last year or something...???


I've had high electric bills ($400/mo) in houses for extended periods of time and never had any problems. Just always paid the bill on time. I wouldn't have tried it in an apartment though.

That's cool bro, and definately pay your bill on time if your growing, duh !

Apparently in my area, 400 will get you a second look, atleast in an apartment, which I am not.


thats almost 3 times the amount we used with about 600-1000w of grow stuff going in my apt. 4 bdr too.

what the hell was he usin all that electric for?


Bent Member
In cali Law requires 24 hrs notice before a Mgr or landlord can gain entry (unless a warrent) Even if they show up with the cops, Shit my bills over a grand every month. PG&E are crooks!


Was it his bill or the apt mgr's bill? IOW, was the elec included in the rent or was your brother handed the bill via the manager? Seems odd that electric company would report a 400 bill. In my state, they might report a 400 bill suspecting that someone has died since the bill is so low.

Someone needs to get the NAACP to sue a power company that rats out a customer that isn't stealing power.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Still don't understand how they would be able to search with no warrant unless he allowed them entry. I know it does not work like that at least not legally. Seems nearly bizarre they would randomly select him because of a few hundred dollar electric bill and no other probable cause. Strange story.


shut the fuck up Donny
It wouldn't surprise me if the 'real' reason they went there was one of his neighbors complaining... and rather than put that person in a tough spot, they said it was the power use, though I'm sure they did check it after the complaint.

I'd guess it was this. $400 a month is not crazy at all.


If your in a 2 br apt, you can use up to 4 - 600w lights without a hitch. But I unpluged my fridge and stove to save electric in the first apt. In my new place I got a letter showing my power consumption a little high.... but the new place is wicked old and has air leaks around every old window. I get big green flys in my apt through the big cracks and air spaces around my windows, doors, and everywhere. I get fleas from the downstairs neighbors cats in the summer. Not bad but here and there.
So I have to run 2 a/c's 24/7 in summer and 2 electric heaters and a propane fireplace 24/7 in the winter. I do hate this place.
Electric bill is the same as the first place when I had all my equipment running. Around $340. I have my fridge running and stove so if I wanted to run anything more Ide have to not use these here. But I love my Nestle Tollhouse Cookies fresh out the oven slightly underdone.

My first place was PERFECT but I was a noob back then. Had a 600w mh in veg room. I had 3 -600w hps lamps w/ 2 on a light mover in flower room with everything controlled on my grow computer and Co2 off a propane Co2 generator which was also computer controlled. I got big yields quickly but had a partner so never really got anywhere. Im smarter and know how to grow alot better now, on my own, but I dont have the electric here that I need to grow for real. I have a very VERY basic setup compared to the equipment I have. Equipment just sitting in boxes doing nothing because I cant use it here. Im only doing 8 plants this time. Get about an oz per plant. Thats not gonna do me much good other than headsmoke. Im just spinning my wheels here. I have to move soon if Im gonna be able to use all the equipment Ive invested in.
I cant believe they sent me a letter showing the point of where it should be, and how much I was over that mark, and suggestions on how to save on power. Im only using 1/2 the stuff I got!!! Imagine if I put in 2 more 600watters?

At the first place with everything I had, running and producing bumper yields, I never got any letters about how to save on electric bacause it showed I was above the normal and show me a target zone where I should be. They just liked getting their money every month. The higher the bill the happier the electric co was.


Active member
In cali Law requires 24 hrs notice before a Mgr or landlord can gain entry (unless a warrent) Even if they show up with the cops, Shit my bills over a grand every month. PG&E are crooks!
Yes endeed sir your correct on the warreant, and the renters laws of having 24 hours, only time they can enter is a emergency, fire, water line burst, etc. for any search you need probable cause even to get a warrant, and the warrant will be limited to only the probable cause, so if they found coke they cant legally do anything, but they will until trial where its get thrown out unless you plea bargin out of the trouble they lay at your feet.

The fact I do know is the electric company will not call the cops until the bill is not paid, if they get paid they dont give a damn they are in it to make money, why would they shot themselves in the foot? The fact that if this story is true, your rights have been violated, and would move out of said place they just feel like showing up with cops because they want to, not me, and wont happen, hell at the least I would had called 911 dispatch, and had it logs that cops are at my door doing a illegal search, and then called the property owner talkin law suit over the violation of my renters rights, exspecially if I am not grow, and paying my rent, its a free bee in my book, and can only wish I was met with such Illegalities by the law!

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
A). most landlord/slumlords are themselves criminals. Actual criminals, not growers.
B). I think almost all states have a law requiring landlords to give 24 hours notice
C). police can't enter your home unless they have a warrant or you let them in
D). the landlord was probably enticed with promises of money or favors if there was a grow
E). tell your bro to do a "top drop" and move the heck out of there
My first question - Got a warrant?

If yes - do nothing. They are gonna do what they are gonna do.

If no - laughter, fuck off, slam the door.

Nothing on site - no need to be polite.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I cant believe they sent me a letter showing the point of where it should be, and how much I was over that mark, and suggestions on how to save on power. Im only using 1/2 the stuff I got!!! Imagine if I put in 2 more 600watters?

Alot of electric companies are doing stuff like that now but it has nothing to do with growing. It's all about conserving energy now and getting people to switch to energy efficient practices.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Did anyone read the original post?

The guy who had the cops show up wasn't growing or ever growing or even a smoker, so it doesn't matter what you do with what or where.

Also if the landlord is there, he can override any right and let the cops in. Its not a 24 hour notice routine inspection, and the cops do not need a warrant if you are renting off of the landlord. He owns it, he just lets you borrow it for some money.


Active member
Did anyone read the original post?

The guy who had the cops show up wasn't growing or ever growing or even a smoker, so it doesn't matter what you do with what or where.

Also if the landlord is there, he can override any right and let the cops in. Its not a 24 hour notice routine inspection, and the cops do not need a warrant if you are renting off of the landlord. He owns it, he just lets you borrow it for some money.
Just last year I went thru something like this, but without anyone gaining entry, one because It was me who answered the door, and funny how when someone landlord or not thinks they will just walk in my house they see my size, and me bout to break some arms and shite that stops them. I even threaten a cop who had no warrant with back up as my wife was on 911, and I told them you cross that threshhold you will be shot period, 2 amendment fellas.

And no I was not arrested, and no they gained no entry until the warrant came. The landlord can not enter without 24 hour notice, unless you have a warrant for your arrest, period. Like I said any landlord that does not uphold the law and tries to do it illegally, just cock the glock and watch how smart people get about your rights. So its to say you come to play you better come legit. When you call 911 dispatch which an officer is called to your location, he is told to stand down until the supervisor comes out, and he will make sure the law is upheld, if no warrant, he will bring it, or have it written up whil they wait off the property, but this is for extream measures, with just a landlord, and cop, its very easy to redirect them.

Or how about a pit bull who has been feed gun powder, I had a homie who done just this, he couldnt even feed the dog it was out of hand, and I do not support that shite, and he was an ass, but when you have an animal like that behind your door, thats when you tell them sure come on in, and oh by the way... and watch them fly out the door! Come on, ppl think bout it, the person wasnt even growing, this is why it even happened if indeed it happen, The cops aint stupid, they get warrants, and when they have warrants they dont need the landlord, do you understand?


Active member
Then again I am what you call a red flagged on police computers, I got a NCIC number thanks to the FEDS, and arrest in every kind of court in multipal states so I am use to the cops having their shite straight when they come for me. When I get pulled over I get the back up crusier, and gun point, and nice pair of braclets to wear everytime, until my shite comes back clear, hell most the time I get let go even if I was speeding, I was going like 12 over last month, and told the cop off hand at the jump, he went thru the whole shabang anyway, when he got done 30 minutes later, his supervisor, and another car for back up, he lets me go, and with a warning just because I was honest bout it. Yeah my wife loves when I get pulled over, tears, and I love yous, getting all worked, I just play it cool relax they just ppl, and with a fucked up job, dont make em almighty for no reason.

We do have rights, and even when they deal with what they think is a big fish they come legit, so know your rights, be cool but firm, and always push the issue even if they slap the cuffs on, its mostly wolf tickets to get you nervous to get you to not think on your toes! Another tool cops , and court really love, and this info is priceless, as I personally had many many charges dropped over it, its carring a video camera everywhere you go, and recording cops is really really fun, they act like its kriptonite, and act all perfect. I got to a point where If I showed up in traffic court, and the judge who knew me very well, would just see my camera in my hand, he would dismiss my case even before it was called, saying good day sir you can go, no shite, but at the time I had a group of ppl and we had a police accountability group, and followed cops, we got 3 fired, and 2 resigned.

So if you see cops at your door, grab the camera, and let it role as you both speek at the door, it will be evidence in a trial, but not a tape recording, video rules!

headband 707

Plant whisperer
In cali Law requires 24 hrs notice before a Mgr or landlord can gain entry (unless a warrent) Even if they show up with the cops, Shit my bills over a grand every month. PG&E are crooks!
LOL that's not how it would work here they would come in landlord or not and it would be the hydro company that ratted you out,, Which I believe THAT in itself is really against the law !!
Aww it's the American dream cause you need to be asleep to believe it LOL headband 707:biggrin: