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El Presidente's Super Power



It emerged this morning that El Presidente a.k.a Gypsy Nirvana, a.k.a Bionic Ninja has proven super human abilities. Those who have watched the video will be aware of his ability to effectively teleport. Along with his ability to disappear at will, dub his own voice, raise eyebrows to unnatural levels and beat up random hedgerows what superpower would you give him?

I'll start the ball rolling by recommending the 5 point exploding heart technique as demonstrated on Kill Bill pt 2. What would you choose????

Links FYA:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzNg6xWLFAw " Please note curious pant staining!"

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
oh......the memories of those crazy days in Hong Kong.....it all comes flooding back, lol!


Damn, I for one was quite impressed with the bosses Ninja crusade. How many of you could actually follow the path of the Ninja. Sheeesh come on. I am however quite upset about the uncouth actions against the bush. There is no need to attack the bush. The bush is your friend. LOL

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
That used to be my day-job....lol....and I gave it up for you lot....

....note the split and dirty yellow pants........from all my efforts.

I was in chat earlier today and mentioned that I had been in this film and someone provided me with a link to it......I had'nt even see the finished film before!......and what a cheesey movie it is/was...

*has anyone else been in a movie?


If Gypsy had a super power, I would like it to be the power to email weed and seeds to people. I mean, how awesome would that be?


Active member
The "Presidente" is actually a cocktail popular in the 20's and 30's that has gone the way of the Gimlet and Rob Roy....pretty tasty still.

Gypsy's cool too:joint:

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Dude, the hole in the sweatpants below your taint, and the "on stage" tucked in yellow outfit. All I can say is Wow. LMAO. Funny shit Gypsy! K+ for both of you! LOL

The part where you beat on the bush is priceless!:whip:


Active member
Two of my favorite things growing up was weed and the Six Million Dollar Man.

Steve Austin on the TV?...Free
Weed?...$35 an oz.
Finding out Gypsy is a bionic ninja? Priceless.

~Abbie :joint:


I've had nightmares all night. Ninja's silently stalking in the dead of night, brutally attacking innocent bushes. Where will it all stop LOL. ( Clarence raises both eyebrows!).

Moldy Dreads

Active member
I have to say one thing, you were in top shape. I used to do alot of chinups and dips, and your guns are ridiculous in that movie! LOL. Do you still workout like that?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I have to say one thing, you were in top shape. I used to do alot of chinups and dips, and your guns are ridiculous in that movie! LOL. Do you still workout like that?

...no I don't....was sick and tired of getting my pants all dirty from squirming along on my back thru the shrubbery......and then splitting them whist trying to do helicopter kicks.....

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