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Ehh.. will i pass?


Active member
Well.. I have the dreaded Urine test this afternoon.

I quit smoking about 34-36 days ago.. Being a daily smoker before then for a good couple years.

Im 6', 150lbs. Tall and thin.

I could not find a home test kit @ any of the local stores... i really wanted to take one before.. so i could be aware of my impending doom or impending success.

i have to pee in the cup in about 8hours.

Am i stressin too much? or should i still be worried?


Active member
Im running up to the local walmart, to see what they have in the way of a drugtest.. Sadly there are no headshops within 40miles of my house. So i wont be able to go to one before my test.

Ill be drinking atleast 8oz of water each hour up until my test, and tryin to pee atleast 3 times before i go.

i smoked roughly twice a day before i quit smoking.. mostly medical grade stuff. Small quantities because i cant afford much of it @ a time. Id say 4-5grams a week.
Im running up to the local walmart, to see what they have in the way of a drugtest.. Sadly there are no headshops within 40miles of my house. So i wont be able to go to one before my test.

Ill be drinking atleast 8oz of water each hour up until my test, and tryin to pee atleast 3 times before i go.

i smoked roughly twice a day before i quit smoking.. mostly medical grade stuff. Small quantities because i cant afford much of it @ a time. Id say 4-5grams a week.

I'm nowhere near a pro in this aspect, but I think you might get a diluted result from drinking so much...and then depending on the place you will either auto-fail or have to re-test because of the first result.


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
take some vitamin b pills, crush them up and swallow them (faster acting than whole pills) this will turn your urine yellow. drink a gallon of water (or mix in some gatorade powder to keep electrolytes up) and you should be good. if you dont feel your body about to explode, drink more water. it is going to be very uncomfortable

is this test going to be sent to a lab for analysis or the 3 panel quick test?


Active member
Well i passed the Hometest, specifically made for marijuana.

my urine seemed fairly diluted with water.. had a slight yellow tinge, and stunk like piss. So i should be fine.

SUPER stoked. Cant wait to get this shit over with.


Just don't start smoking weed again right after the test. Give it some time to be sure you don't have to go back for a retest.

I knew some dumbass that got dishonorably discharged from the military because of that.


Active member
drink some cranberry juice and flush with water....also when you submit your sample, make sure to collect from "mid stream"....the beginning and end of the stream has the most concentration of detectable thc...

i smoked a blunt the night before my test....drank tons of water and cranberry juice, used a standard 20 dollar drug test kit, and passed with flying colors.


i stopped for about six weeks and home tested myself and failed.
i was eating a lot of edibles and smoking a lot of oil at the time though.
im very active about 12 stone 5ft 10inch, i never go to work without my quick fix now.


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
36 days. If I was a betting man, my money would be on you to pass by a long shot.

Break a leg.


The Mad Monk
Just curious... why didn't you look into fake piss or getting some from a friend who doesn't smoke? Those are the only methods we trust because if you actually smoke daily and have been for years, plural, then all else is bullshit.

I haven't personally had to pass a piss test but two friends have had to in the last two years. Both have smoked daily for years. One tried what you're doing to a T. Stopped for over a month, bought some drink at GNC and drank a lot of water before the test. He failed.

The other one said funk all that. Called up one of our friends who doesn't smoke. He passed.


Active member
Do be careful of drinking too much water. You CAN die from water intoxication. Many people have. If its uncomfortable, it is for a reason.
Some people may think this is a joke, but I urge you to google it if you think it is.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
fake urine is the way to go, if you had more time you could order that online. I dont know why anyone would go through the risks of drinking all this shit and still be worried about passing.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Someone died a few months ago from water intoxication. It was some radio show's contest and had to do with drinking water not sure about all the details.

Anyway, it can kill you. Be careful.

What Happens During Water Intoxication?

When too much water enters the body's cells, the tissues swell with the excess fluid. Your cells maintain a specific concentration gradient, so excess water outside the cells (the serum) draws sodium from within the cells out into the serum in an attempt to re-establish the necessary concentration. As more water accumulates, the serum sodium concentration drops -- a condition known as hyponatremia. The other way cells try to regain the electrolyte balance is for water outside the cells to rush into the cells via osmosis. The movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from higher to lower concentration is called osmosis. Although electrolytes are more concentrated inside the cells than outside, the water outside the cells is 'more concentrated' or 'less dilute' since it contains fewer electrolytes. Both electrolytes and water move across the cell membrane in an effort to balance concentration. Theoretically, cells could swell to the point of bursting.

From the cell's point of view, water intoxication produces the same effects as would result from drowning in fresh water. Electrolyte imbalance and tissue swelling can cause an irregular heartbeat, allow fluid to enter the lungs, and may cause fluttering eyelids. Swelling puts pressure on the brain and nerves, which can cause behaviors resembling alcohol intoxication. Swelling of brain tissues can cause seizures, coma and ultimately death unless water intake is restricted and a hypertonic saline (salt) solution is administered. If treatment is given before tissue swelling causes too much cellular damage, then a complete recovery can be expected within a few days.

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