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Egg Size Strawberries


Domesticator of Cannabis
New strawberry variety will extend local season


HALIFAX, N.S. - Strawberry lovers are getting a new type of egg-sized berry to sweeten their summers, a development 20 years in the making that might give Canadian growers a fresh advantage in an increasingly competitive market as well.

Valley Sunset - named because it blooms late in the season - was developed in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley and will be available to growers next spring.



Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Sweet....the growing season here is behind, so my everbearers are just shooting up their second round of the year. I would love to grow this variety.

Clackamas Coot

Active member

I'm a commercial organic strawberry grower and I was curious if you've ever tried any of the 'Alpine' heirloom varieties? Small berries but packed with an incredible amount of flavor.

Quite popular with pastry chefs in Portland and Seattle.

Just curious.



Domesticator of Cannabis

I'm a commercial organic strawberry grower and I was curious if you've ever tried any of the 'Alpine' heirloom varieties? Small berries but packed with an incredible amount of flavor.

Quite popular with pastry chefs in Portland and Seattle.

Just curious.

I really couldn't tell you what kind we ate this summer. We've had some small & some fairly large ones, not quite the size of an egg though. All have been tasty. I buy from the Metro chain store now in Ontario a Quebec company who just bought out Dominion ~ "Mainly because of the meat" was their slogan from the late sixties I recall. They have good produce as well. I'd rather pay a little more & get something that'll be eaten than rot.

So if they're suppliers to either of those I've had them. I was on a little strawberry milkshake kick after buying a Braun hand mixer this spring. My kids love them plain jane.

Clackamas Coot

Active member

I'm not familiar with Canadian import laws as it relates to 'legal seeds' but if you're able to buy and accept delivery on seeds and/or plants then let me know and I'll give you a link to a popular 'Alpine' variety that I've grown successfully for over 10 years. The seed company is based here in Oregon.

