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Effectively using 1 ac unit for 2 separate tents


What's up fam...Well, i am trying to find a solution to my problem.

I have 2 separate tents that run opposite of each other. In other words, tent 1 runs 12a-12p and tent 2 runs 12p-12a. Each of the tents are running 1000W lights, and are running a bit hot when totally closed/sealed up. The tents are in the same room and they are set diagonally facing each other.

The Room:
The room is perfectly square and has a window inside the room. It is still pretty hot here, and will be until around mid october or so, at which time, i will probably open the window and use fresh cool air from outside. Both tents are 4x4 that i would need to cool.

I would rather not buy/run 2 separate units to cool each of the rooms, so i'm wondering if anyone has ever, or knows of a way to effectively cool both rooms with a single a/c unit?

Thanks in advance,



Also, i'd like to add, that the room that these 2 tents are housed in has an ambient temp of 73F. I don't have an a/c unit as of now, but i'm in the market, and would like to get this straightened out ASAP before i buy. Thanks again.



You put the a/c in the main room/window.
You then have an environment controller for each tent that varies the speed of each tent's vent fans, so they are recirculating their air into the main room.
The a/c cools the air and back into the tent(s) it goes.
Put your co2 and/or dehumidifier in the main room as well.
my question is, what is better: exhausting your tent hot air mixed with a/c air out of the tent and room the tents are in and say into the attic? compared to exhausting the air back out of the tent into the room and letting the a/c fight the hot air and recirculate?


Exhausting the conditioned air out of the room would be a huge waste of electricity.


Ok, well let me give a little more info. at the moment, i'm exhausting into the attic, and the rooms tents are still a little on the hot side. Now i thought about just cooling the room that they tents are in, and allowing the tents 4in intake fans blow in cool air from the ambient room air (cooled by a/c).

I'm running air cooled hoods which vent the hot ten air thru the lights and out of the tent. I can rearrange my venting situation if need be, but i'd rather not.



Exhausting the conditioned air out of the room would be a huge waste of electricity.

So you are saying that running it the way that i have is set up now is a waste? Like if i continue to exhaust into the attic, while trying to cool the ambient room air?



If you want efficiency, you would have the air that is cooling the lights come from outside and then exhaust back outside.
The air going in and out of the tents would be to/from the main room with the conditioned air.
You would need co2 for this closed system.


Ok Dongle, i don't want to use co2. I would like to keep the same concept of the system that i have going on now. Could you elaborate a little more on your concept using what i have going on at the moment? I would like to air cool the lights and use a/c to cool both of the tents when they need it.

Or Dongle, could you elaborate how i could use the system you mentioned before and using co2, but w/o spending a shit ton of money??

Thanks for your help.



Yes, but where is the fresh air coming into the main room if the window is closed?


i guess from the rest of the house. I don't really have any fresh air as in fresh from outside fresh. I was just using the 73f ambient air in the main room/house to vent into the tents.


So right now, you don't have much fresh air at all unless there are windows open.
Opening the windows is good if odor and stealth are not of concern.
If you keep the ventilation of your lights separate from the room, it would be a big help.
Right now the ventilation air from your lights is heating up the room (if I read correctly).
Just by venting that out of the room (to the outside or the attic), your temps will drop.


Is your tent ventilation separate from your light ventilation?
How hot is it outside?
Do you have any kind of cooling for your entire house?


No tent ventilation is not separate from light ventilation. It is still pretty hot outside during the day (about 90F) and its 75F outside right now. When i have the tents totally sealed up and closed, the temps reach the mid to high 90's inside, and when i have the door open, allowing the main room ambient air to mix in, the temps drop to ~75F.


there ate inline butterfly things that open and close to restrict airflow. get two of them and two timers and you are good to go.


when i have the door open, allowing the main room ambient air to mix in, the temps drop to ~75F.
That tells me that you need more intake area and possibly more cfm moving through the tent.
How is air getting into the tent when it is zipped up - what size vent(s)?
What fan are you using for each tent (what cfm and size)?