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Editing photos in gallery


Well-known member
I've tried to like the new site, honest, but I started here in part because the gallery was easy and intuitive and worked well even on a phone. This new one? Fuck me...

All I want to do is upload photos, edit the captions and save it. But for some reason I can't. When I upload, the photos often don't show in the pop up window, meaning I can't edit the captions on them. I've tried scrolling down (whole page scrolls instead) turning my phone landscape, using the desktop site instead - nothing. Desktop lets me see the top 4 images as opposed to top 2, but that's no use when you have more than 4 and the oldest are showing at the top.

This, btw, is when I can upload at all.

I've gone with just uploading and figured I could edit the captions later but, I can't. Same issue - can only see the top 4 as editable, nothing else.

Other issues I've found are - when you tap on a photo and it goes full screen on a phone, the only way to return is to hit the back button, which results in a page not found error. I've also hit a "time limit to edit title exceeded" issue when trying to edit shit in the gallery. First time I did take ages, second time I had reloaded and relogged in. Same issue just trying to edit my album.

There is a lot about the new site that I do like and appreciate, but the albums here were the best on the web and now they're the worst. Is there any way round this? Because I'm losing my mind.


Well-known member
Right, I'm done being polite, this is a fuckin shit show. Am sorry but it really is.

I can't even post my fuckin photos in ma threads anymore. Bastard album pop up box jumps about all over the shop, can't even find the option to use albums in desktop mode so that's nae use. What the fuck is the fuckin point in a thousand an one useless fuckin link and photo buttons that dae fuck all tae help me do the one soddin thing ah want to - POST MA FUCKIN PHOTOS IN MA FUCKIN THREAD.

It was bad enough when ah couldn't embed them but now ah can't even attach them as thumbnails.

Back tae lurkin until yous sort this shit show while ah consider ma options re other sites...


Active member
I’m in the same boat fellas. I can’t even figure out how to get to my gallery to upload my photos…!!!…

this shit is crazy…

I guess it’s back to IG


Well-known member
I don’t know how many times and how many threads I can say it in .. we are looking into upgrading to a different platform that’s much more user friendly, we will know more later today hopefully..

not sure what the problems you guys are having but seems to be plenty other people posting pics and continuing diarys an threads


Well-known member
I can’t see my album pics or anyone else’s and if they post it I can’t see it either idk?


Well-known member
PANIKZ I get that, and I'm sorry for the harshness of ma post. Stressful day, nae time for a vape an then ah tried tae come on here tae relax an just lost it a bit wi the frustration.

​​​​​​​Am no a tech guy really, but ah would guess the company just didnae optimise for all browsers an devices. Would explain why some folk are still able tae use functions others can't.

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