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Echo's 600W Tent

great job on the tent grow! they look much better than any of my first attempts.

some thoughts while reading through this...
The brown spots that stopped showing up on the new growth-- you must have fixed the issue and the new growth no longer showed signs of it.

the rear plant browning up --- once again, you started with seeds so variances are to be expected, maybe this one just responded to the flushing way faster. some plants seem to keep growing through a flush, others seem to immediately brown and die in 2 days. perhaps this was something to do with it.

also, did you ever figure out that leaf tip curl ? ive wondered about that before too.

anywho. good jorb.


84 grams of good sized decent nugs and about another 14 grams of popcorn stuff. So hopefully match that if not more on the other plant thats coming down