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EC/PH of Wormjuice and guano tea ??


"Madam, Miss Otis regrets, she's unable to lunch t
ICMag Donor
Hi there.

(i cant spend too much time searching threads today , hopefully somebody would leave me a bread crumb trail)

My main systm is aero with hydro nutes , got a Eutech EC/PH pen to test the Rez , ect, ect, ect. All good in the hood.

RE SOIL Nutes :
At what EC/PH do you guys dilute worm and guano tea's .

basicly our water is 0.4 ec and the my concentrated worm run-off measures 4.0 ec.

Dilute it more or use it neat ??


senior member
Hi there.

(i cant spend too much time searching threads today , hopefully somebody would leave me a bread crumb trail)

My main systm is aero with hydro nutes , got a Eutech EC/PH pen to test the Rez , ect, ect, ect. All good in the hood.

RE SOIL Nutes :
At what EC/PH do you guys dilute worm and guano tea's .

basicly our water is 0.4 ec and the my concentrated worm run-off measures 4.0 ec.

Dilute it more or use it neat ??

No doubt the EC numbers would be crazy high, but they have almost no bearing in a organic tea. If your making a microbe type tea, it would be hard to over do it, but I routinely dilute my teas by at least half, with no let up in performance.

On a nutrient tea you can over do it and burn a plant, but again your meter is of little use. The best plan is to have a good portion of your soil as humic content so your soil/plant will take care of ph on it's own. And to follow a recipe and take notes to find your sweetbspot.

I used the earth juice line of nutrients quite a bit, and even after bubbling this as a tea the ph was like battery acid, but in a day or two the soil ph would rebound thanks to a good soil mix. So in my opinion your soil mix is key, everything else is secondary.... Good luck...."scrappy


"Madam, Miss Otis regrets, she's unable to lunch t
ICMag Donor
OK , cool for spelling it out !! My EC pen is of no use in Organics ! Damn
Seems like i dont have to be precise with the PH cause it corrects itself.


Now HTF do i go about if i wanna know if my Organic tea is Too Hot or too Cold ?

I cant risk my beautiful lady's with trail and errors or hit and misses .
I have to be spot on


You can find my second generation "Goldilocks" meters at fine hydro stores nationwide. Mention this ad and save 10%


senior member
OK , cool for spelling it out !! My EC pen is of no use in Organics ! Damn
Seems like i dont have to be precise with the PH cause it corrects itself.


Now HTF do i go about if i wanna know if my Organic tea is Too Hot or too Cold ?

I cant risk my beautiful lady's with trail and errors or hit and misses .
I have to be spot on

That is where following a recipe is handy until you get a feel for it.

But again a microbe type tea with ewc or compost and molasses and water will not burn your plants.

It's when you add nutrients to your tea it becomes a possibility. Then like I said it is best to at least start by following a recipe.

Personally i don't feed much nutrient teas anymore as my soil has everything i think they need in it already so i mostly just use microbe teas and top dress if i think they might need a shot of something. And once a week or so i brew up a microbe tea.

If they start to look bad for some unknown reason, a top dress of ewc is in order. That seems to be like a reset button for your plants, and evens out rough patches.

My best advice is to read the organics for beginners sticky. It is a ton of reading, and quickly takes you from beginner to advanced organic grower..........good luck......scrappy


"Madam, Miss Otis regrets, she's unable to lunch t
ICMag Donor
Thankx Scrappy for the cool info.

I,ll digg into some Organics threads and study up.



"Madam, Miss Otis regrets, she's unable to lunch t
ICMag Donor
Running an EWC/ guano tea in an aero system is like seeing a really hot chick and trying to fuck her in the ear.

Haaaa . thats a good way of explaining it......!

I got soo much of tis organic teas and extracts , Useless if i cant test and measure ....dont want to take chances


Jedi, if you like you could record the EC and PPM´s if you wanted just for shits and grins. Most of us do not. We rely on our living soil to adjust things. Nature has its own way and if left alone will out perform all of what man thinks he knows.

Welcome to the Club.



senior member
Jedi, if you like you could record the EC and PPM´s if you wanted just for shits and grins. Most of us do not. We rely on our living soil to adjust things. Nature has its own way and if left alone will out perform all of what man thinks he knows.

Welcome to the Club.


I'll add a disclaimer to Von's idea. If after adding a low ph tea, or nutrient, don't freak and think you have to do something if your ph goes way down for a day or three. It happens, but it usually comes right back, and some fixes make things worse.....scrappy


"Madam, Miss Otis regrets, she's unable to lunch t
ICMag Donor
Hey , Vonforne .

i,ll follow those links of yours after the post , i guess i,ll find the answer in there , but i,m gonna ask anyways.

There was a batch of worm liquid that seemed like it burned the plants and stunted growth , it was a bit on the smelly side iirc.

Some old lady told me when her chicken manure tea starts smelling she dlute it a bit and let it settle before use.

what do you guys do with above mentioned worm liquid. ???


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
If you're going to grow organic the first thing you need to do is put those meters away.
Since you're a beginner to organics, there is a thread in the STICKY section created just for you. Find a recipe that will work for you and stick to it. DON"T CHANGE ANYTHING and you'll have a successful and EASY grow.
Good luck,


"Madam, Miss Otis regrets, she's unable to lunch t
ICMag Donor
Blessings for passing some info to a lazy Organic noob .

I kinda freaked and rushed to get some answers.
Since my internet connection is up again i,ll digg into the sticky's.


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