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Ebb and grow show with Tsi Fly and veg + bloom!

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
my VSCROG is coming down and i will be able to set up 6 more buckets in its place. i think im gonna wait and flower 2 moms under a 600w scrogged like crazy. its gonna get gnarly in there in no time. i am gonna transfer them into 5 gal buckets of coco and set up blumats. should get real exciting in that spot soon!

depending on how this round goes i may let go of my tsi fly plant. she is just so tough to keep from falling over from the weight. next runner up for the hydro system is my proven AK cut. they would do massive work in there and are super sturdy and need no support at all. they yield great and it is loved by all who get the pleasure of trying it.

next in line will be the pot of gold plants. if they finsh up at about the same time i can run them and the AK at the same time in the same system. they are doing great on exactly the same feed at the moment so i think they will be fine together as long as the flowering time is compatible.

im installing the SCROG over the ebb and flow buckets today. i will get some pics up when i do.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
thank you sir. i try. im a lot more lazy than i would like but im getting better! i had my buddy from the CO dispensary scene come over and school me in the true art of scrog. i have to say i am impressed. a couple hundred paper coated bread ties later my plant is fully scrogged and officially in day one of flower. hell yeah. the only broken branch on the entire plant was the one i did lol. i splinted it and wrapped in gorilla tape so it will be as good as new. thinned out the ebb and flow buckets and rearranged them a bit. buds are already forming. things are running great! I've put in 5 gal of fresh water to drop the PPM's down. i will change the entire res out in a few days.

as promised here are the new shots! its a thing of beauty. was gonna scrog the buckets but since its against a wall i wouldn't be able to train the back buckets so i left em alone and will just tie up sagging branches as i go. pain in the ass for sure.

the soon to be LED tent is looking GREAT! super healthy and starting to stack like crazy. cant wait to test out these LED's. they come in tomorrow!!!!


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are those the big green trees buckets? full of rockwool? damn thats a lot of water bro. you will need some 7' trees to use all that lol. I had the 2 gallon buckets with hugos on net pots and grew some nice 2x3' shrubs. can't wait to see! you running the Veg+bloom hardwater or soft? how many days in flower?

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
haha i just saw your thread and was typing it up on there. yeah still rocking the veg + bloom soft water and loving it. i cant use my tap as its 600 ppm lol.

they arent big buckets. they are actually pretty small. i think they are 2 gal which seem to be about perfect for my setup with smaller bushy plants. bro you are always killin it with v+b and hydro. im hoping to get to your level soon haha.

next round i will be running either all AK in there or all pot of gold depending on how my POG turn out from seed in coco. they look to have amazing structure and the genectics are stellar. two badasses in hindu kush and skunk #1.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
12 hours in the new scrog and they are already standing straight up for the light!! this is a bitchy plant that hates trimming and cloning but its doing great so far. super perky on all of them.

my LED's came in today too! hell yeah im excited. they are going in a 2x4 tent with some proven AK bushes SOG style and a couple seed tests of pot of gold, jackberry and chemmy jones.


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Desert Hydro

Well-known member
the stretch is ON! i feel like they have tripled in size already by looking at post number one and then how they are tonight. they are gonna be needing some support lol. they are kind of a bitch to grow if im being quite honest. they stretch like mad and then put on some weight. they droop down with the weight of the buds by the 6th week or so. i think im gonna get some horticultural netting and lay it across them and let them grow up through it and then raise it with them as they stretch. kinda like a real loose scrog but with no actual training. just letting them stay wherever they are at. the are fimm'd and supercropped like crazy so they will all have multiple colas that will need support. so far im loving the new system. super simple and care free. i just check ph and ppm and adjust accordingly.

there is already a ton of new growth on the scrog plant. im feeling pretty good about this one. i think i will def break my personal record with those genes of a plant that size under its own 600w with spill over from another 600 hitting at the tops as well. i expect big things. if this works out i may switch over to low plant numbers and HUGE plants. i think that pot of gold will be dynamite in scrog! good things coming!!

so ive got a spare 600 and i was thinking about moving my mom into the small tent and the LED's to the big tent. then i could run the vert bare bulb donut style and still have room for the LED to do their thing in the corner with tons of spare room. i only have one mom at the moment. and she's a big bitch at about 2x2x 3.5ft high. waaaay more cuts than i could ever use lol. idk maybe im getting in over my head haha. ive got way too much going on already with work school and the "kids"

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
and here we goooooooooooo


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Desert Hydro

Well-known member
its pretty crazy the difference a day makes in active hydro! its pretty impressive to see first hand. they are filling in perfectly for the space. i think i finally vegged the perfect amount for once lol. i always go waaay too long for my space and end up with an unmanageable mess. i am like uber stoned right now on some sweet tooth. i took a few more tokes than i should of off the joint i rolled and im fried. i cant think and it would be too much work to resize and upload pics atm so you just get me rambling.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
i just ordered some bloombastic in a small bottle to test out. my buddy who works at the CO scene said the guy he learned from swore by it. i figured i could give it a shot and see if its as good as most people say it is.

i know krunch said good things about it and thats about good enough for me to go off of lol

Dark Helmet

Active member
very nice desert, looking at these ebb n flow buckets myself cant wait to see ur results mate have sub`d this looking forward to more updates...

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
thank you sir. they are great, the only complaint i have about them is that you need A LOT of water and my RO is super slow. i have to make a bunch of trips to fill water jugs during a full change out lol.

speaking of full change out, i am about due :( lol. time to gather the water jugs and load them into a car not meant for hauling such things haha

they are filling in like mad. im soooo glad i didnt veg them any longer than i did or i would be screwed. these are gonna pack on the weight for sure in hydro. i cant wait tying up 1000 different colas because i was too lazy to scrog on time :)

the bloombastic should be here in a few days and i will see if i notice a significant difference worth keeping it in my line up. I love KISS with veg + bloom but if this works like my buddy says i will deal with the extra work and keep using it.


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Desert Hydro

Well-known member
oh another tip about having a ton of water in one res is that you can use the same res water to water any other plants you may have. if my res in my veg tent is low i will scoop out water from the ebb and grow res and use that to water my coco plants. they dont seem to mind it at all. everything is at the same EC just slightly different Ph since one is for coco and one for hydro.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
just did a full res change out. tomorrow i will defoliate and thin out and take pics so you can see the before and afters

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
some night time shots from right now. they are looking large and in charge :)

i cant wait to run some bloombastic through them and see if it works as good as i was told it does. the plants have gotten HUGE compared to when i flipped them. its pretty awesome. i think i will do quite well on this run. next run will be ALL AK47 or pot of gold. i gotta wait and see how the POG turns out first. i should probably get 2 runs with her under my belt before i devote an entire system to her lol. i like to know the ins and outs of a strain before i put all my eggs in one basket


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Desert Hydro

Well-known member
day 1 of bloombastic! just added it to the res right now so they wont get their first feed til tonight. cant wait to see if it lives up to the hype/price lol. i will put up daily shots so we can keep track and see if it makes a noticeable difference or if its crap :)


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Desert Hydro

Well-known member
day three of bloombastic! i cant really see a difference at the moment but they are still kicking ass and are super healthy. i hope they are done stretching. ive grown this cut several times originally from seed, but it is growing a little different in active hydro. for one, the buds are stacking closer together and also there are trichs on the fan leaves @ 3 weeks of 12/12. ALL of the big fans have trichs on them, its kinda crazy.

i try and take all the pics from the same angle so you can see the difference if any


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Desert Hydro

Well-known member

so looking at 2 days difference i can see a huge difference! the angles are slightly different elevation but you can still tell there has been a big change. i am gonna have to disconnect my chain of lights so i can raise 2 up and leave the scrog one low. i knew it was coming i just hoped they were done stretching. i was wrong lol. they are still blowing up like mad. this system rocks. these nutes rock. i'm hooked and loving it. if you want a bad ass system with minimal cost and less daily maintenance this is def high on the list. for about 400 you can get the whole setup. i got mine at a 30% off sale and drove 3 hours to get it. totally worth it :)

next round i am extending the chains with 6 extra sites that i have and will bust out some major AK plants. they can veg forever since they dont stretch but a couple of inches. this is by far the best and easiest run i have EVER done and i think i am gonna smash all my previous records by a large margin by the looks of it.

i have 4 new loves in my life. the hydro system, LED lighting for limited space setups, VEG + BLOOM and BLOOMBASTIC!

oh and even after the addition of the bloombastic my PH is not drifting much if any at all.


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Desert Hydro

Well-known member
i need to raise up they bucket side 2 lights but its gonna take some work! they are all hooked together because i assumed i was gonna be doing a scrog with a nice even canopy lol. epic fail. i think the hydro plants are getting a bit of light bleaching. they look slightly deficient but their feed is 1.8-2.0ec so i know they arent. i think i am gonna dial em back around 1.6 and raise the lights about 8 inches or so right now. im off to lowes to get some flex duct and i also need to anchor my filter to the ceiling in the corner and flip my exhaust around to vent outside instead of the rest of the house.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
finished! got it all flipped around and ready to rock! now the hot air is aimed out the window and it should help the room temps a lot. there shouldnt be any more bleaching because the lights are at proper height now. thats been the only issue this run so far. knock on wood.


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