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Ebb and Gro tent of DOOM



ebb and gro set to flood every 4 hours for 15 minutes. pH at 5.8, about 400ppm at the moment, increasing every couple of days or so. they are being fed PBP. they seem to like it. pH is checked at least once a day. the rez is 55 gal but its only filled to about 30-35. the hydro keeps the RH nice in the tent. lantern being burned several times a day to boost CO2 as much as possible. strains are mostly unknown, but there are some kush and diesels in the mix. i dont see any sativas in there unless im mistaken. there are also rows of soil in between the rows of hydro. i figure half will be male and thus killed so i grew out plenty lol. any suggestions/ improvements that could be made?


i still havent figured out the damn picture posting and uploading yet



alittle more info- 400w mh for now, 600 hps for flower. these are all the same age. i topped the one in my home made dwc, you can see it in the horizontal pic. first time topping anything. i dont know if i should bump up the feeding yet or not. some look like it may be a tad bit too much but most seem to be thriving so i think i will leave it for now. they will be vegged at least a couple weks more i think. i have plenty of head room so i may as well utilize it. once im flowering i will move the 400 into the Ticks soggn box i built from the tutorial here where i will keep a mother or two and a sea of clones. some of the soil ones will be put out in my garden in a week or two. just gonna build a small greenhouse then out they go. i think thats it for now. if you have any q's let me know :)


any suggestions as to when i should start 12 12? there is plenty of headroom in there but im slightly impatient so i wanna get the ball rolling soon haha


just built picos pvc scrog trellis and i will be droppin it in once they are sexxed.


Power Armor rules
Very nice looking setup you've got going. I like that scrog net you constructed that thing looks great. Keep us posted on how things are going :joint:



:lurk: got to chop my first confirmed male today :) which is awesome cuz it clears up room for my pride and joys with no balls. it wasnt even that cool of a plant anyway. not even clone worthy if it was a fem. but its all good. i think my fav soil plant is a male as well but its still to early to make out. a few more days and i'll know for sure. i just got a 10x mag lens so i should be able to see pretty quick here. everything else is smooth sailing. since i changed out my rez and got rid of the seaweed my ph has stopped drifting so quickly. im ordering some calmag and liquid karma within the next couple days. i think i should be happy with those in my lineup. as soon as i find out sex on all of em im changing the light and puttin em on 12/12. strarting to get exciting in there haha.


thanks pico, i cant wait to drop in your scrog. i just switched em to 12 12 so i should be seeing some balls and pistils soon


~Shhh~ said:
Wassup BlueberryNutz, things are coming together nicely mate.

Isn't that always the case ay?! :D

yeah. i always get lucky lol. but i think i will save it if it is a male. i dont wanna have to order seeds anymore. i would like to breed something on my own and get it to where its stable and predictable so the yields and quality will be also


looking forward to some pictures. Males tend to be faster growers and look like the most vigorous plants. sad but it has been my experience.


thanks. i love this setup. for the most part it runs itself with little help from me and its working really well so far


ive been kinda slacking it on the pics lately. they have performed sub par to say the least lol. i dunno if its stuff i did wrong or they were just low yielding strains or what but the yields were less than substantial haha. its all good though. ive got some really good genes on the way including some ak48, GHF trainwreck and some of mandalas safari mix so im pretty stoked to get those up and running. i think i will wait a couple months before i start em though because its getting hot here and my power bill will suck ass with the ac and my lights running.