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Eating and burning out?


Active member
Just curious what others thought about eating and cannabis? I had a chemist tell me that when eating high your stomach acids will start digesting and that starts degrading the actives. I never really thought about it, but after getting high, and then eating, I would notice my high start to shift. Not sure if it's a "head game" or if it's real, but I would like to know more info, thanks.


not a scientist, but it seems to me that if you're high the thc has already entered your bloodstream/brain, and no amount of stomach acid will affect either of those.

interested to see what others think though


Active member
I used to not want to eat soon after smoking because I felt it lowered my buzz. Now I just pack another bowl after eating.


The reason why you may feel less high is because more blood is going to your stomach when eating food so it takes away from the brain but this isn't the case with everyone because it depends on muscle and nerve strength/endurance and the type of foods you eat daily.


I've always felt that my mellow gets bummed when I eat. :pie:

Nothing another bowl won't fix though.

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