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Easy Vape vaporizer, anyone ever used it?


good drown

Has anyone used a EASY VAPE vaporizer? if so, how does it work? i read the whip it comes with is not that good, so i will buy a good one. I don't mind waiting for it to warm up. I HOPE once its warmed up, it stays that temp, even after a hit. If you have used it, and do not like it, WHY?
I can get one for $50 shipped on ebay. i then plan to get a better "whip" for $40 off ebay, its a chambered one, so your bud wont fall into heater. I will also purchase also a few extra tubes, and then a glass adapter so i can use it with my glass bong. it fits glass on glass in the downstem, so the water can filter it(which i could care less about) but mainly, its has ice cube catchers, so the vapor will be nice and cool.

i understand the volcano is best, but i cannot afford it. please do not reply saying to buy a volcano, if i sold dope, maybe i could. i don't, i can't. If that is the only vaporizer worth buying, and you have used the easy vape and others, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. i would rather not get one at all, if the one i can afford only works at a much lower efficiency than the volcano. i will continue to use my bong until i can oneday afford a $600 device.

thank you all for your time:cathug:
Dont make the same mistake I did and buy a cheap vape. Sure they work....but not efficiently at all and you never really can get that high off them. Just save your money and use your bong for now until you can afford the volcano. Trust me...if you buy that vape you'll use it twice and it'll sit there collecting dust.

I bought a vape very similiar to that one. I used it about 3 times and put it away in storage. I was useing the same amount of bud i would roll into a blunt and i still wasnt getting toasted. That on top of being a huge pain in the ass everytime you want to toke up. I own a volcano and they just cant compare.


Active member
Build a vape.

Get a Makita variable temp heat gun and a vapor bowl for your bong.

Using ebay, this will probably cost you the same as a cheap whip vape. The quality will be that of a volcano or ... some people like it better (probably due to bong vs. balloon).

mandi paige

get a box style vape,
vape bro, vapor warez ect.. you'll get a good whip, and a good CERAMIC heating element, for not much more

make sure and get a glass or ceramic heating element, other wise it smells and tastes like a soldering iron, which is absolutely useless


Active member
Yeah, super easy, I have built several.

Honestly though, I just prefer using some of my favorite glass with a vapor bowl and the makita. There are other heat gun brands, but, Makita's are cheap and work great.


My first vape was a cheap Chinese knockoff I got on Ebay. It worked for about 2 months and when it died there was no warranty. Just cuz it's cheap doesn't mean it's a bargain.

My extreme vapor tower has lasted thru a year of daily use. It was definitely worth the extra $$$

good drown

Yeah, super easy, I have built several.

Honestly though, I just prefer using some of my favorite glass with a vapor bowl and the makita. There are other heat gun brands, but, Makita's are cheap and work great.
how much are the heat guns?
you got any links to good vapor bowls? i;ve never seen one, dont know how they work, and also don't know what to look for in a "good" one
thanks everyone so far!


Active member
You'd want a Makita HG1100 or something similar (you can get them used).

The vapor bowls look like this link

Prices vary. I've had custom vapor bowls blown for me cheaper than I see online. Check your local headshop.


Active member
To use it, a good vapor bowl connects perfectly to the tip of a heat gun.

I don't really use water in the bong, you don't really need it and that hinders the air flow a bit.

Those variable heat guns are quality. You won't need to buy many of them in your lifetime.


Active member

Oldskool, but this is what it looks like connected to the bowl.

Lord Doobie

^ ha ha ha ha! ^
easy vape's warranty of 5 years is only good from a licensed distributor ($150)
however, it's not been known to crap out immediately like other cheap china knock offs
when it comes to vapes...you get what you pay for
sorry to say there just isn't a highly rated one for $50 except the Vapor Genie which is a whole nother creature
I would suggest the battery operated Launch Box for $100

good drown

ok, so it really does look like a volcano or build my own
good thing for this site!
thanks everyone



Oldskool, but this is what it looks like connected to the bowl.

I made on like that 10+ years ago. The only commercially made ones back then where the stupid soldering iron bowl in an upside down fish bowl ones that didn't work. I like a longer straight tube as opposed to a large chamber so it cools better. The first model I made was a stainless steel shower head on glass water bottle but settled one a bong like tube bent in a 90 with a smaller tube melted into it at the end the the heat gun matched up to that the weed fit into nice.

was that one in High times? I think that is the one I copied.


Active member
hehe, those fish bowls were so horrible.

I just google imaged that picture, I'm not sure where it came from.

I agree with the longer chamber.


Active member
Hello all,

Ihave been banging my new cheap ebay digital vape box with whip.

40 bux delivered and I have been using it daily and I do like it alot. the only thing I did not like from teh start was the mothball odor. It went away after a washing.

For me though it is much easier on my old lungs then my bong.

The high is distinctly different..a much more up high.

I find that I am higher for the same amount smoked in a day then with my bong.

in 33 years of toking this is the first vaporizer I have owned and used for more then a hit or two.

When this one chokes I will upgrade..do not know if a bag style is for me but who knows.

I do remember to turn it off after I am done.

But would be a neat gadget would be a easy on/off timer.



Well-known member
minds_I - don't forget to check out fuckcombustion.com for a lot of info and reviews about many models from actual users, as well as threads by manufacturers and distributors.

nice thread going there now about the healthiness of vaping.

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