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I really like the Cal/Mag product - offers more precision than lime or molasses but it wouldn't work in flower with the Nitrogen level.

Aero rocks look like mini Hydroton which would work great to replace perlite.

For about $50 a 400 gal Aerobag would make great containers for materials, etc, etc, etc.

Im going to try some of them & snag a big jug of the hi-brix also.



Which Roots Organic Soil is he using? I know they have a few different kinds...


That said, I personally would recommend getting some Sunshine Growers Natural and organic and cutting with EWC and perlite, and adding your own amendments, but...If you are looking for something already made this may be a good product..I've never used it..They come in 10 gal ready to grow bags, so just pour it out into smaller containers that you use..

If I bought it, I would probably still cut it with some more perlite and some EWC, and add some equally mixed minerals like azomite/soft rock phosphate/glacial rock dust at 2 cups per bag.



TF- yeah, EJ seems to be going off the deep end for nutes, getting more and more AN by the day..

I like the handles on the pots, but I wonder if those are made from recycled materials or are 100% biodegradable..

I'll stick with the 'root pots' for those reasons..

I also wonder is that soy product made from organic non-gmo soy??

I can't find info on those with google , etc..


Damn! I am loving all the new products that I had no clue existed by EJ. I am curious as to how everyone waters? Both my watering wands have clogged on sprinkler setting within the first 10 seconds. I am afraid to buy a more expensive wand without hearing of others results first. The switchable settings one seems a lot cheaper than a full metal head sprinkler or natural rain wand. I am thinking of getting one of these to replace the switchable head. Does anyone have a wand that works well without getting clogged or recommend a specific wand with large head sprinkler/natural rain drip.
Got the first post updated with the new items & did some organizing on the item list.

There are some cool new items - with over 40 things to choose from the only problem I can see is deciding.

There is no more wondering - the team at EJ now clearly knows what group of growers to focus on.

Rip - Some of those new items look to be more hydro / aero specific than the old line.

MedCo - I have 2 watering setups, 1 5gal container with a small hose connected (slow flow for small plants) & 1 20gal container with a garden hose connected (fast flow for big plants).

Raised above soil level so its flows by gravity & controlled with a on/off valve.

Will take some pics this week sometime.


TF thanks for giving us all the heads up. wouldnt have noticed for a while prob.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
thanks a lot tact. i actually noticed the verde fire last trip to the shop. has a lot more N the the normal grow, so would be nice for a nice punch of N when you need it. i wanted to ask you a question, do you amend your soil with anything? also what kind of soil are you growing in? thanks a lot
No problemo dudes :)

Ive been (making / re-using) my own (soil / compost) for several years now.

I get pretty nutty about diversity & source materials by the truck full.

Been locationally lucky being near ALOT of old maw & paw farms so my main items are (aged) manures.

Mostly cow but some horse, goat, chicken & get bales of alfalfa, clover, buckwheat, etc, from the same folks.

Mix the manure & hay with some cubes of peat, old grass clippings, old dead leaves, local mined rock dust (sand), old pine nettles, mushroom compost, homemade EWC, fresh alfalfa, fresh clover, etc, etc.

Layer the items (lazogni) style in a long mound pile, wetting / activating the material with a strong fungal molasses tea.

Some passes through the mound with the roto tiller once its rotted / cooked & thats basically it.

Run the compost through a screen before use, then soak a handful of the mix overnight to determine roughly how potent it is by looking at the EC & PH.

That compost is my base then cut with aprox 20% perlite & some vermiculite.

Depending on its age - the older stuff will have a lower readings & allow me to add small amounts of dry ferts like blood meal, bone meal, POM starter, POM all purpose, etc, etc.

Currently only using water that I get coming from a mountain spring WAY out in the country.

I dont usually add any lime as it screws my PH up.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
yea it sucks, where i am from i cant get any of that stuff locally, i have to resort going to the one hydro store close to me and i can only get EWC, and they are expensive. since im still learning to ropes, ive been using promix, have been using lcs mix with the guanos, im going to try going just promix and some EWC and see if if that will help, because i have been having some nute and ph problems.
Ive been looking at these 2 new liquid lines & notice how high the K levels are.

Potash / Potassium (npK)

Sweet & Heavy “4 part”

1 Sweet & Heavy Prime – (0-0-1-.5:mag-.1FE)

Formula contains designated macros and micros chelated by selected proteins and phytoacids.

natural molasses
bat and fossilized guano.

2 Sweet & Heavy Grow – (3-1-4)

Formula is a natural sucrose-nitrogen complex designed to provide vigorous green vegetative growth

3 Sweet & Heavy Bloom – (2-6-4)

Formula provides natural sucrose-phosphate complex that targets the production of flowers, fruit and vegetables

4 Sweet & Heavy FINIS - (0-6-3.8)

is an optional finishing formula designed for determinate flowering & fruiting plants. Recommend to use starting at 14 days prior to harvest. Recommend to use with sugar peak BRIXIMUS MAXIMUS.

Sugar Peak “5 part”

1 Leaf Growth Plant Food – (3-1-5)

A convenient 1-part formula crafted for energetic stem and leaf growth for foliage plants and the vegetative stage of flowring and fruiting plants.

2 Flowering Plant Food – (2-4-5)

A convenient 1-part formula designed to effectively maintain fruiting and flowering plants. For high production plants use the Leaf Growth formula during green growth. Change to Flowering formula at budding to stimulate blooming and fruiting.

3 Grand Finale – (0-6-3)

A convenient one-part finishing formula designed for maximising production of determinate flowering and fruiting plants (those that die after one flowering/fruiting cycle).

4 Sugar Peak (Briximus Maximus)– (0-.01-.1)

Ascophyllum nodosum (Bladderwrack seaweed)
potassium sulphate

Foliar feed designed specifically for the last two weeks before harvest to give the plant a boost in those vital final weeks.

5 Sugar Peak Catalyst – (.03-.01-.1) “same NPK & ingredients as old Catalyst”

oat bran
kelp (bladderwrack seaweed)
wheat malt

This premium additive works with your nutrient to encourage compact branching, stimulates opulent fruiting sites, triggers early yields, introduces natural sugars and conditions soils, coco, composts and hydroponic solutions for superior nutrient assimilation for a quantum leap in results. Use throughout all stages of plant growth. Can be used as a finishing formula for plants that die after one flowering/fruiting cycle (determinate plants).

Plus they got the Hi-Brix (0-0-3) - Makes me wonder if the researches are on to something ?

Its late & im not sure where im going with this but thought I would share.


I can see why some people would be nervous about Earth Juice and say things like, its very inconsistent. The reason im saying this is I just picked up a bottle of EJ Grow and its like Play Doh coming out, does this mean I think its a bad batch, NO WAY. Im using it the same as I would any other bottle and its doing the same amazing things :)


I would like to know more about this discovery of yours...
ive been testing my current grow properly for the last couple weeks to get some fresh data to share.

if you do a smell description test on your EJ items - i'll get the thread started :)


Active member
I just figured i'd share something I did recently with Earth Juice.

I was bubbling my tea like a normally do, and I was trying to time it so my pH would swing nicely around 6 right before feeding, well it didn't happen before my lights flipped off.. soooooooo........ A few hours later the pH swung up to where I wanted it(around 6.1) and I knew it was just going to keep rising if I kept on bubbling it, but I wasn't sure what would happen if I stopped bubbling it. So I did, I turned off my pump and let the mix sit on its own for the next 7 hours. When I came back in the morning pH had just barely risen to 6.3-6.4. Plugged the pump back in for a few minutes and began feeding my girls.

Now im kind of wondering some things.. longer term storage in the fridge somehow? I duno.. stoned bloggin'.

So maybe this will be of use to somebody out there. Cheers n Puffs.


Nicoli -

Ive read that you can keep teas for up to a week in the fridge, just make sure you do a smell test on it and it should smell like an old forest / earthy..

Tactical -

Im not sure what you mean smell test...
Good to know that the PH will stay stable if the air is cut off.

Did it take aprox 1.5 days to work its way up to the 6's ?

Seems to me that its stays real low for awhile (1.5 days / 18 hrs) then really quickly rises past 6 & levels out in the mid 7's if left bubbling for about 3 days.

Don't know about storage ?

Loki - I mean take a few tokes, get into the zone, smell the products & describe the oder. lol

Im for real - think its important for users to know to avoid using contaminated / spoiled product.

Don't cheat & look at the one I did before you do yours.

It would be cool to have more guys do it - I can add the descriptions to the items on the first post :)
I have hard water that comes out of the tap at 7.8-8.2 pH. When I add earth juice nutes to it, the ph drops to 5.7-6. After a few hours it is already in the optimal ph range. Should I apply when the ph is perfect or let it brew longer to cultivate more microlife and adjust with ph down?


Frikn -

I would say that would be to you.. When I brew ( Tactical jump in here) I dont brew for PH reasons I brew for the add assistant that brewing offers in breaking down some of the insolubles plus stimulating the "heard", the PH is more of a added benefit then the main reason.. There are a few of us who have said it in past posts, a majority of our watering is, I mix 10 minutes before I feed with what I would assume would be PH of 4 - 4.2, with out issues.

Goes right back to what was said pages ago, make sure you have a healthy soil base to help with the organics.


The smell of the grow ( the play-doh one) is very rich smelling, Im not the best at describing things like that, let me have a few people smell it and that should help..


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Yea Loki, I'm the same way. All the years of partying and smoking cigarettes when I was a kid really killed my sense of smell.



Thats a shame, but I know what you mean. I feel like now would be a great time to ask, when can I start to send PMs?


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
As soon as you hit 50 posts. SEnding you a friend request right now actually.

Edit* actually just realized I can't send you a friend request until you have the fifty posts either. So get on it!! Haha

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