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Earth Juice Microblast H2O ratio for foliar feeding?

Curious what ratio people are using for foliar feeding Microblast. I'm guessing from the label that a 1 tsp per gallon is normal, yet it also says under the heading "foliar"1-2 tsp every 2 to 4 weeks. Not sure what that means.... My plants are a week into flower and from my research seem to be deficient in micronutrients. Does anyone have any familiar scenarios and how do you apply for the best results? I'm guessing again that a foliar feed will show the quickest results. Can you apply too much?? Thanks Good People........

Ganja D

I used use micro blast. You could apply it in your water or use as foliar feed. Just follow direction of how much per gallon and use a little less to be sure at first.
It's awesome as a foliar feed thinking back. I used to mix it with earth juice catylst back in the day. Try mixing a little bloom of whatever your using into you foliar spray as well. Your early enough into flowering it's ok. Try teaspoon per gallon micro blast like you said. Don't worry about the 2-4 weeks. Give em what they need. I remember I used to use it every other watering/feeding until flushing. You're probably safe to use until 4 or 5 weeks into flowering depending on humidity.
Good luck.

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