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Earth Day world wide


ICMag Donor
Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection.

Recall the 1st one, 1970. With a student group of volunteers, we picked up trash in a field not far from a church. Found an unsigned check for the church for $85. Returned it, and started collecting aluminum cans for pocket change.

I recycle regularly, plant many plants for food, recreation, adding oxygen to my environment, numerous house plants to add aesthetic enjoyment, and again add oxygen and moisture to indoor air, as well as removing pollutants.

Rather than starting up the car, if I can walk to errands within a 1.5 mile radius (in town), the benefit although minuscule, helps Mother Earth.

What do you do to help the environment? Let's hear it folks- what routines do you do?


good Karma to ya...im trying to be much more conservative on water use throuout the house


ICMag Donor
good Karma to ya...im trying to be much more conservative on water use throuout the house

Yes, water conservation- that's important. Glad you're doing your part, SMT.

When living in SO CO, I couldn't gather water (rain/snow) as whatever fell from skies belonged to Colorado (state statute until 2016). I did capture for outdoor plants, flowers, etc. at that time. Colorado’s longtime ban on residential rain barrels has come to an end. Now most homeowners in the state are allowed to collect precipitation for later outdoor use.

Gov. John Hickenlooper recently signed House Bill 1005, which allows a maximum of two rain barrels — with a combined capacity of 110 gallons — are allowed at each household. The measure is to took effect on Aug. 10, 2016.

How many keep the faucet running when brushing your teeth? Used to do that (faucet running), but stopped about 20+ yrs ago...water down the drain...it was a habit.


im about ready to stop driving its my biggest impact, but its such a different lifestyle. lucky i can hitchhike, but its hard to bring stuff back and forth. if i had a better society in one place i wouldnt have to drive at all.

i pick up trash usually daily during my adventures with the dog. feels good, makes me feel connected and part of things a little more.
oh, and 90 percent of my diet is not from the store, and 98 percent was grown here.

that truck though, burns gallons. one day at a time.


Active member
The biggest threat to Earth's environment is not even part of the debate and is studiously ignored by almost 100% of the journalists and "environmental activists" in the world. That thing is the population bomb, which, according to the UN, is going to add between 2.5 and 5.2 Billion more people to Earth's population by the end of the century.

The summary:
"""The United Nations (UN) recently released population projections based on data until 2012 and a Bayesian probabilistic methodology. Analysis of these data reveals that, contrary to previous literature, the world population is unlikely to stop growing this century. There is an 80% probability that world population, now 7.2 billion people, will increase to between 9.6 billion and 12.3 billion in 2100. This uncertainty is much smaller than the range from the traditional UN high and low variants. Much of the increase is expected to happen in Africa, in part due to higher fertility rates and a recent slowdown in the pace of fertility decline. Also, the ratio of working-age people to older people is likely to decline substantially in all countries, even those that currently have young populations."""

Yet, the subject is hardly mentioned in 'news' media. There is far more coverage of transgenderism and the latest movies than there is of the population threat. All the green ideas in the world will not save us from collapsing under the weight of another 2 to 5 Billion people.

Earth Day? Until the population threat becomes the #1 news item, concern for the environment is feel-goodism. #1 is being ignored due to wilful blindness. Several billion more people will steam-roll over 'the environment' and cause monumental problems and tragedy, and will kill any attempts at affecting the Earth's atmospheric gasses.


what to do about it treevly, i agree and applaud your words, but how, what?

euthenasia? birth limits like china had?
death clinics like that book? with hot chicks to give the needle...

or just the current food air water poisoning, 5g
etc, seems to be doing something.

breakaway civilizations can work both ways,
poor people can hide away and make small loop systems but unless we all do it together there will be starving and disease. city views cannot be changed. gonna have to be an emotionally colder world to survive.


ICMag Donor
Yes, population is partly the cause.

Decreasing plastics - bags, bottles, containers.

Disease is part of keeping population down, but it's not voluntary. Other ways to conserve, re-use, cut down consumption (products), using less toxic chemicals....we can do our part, albeit a microscopic approach.

Sad to know in the years to come, more plastic than fish will be in the oceans.

Rico Swazi

Active member
close to 7.7 billion people and counting today


I chose early in life to adopt and not to have children of my own. This was back in the early 70s when population was half of what it is today.

The wife and I are empty nesters and generate one 35 gal can of actual garbage every six weeks to two months, most of that is kitty roca (cat turds) The rest is composted or recycled

Our yard is planted with wildflowers to encourage beneficial insects which helps surrounding neighbors use less pesticides. I have seen a little effort on my part goes a long way to benefit others outside of the property line.


Well-known member
Went with a vegan diet over health issues, but was pleased to learn it uses a little less water.
I would whole heartily disagree the world need become an emotionally chillier place if we
are to survive.

I would in fact argue the opposite.

I was originally made aware of the situation through very dry pentagon publications back in
the early eighties.
It would seem this is advancing more rapidly than anything I read predicted.


so then whats the solution to the population thing gry?

i think we will need to be able to compartmentalize so when the vehicle falls apart we have little vehicles and not just junk... idk


Active member
As the UN report points out, the drop in fertility in the Third World has stopped dropping. Every Western country and every western Social Justice Warrior is doing everything possible to prevent mortal disease in the Third World. Fair enough, but they are not having the same luck with birth control, which seems a lesser priority.

A parallel exits with other species: in North America the two mammal species which are most overpopulated are deer and raccoons, each for the same reason: we have killed or greatly reduced the numbers of their predators, and we feed them (incidentally, through agriculture: zillions of acres of corn, soybeans, etc..) Likewise, we try to reduce mortality from disease in the Third World and we give much food aid. The population, not surprisingly, increases. Arithmetic works.

The question, I think, is not "Well, what should we do about those things," but rather, "What will we do when the 2 Billion or 5 Billion people arrive? The problem is that we address these matters with one eye closed and looking in the wrong direction. That won't change.

Rico Swazi

Active member
As the UN report points out, the drop in fertility in the Third World has stopped dropping. Every Western country and every western Social Justice Warrior is doing everything possible to prevent mortal disease in the Third World. Fair enough, but they are not having the same luck with birth control, which seems a lesser priority.

A parallel exits with other species: in North America the two mammal species which are most overpopulated are deer and raccoons, each for the same reason: we have killed or greatly reduced the numbers of their predators, and we feed them (incidentally, through agriculture: zillions of acres of corn, soybeans, etc..) Likewise, we try to reduce mortality from disease in the Third World and we give much food aid. The population, not surprisingly, increases. Arithmetic works.

The question, I think, is not "Well, what should we do about those things," but rather, "What will we do when the 2 Billion or 5 Billion people arrive? The problem is that we address these matters with one eye closed and looking in the wrong direction. That won't change.

deer and raccoons? I don't think so
they forgot to include rats who by the way, are winning the race

"What will we do when the 2 Billion or 5 Billion people arrive?
feed them the rats! World hunger and rat infestation solved!

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
April 22, 1970

I remember it, well.....well, I used to. :chin:

It was something brand new. Back then there was always something new, like...

"four dead in Ohio"


Active member
Implosion Research ( Zero point)... man needs that Feminine Energy to make things and power things ETC... we are exploding everything and need to implode instead